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In Memory

The World Conflicts Documents Project is in memory of

J.C. Turks


Home > How to join the Project

The World Conflicts Documents Project is born from an idea of Lucas Turks that in January 1998 started to create this web site. His main purpose was to give a simple mean with which to understand history, military and not. Who wants to help our group can freely do it.

The conditions that must be accepted to collaborate are the followings:

  1. The articles have to consist in original creations of those people who affirm to be its authors. Any integral reproductions of work won't be accepted without the express consent of the original author. All articles and documentation that is not owned by third parts will be distributed under the conditions of the GNU Free Documentation License.
  2. The violation of the copyright won't be imputable for any reason to the physical or juridical persons that manage the site. The present site is not subject to the obligations of the the law of the Italian Republic number 47 of 2/8/1948, because it is entirely published on-line, without printed correspondent and without purpose of profit. Neither to law number 62 of March 7, 2001 because the site is entirely hosted and mantained outside Italy.
  3. The utilization of photographic material must be accompanied by the precise indication of the holder (or of the presumed holder) of the copyright and those people who furnish it without having his preventive authorization have to remain at disposition of the authors who required it.
  4. Every contribution to the World Conflicts Documents Project is acceptable only if furnished at free title and without ties of any type even if deriving from societies, foundations or other corporate entities having or having not the juridical personality.
  5. The physical or juridical persons who manage the site reserved the possibility to remove completely or partly the furnished material with the documented request of the legitimate authors.
  6. The maintenance of every written or photographic contribution furnished to the Project will be entirely in electronic form. For the publication on the press, the approval of the author and of other possible holders of the copyright will be necessary.

If you consent to every condition above listed and you are interested in writing about history or you want to furnish some original documentation to the WCDP, contact us directly at the following e-mail address: [email protected]

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