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The World Conflicts Documents Project is in memory of

J.C. Turks


Home > Articles

A selection of articles of the World Conflicts Documents Project. For a complete consultation you can go to the Archives section or use the special function of inside search. It is also available a method of Advanced Search to improve its results.

  • Louis XIV by Marco Crosetto. The life of the French sovereign who knew how to not only change the European history, but also its artistic taste, technology and, in general, culture. NEW!
  • The secret weapons of the Luftwaffe by Lucas Turks During World War II the German scientists created weapons among the most advanced ones seen until that moment. Unfortunately for them, it was too late in order to avoid the German defeat.
  • The Fall of the Conservatism by Francesco Riva The war in Crimea and its consequences on the reactionary politics of the strong continental Powers in Europe of XIX century.
  • The D-Day by Francesco Riva and Lucas Turks. The democracies full of chatters, as Hitler had defined them, completed an adventure to the limit of the unbelievable: they organize an invasion that never in precedence, neither after that moment, employed so many men with an only purpose: to free Europe. The invasion of Normandy seen with the eyes of the Germans and the Allies.
  • Small Titans by Simone Pelizza. The first armored battle of the history during World War 1. The first clash among tanks happened on the western front in proximity of Villers Bretonneux among British and German units. The strength, the planning and the curiosities of the invention of this modern weapon.
  • The sixties in the United States by Giuseppe Lojacono.
    Social crisis and racial revolt in the U.S.A. The attempt of demolition of the traditional culture and the institutions gone out of the second world war.
  • The illusions of the Duce by Simone Pelizza. The rash declaration of war against France and the “parallel war” conducted from Italy in the second world war. The loss of the colonial empire and the ruinous war of Greece.
  • Napoleon by Antonino Spoto. The life, the military campaigns, the misteries.
  • The Tired Emperor by Lucas Turks. The life of the Austrian emperor Francis Joseph who conducted the fates of the empire since 1848 until its nemesis during the First World War.
  • The 1948 Italian Elections by Simone Pelizza. The first elections of the Italian Republic between desires and dangers.
  • An Unlucky Legend by Raul Larroque. Planning and operational life of the German airplane Messerschnitt Bf 109.
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