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World War 1

World War 2

  • www.ww2incolor.com (In English) World War 2 pictures in color provides a large range of color pictures from various sources about WW2. The images are both in public domain and copyrighted. New!
  • www.v2rocket.com (in English) Everything you want to know about the famous German rockets used against the Great Britain during the Second World War.
  • www.achtungpanzer.com (in English). It has a bad inside system of navigation, but the material that can be retrieved about the German armored units it is wonderful.
  • www.bolchazy.com/hitler/index.html (in English). It is a commercial site that publicizes a book containing all the discourses of Hitler since 1933 to 1945. Some texts can be freely downloaded.
  • www.iol.net.au/~conway/2nd4th/index.html (in English) Finally a simple site where it is said nothing more than what is promised. It traces the 2nd and 4th Australian division's history during WWII. It is useful to have an idea of scenarios of war often neglected.
  • www.accessweb.com/users/rberznicki (in English). A good site about Italian Campaign during WW2. Wonderful material about the battle of Cassino.
  • www.decima-mas.net (in Italian) Everything about the famous Italian unit X mas. The subject is explored with ability and historical accurancy.
  • arse.freeweb.org (in Italian). This site would have to be a forced stop for whoever believes that the second world war has been a conflict deprived of advanced technology. All secret weapons of the Third Reich and Japan, analyzed in detail technical cards accompanied by exhaustive photos.

Modern Conflicts

  • http://www.cyprus-conflict.net/Table%20of%20Contents.htm The following is a most extensive website about the Cyprus conflict, which has been ongoing for half a century now. It is as objective as possible, full of articles by British, American, Turkish, Greek, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot writers. It has a summary (named "Main Narrative") that is long enough to take a couple of hours to read, and has links to relevant articles of the same site through its text. An excellent description for the most complicated conflict in history.
  • library.advance.org/18730/gallery/riots/indonesia.htm (in Italian). Site that offers images on the more recent world conflicts.
  • www.wtj.com (in English) A Web Magazine about military history. Good articles, excellent photos. Useful also for students.
  • worldatwar.net (in English) Through articles, links, books and whatever else it is opened a window on the period from Conference of Versailles until Korea War (1918/1952). Cultural and historical precision.
  • library.thinkquest.org/18730/ (in English) A site about the modern World Conflicts with a special approach to the so-called “forgotten wars”.
  • www.naval-history.net (in English) Great site about Royal Navy and U.S. Navy since World War 1 until Falklands’ war.
  • allserv.rug.ac.be/~sdconinc/waternet/ (in English) An original site about the role of the water supplies in the Arab-Israeli wars and North African actual situation.


  • www.arpnet.it/assam/ (in Italian) Web site of the Association for the Studies of Military History and Architecture (A.S.S.A.M.). Essential in its contents, but of valuable interest for the matter.
  • www.fighter-planes.com (in English) Descriptions and images on hundreds of fighters airplanes from the dawns of the aviation until our days.
  • www.tripod.com/pod_central/pods/historians If you want to join a community where the central argument is history, this is the right place. Give a look to Tripod.
  • www.novecento.org (In Italian) An attempt to create a web tool for teaching history of 20th Century. I won’t give judgement on it. You can visit the site and make up your mind.
  • www.etruria.net/cedom/index-doc.html (in Italian). A rarity. It has a good documentation about the law of war. It has a debatable interface of consultation, but the matter is decidedly well cared.
  • www.militaryheritage.com (in English) All what you can desire about the Napoleonic period.
  • www.perseus.tufts.edu (in English) There are no words to describe this site. An immense collection of texts also in original language on the ancient Greek and Roman culture .
  • www.geocities.com/timeerrol/index.html (in English) This site about World history can be rated with a good A. It also refers to literature. You find articles, documents and some valuable images.
  • www1.bologna2000.it (in Italian). An endless source of election campaigning posters and other documents about Italian politics of 20th century.
  • www.analisidifesa.it (in Italian and English) A good magazine about defence and conflicts in modern days. Actual articles and news. An excellent choice.
  • www.spazzaparola.net/spazzaparola.htm (in Italian). According to the definition that this site gives about itself, we are in front of a virtual magazine of literary passions. Its field of interest notably varies and it is dealt only incidentally with history, doing it, however, with skill and ample use of on-line resources. Recommended to all those people who love reading.
  • www.geocities.com/arcigno.geo/Italiani_in_Egitto.htm (in Italian) The history of the Italian emigration in Egypt, with stories, documents and images.

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