Why Shakespeare?! Do you have any idea why people are learning the literatures of some yankey village guy who couldn't even spell properly?! Well nor do I. I mean, thanks to him we have to learn degrading words such as is't, dum'st, pignut, fartdutt or something like that. Seriously, I'm not a big Shakespeare fan so I don't really know, but once you read one of his plays, you'll know what I mean.
The FMA. Those dumb asses
Worst Jokes Ever from Yahooligans
Experiments and Activities...
This page is about how Education sux serious ass. Enjoy, stupid geoshitties, you happy?!?!
Mr. Jaffaguy
Education is important in life, now that we have machines to do most of the hard labour work, we need education to be intelligent enough to operate these machines, and so we can be as lazy as we can! But there are some subjects in school, which I find quite pointless, like krappy GRS...
1. Why is the sky blue?
For the safety of epileptic people
2. What does Roy G. Biv stand for?
Roy G. Biv
3. What are the primary colours?
I have to ask my mother that
4. What are the secondary colours?
Colours that come 2nd, right?!
5. What happens when you shine white light through a prism?
6. What percentage of the light spectrum can we see?
Some percentage
7. What does RGB stand for?
Dunno, but RPG is Role Playing Game
8. What does CMYK stand for? How is that different from RGB?
Dunno, but I know CKY
9. What color do you get when you mix red and yellow? blue and yellow? blue and red?
Dunno, but I hear mixing Mustard, ketchup and mayonaise in your burger does well. Mmmmm... McDonalds...
10. What is ultraviolet light?
... Can't think of an answer... Aah! Your mama!!
Whats in my Edu Homeroom ass thing:
Answers to your Questions:
-- Business Studies: Read Chapter 4, on topic "How to topple the Jaffa cakes company"

-- Business Studies: Read Chapter 1, on topic "How a sore ass loser like Bill Gates could've got 100% of the computer market instead of just around 95%"

-- Maths: Count the number of underwear you have in your drawer and multiply that by the number of "pie". If the answer's 25 and above, then it means you have some problems

-- Citizenship Studies: Give your teachers some ideas on how they can bore their students to death during GRS lessons, having fun or learning something important is the last thing they'll ever want you to do.

-- Animal Rights:(If you want to) Join the FMA (Freedom Monkey Alliance) to fight for the right of monkeys, where monkeys have been struggling to eat KFC and McDonalds freely, with no sign or rule of "No Animals"
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