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Batman by Alex Ross (poster)

    Personal Details

    • Status: Active
    • Alter Ego: Bruce Wayne
    • Marital Status: Single
    • Known Relatives: ()
    • Group Affiliation: Justice League of America
    • Base of Operations: The Batcave, Gotham City
    • Height: 6' 2"
    • Weight: 210 lbs
    • Hair: Black
    • Eyes: Blue


    First Impressions

    Like Aquaman Batman is an imposing and silent figure, but unlike his aquatic ally Batman is for more threatening. If your not a threat then it will appear as if he's ignoring you, but he will have noticed you. He's weighted you up and has already devised at least a dozen non-lethal ways of defeating you. If he speaks then there will be no trace of an accent, no clue as to who he really is. This all assumes that your meeting the Batman during the day - outside of his natural habitat. However if you encounter him on the darkened streets of Gotham City all your likely to see is the black billowing mass of his cape vanishing from view.


    There is a city in the north of the United States by the name of Gotham. Once a major industrial centre it was hit badly by the Great Depression and has never really recovered. Crime rates rose, corrupt officials and despair set in despite the best efforts of the original Green Lantern and Black Canary. The darkness had taken the city and it would take a Dark Knight to reclaim it.

    Bruce Wayne is the Batman, a man with a mission, not of vengeance but a long term plan to rid Gotham from the evil that holds it. As a philanthropist he supports charities and bodies that seek to rehabilitate criminals while as the Batman he removes those that persist in offending. Those in the suburbs and country consider him an urban legend, yet the transient criminal population of Gotham and the country know him from rumour and bitter experience.

    As a member of the Justice League the Batman is the brains behind the operation, only occasionally does he take a fully active part in missions. He prefers to act as an advisor and a one man think tank. The only member of the team that he fully trusts is Superman because he the nearest to a professional amongst them.

    Recent Developments

    The events of No Man's Land has taught the Batman that he needed to back to basics (a new costume based on his original) and that his crusade need not be a lone one (an increased willingness to work with his prot駩es). He also has to cope with the ramifications of the rebuilding of Gotham (including a new foe in the form of Lex Luthor). All his gains have been threatened by his own paranoia when Ra's Al Ghul used Batman's own protocols against the JLA, if they will ever fully trust him again remains to be seen.


    Mentally and physically trained to the limits of human capacity (a master detective and martial artist, a world class scholar and Olympic level athlete); vast highly-advanced technological arsenal (e.g. Utility belt, Batmobile, Batarangs, the Batcomputer, etc.)


    In an open fight the Batman will divide the opposition taking out the weaker henchmen hard and fast to allow him to concentrate on the more powerful leaders. He will stick to the shadows, using the element of surprise where ever possible and will often take out an opponent with the first blow. Against more powerful opponents he will stun them with projectiles or targeted blows and then allow one of his more powerful teammates to finish them off. He will make use of every weakness that an opponent displays - it should be remembered that he is the man who single handedly defeated half the Hyperclan.



    Batman considers that he works best alone and only works with the League because he considers that they need him. Such an attitude can produce severe conflicts between teammates. Green Lantern is scared stiff of him and Wonder Woman finds him excessively arrogant. The Flash is the most relaxed around him as he knows him via Nightwing and has little fear of him. The Martian Manhunter has seen the demons inside Batman's head and generally respects his privacy. Of all the Leaguers it is his diametric opposite, Superman, who knows him best. Superman is the closest that Batman has to a friend, they work well together and are open about their secret identities with each other. Their conversations will often turn into a battle of wits - each trying to prove that his methods are the best.


    Nightwing (Dick Grayson - the first Robin), Robin III (Tim Drake, Batman's latest prot駩), Oracle (Barbara Gordon - the League's information source and former Batgirl)


    The Joker (an insane clown, was a member of the Injustice Gang), Ra's Al Ghul ("the demon's head", an ecoterrorist devoted to removing humanity from the Earth)

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    The Captain's Unofficial JLA Homepage X. December 2000. WEBMASTER: Jason Kirk ([email protected]). The Justice League, the Justice Society, related icons and images are copyright DC Comics or their original creators/artists and are used without permission. This site is non-profit making and in no way exists to defraud the original artist/writers/owners of the discussed material - it is a work in homage and it is hoped that it is seen as such. Displayed on a reusable monitor.

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