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What would you do?!

I, Isa, would always like to know what the visitors of my site, meaning you, what y'all would do in the following situations, just as a way to get to know my fellow visitors better.
First, a bit about you:
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So, what would you do?!:
1. Your at the mall with your mom and you see some of your hot guy/girl friends, so you stop to talk to them. Your mom see's them and says "Are these your little friends honey???" You:
a. say "Yep" and introduce her to them
b. say "who are you" and totally ignore her
c. walk/run away from them and never talk to those guys/girls again

2. Your at the mall with your mom and she's looking for underwear. Suddenly you turn around and see she has underwear on her head. You:
a. laugh hysterically and fall to the floor
b. grab them off her head and say "what are you doing? are you trying to be funny or something??"
c. walk away and pretend like you don't know her

3. You are in the bathroom at the mall, there isnt any toilet paper in the stall and you just took a major crap! You ask your mom/dad in the next stall for some but it's not them. You:
a. say "Oh sorry I thought you were someone else"
b. wait until you hear her leave and then come out beet red
c. run out of the bathroom as quick as possible

4. You and your dad go out to dinner one night and he starts flirting with the waitress. When you and your dad get up to leave the whole table cloth comes off the table because by accident your dad tucked it into his pants. You:
a. just laugh and say "That's my dad!"
b. fast walk to the bathroom, stay there for a few minutes and then finally come out and go to the car where your dad is waiting for you
c. walk out of the restaurant and walk home

5. You are talking on the phone with your crush and your sibling says "I did your compatability test with(your crushes name)!" Your crush hears this. You:
a. say to your crush "I really like you I think we should go out!!!"
b. say to your sibling "what the hell are you talking about?" and start talking about something else to your crush
c. hang up the phone and hope that they don't call back
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