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Home > Archives > Israel and the Yom Kippur Conflict > Photos

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Map of the Yom Kippur war in the Golan

Illustration of the operations on the highlands of the Golan.

In Red the movements of the 7th Israeli Armouerd Brigade.

In Orange the moves of other Israeli troops.

In Green the advance of the Arabic formations

Syrian T-55
The carcass of a Syrian T-55 just before a previously destroyed Israeli Command.
Israeli troops near Damascus
Israeli trucks on the road to Damask. Next to the total victory, the army of Jerusalem halted its own advance.
Egyptian POW
Egyptian prisoners on a truck, while they are being conducted to the fields of detention after the battles of the Sinai.
Israeli Soldiers
The victorious Israeli soldiers exult after so many difficulties.
The Syrian premier Assad
The Syrian leader Assad was one of the craftsmen of the war of the Yom Kippur, but he had no advantages from it. Contrarily, the Israeli counteroffensive forced the Syrian army to an unexpected retreat, surrendering land to the adversary.
Golda Meir and Sadat
The other two great protagonists of the conflict were the Israeli Golda Meir and the Egyptian Sadat who resulted the true winner, at least on diplomatic level.

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