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The Code of Chivalry

A request for "Honor". I'd thought I have already done too many japanese inspired images and decided to try something new.
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Last SAM-R-I

Last Samurai

I liked the idea of this original image, so I revamped my older one with the new software and skills I have accumulated thoughout the years.
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Velvet Rose

Velvet Rose

A soft and delicate rose that holds indescribeable, inspiring beauty. Dedicated to Heather.
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Lift Off

Lift Off

Exploring new frontiers...on your desktop.
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Lava Lamp

Lava Lamp

Sorry haven't updated in a while, been tweaking multiple ideas for an image. Be sure to keep sending me requests!
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This is the product of listening to too much Bob Marley songs. The image is slightly larger than the others because I couldnt sacrific detail without it looking really bad. So be patient when opening this one.
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Lost Ball 1

Lost Ball

Lost Ball 1, the begining of an epic. I wanted to experement with lighting gels and what I ended up creating is a phenomenon.

Lost Ball 2

Lost Ball 2

I tried to make a prequel to Lost Ball 1, but that didnt work out. I like how I got the guy to smack his head because of that lucky and lousy shot.

Lost Ball 3

Lost Ball 3

Now for some extemity to the saga....

Lost Ball 4

Lost Ball 4

I went just the opposite of Lost Ball 3. The ice cracking and the wolves turned out very nicely..

Lost Ball 5

Lost Ball 5

The beginning of the end of it all... or IS IT?

Lost Ball 6, IT RETURNS!

Lost Ball 6

Yes, thats right, its back. I dont even know if this is physically possible, but then again, most of the series isn't. By the way, the logo on the ball says "Long Drive XL".
              800x600   1024x768
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