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Originally inspired by beach board, my first image. The water and coral are fantastic in my opinion.
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These underwater pictures lacked any proper names when I created them simply because I didn't know when I would be able to put them up.
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Tropical Nights

Tropical Nights

This is another revamped image. My original was simple buck lacked the realism that this one portrays,
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Wandering in the Rain

The Wanderer

It just HAPPENED to be raining the day I made this, but it was just a coincidence...
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The Wanderer

The Wanderer

A lone traveler walks though thick woods with no particular destination in mind. My experiment with the bryce tree lab. I think it turned out surprisingly well.
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Beach Board

Beach Board

Believe it or not this was my first 3d graphic image I ever made. But ironically theres no waves for the surfboard.

Cactus Rock

Cactus Rocks

This was the 2nd I ever made. I went the opposite direction from Beach Board.

Hawaiian Sunset

Hawaiian Sunset

This one was based on a drawing I did in elementary school. This on isnt actually the right size for a 800x600 wallpaper, but you could use the strech option to fit it if you would like.

Crystal Cave

Crystal Cave

This one was an epic, at first I rendered it for 11 hours, then I accidentally pressed some button when I was about to save it and it turned out I had to start all over again, then 12 hours later, I did it again! But the end result was worth it. Next time I'll remember to lay off the fog and smooth shadows.
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Unfinished Snowman

Unfinished Snowman

Maybe the kids got too cold or something, I love how the footprints came out... Happy Holidays from Images Cubed!
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Zen Rock Garden

Zen Rock Garden

A quiet, tranquil place for you to work.
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Fish Pond, Shiney, Green, WOW!

Fish Pond

The fish didn't quite turn out like I expected, but it all came together in the end.
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The Long and Winding Road...

The Long and Winding Road

You know that song....
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Bamboo Forest, 3d image

Bamboo Forest

This one came out much better than I expected. I first was going to make this "Lost Ball 6" but after I created the scene, it looked good enough for its own image.
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Lagoon Hut

The Lagoon Hut

The water came out just as I wanted, A bit on the long side to render, but it was worth the wait.
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Cherry Orchard

Cherry Orchard

Cool, misty mornings make the rising sun a deep red tint. Very Soothing. This was made on Vue d'Esprit instead of Bryce 5. Let me know if its worse, better, or if you could really care less which one I use.
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