The Captain's Justice League Homepage

Cover Page

The New Era

The JLA Ages

Worlds of the Multiverse

The Justice Files


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The Pantheon

Active Members

All Members

Animal Man
Atom II
Big Barda
Black Canary II
Blue Beetle II
Blue Devil
Blue Jay
Booster Gold
Captain Atom
Captain Marvel
Crimson Fox
Doctor Fate I
Doctor Fate II
Doctor Light III
Elongated Man
Firestorm I
Flash II
Flash III
Flash VI
General Glory I
Green Arrow I
Green Arrow II
Green Lantern II
Green Lantern IV
Green Lantern V
Hawkgirl I
Hawkman I
Hawkman II
Hawkman III
Hawkwoman I
Hourman III
Huntress II
Ice Maiden I
Martian Manhunter
Mister Miracle II
Phantom Stranger
Plastic Man
Power Girl
Ray II
Red Tornado II
Resurrection Man
Rocket Red #4
Rocket Red #7
Silver Sorceress
Steel II
Steel III
Tasmanian Devil
Tomorrow Woman
Wonder Woman I
Wonder Woman III

Aquaman I
Aquaman I - Orin/Arthur Curry II
Founding member, joined JLA MIDSUMMERS NIGHMARE #3

King of Atlantis, Monarch of the Seven Seas and custodian of the Atlantian Chronicles. Orin is the acknowledged ruler of Earth's oceans, he can communicate with sea-life via the "Clear" and is physically adapted to operating in the ocean depths. In recent years he has become bombastic and more than a little gruff making the younger heroes wary of him.

Morrison Quote: "He's a basic one. Aquaman is king of the seas and lord of the oceans in a figurative and literal sense. I want to use him a lot more, so we'll see him in the Watchtower a lot more often as he becomes a major player in the league."

Waid Quote: " I'm always scrambling for a way to place him in the story. His royal background is similar to Wonder Woman. So their relationship will be...a subject for examination. "

Batman I - Bruce Wayne
Founding member, joined JLA MIDSUMMERS NIGHMARE #3

President of Wayne Industries and Chairman of the Wayne Foundation. Considered to be an urban legend by many he is the de facto-guardian of Gotham City. Believed to be amongst the top five martial artists in the world and the world's greatest detective. Batman recently revealed his secret identity to the rest of the League in an effort to rebuild trust after the events of the "Tower of Babel" storyline.

Morrison Quote: "He fills the role of the lord of the underworld. It allows us to keep him on Earth more, rather than on the Watchtower, which is in the 'heavens'. He's the dark god connected to the underworld."

Waid Quote: " He's the brain trust of the group, the master strategist. He's the one you want at your side when there's a fight."

Flash III
Flash III - Wally West
Founding member, joined JLA MIDSUMMERS NIGHMARE #3

As Kid Flash he was a founder of the Teen Titans and progeny of Barry Allen (Flash II). He assumed the mantel of the Flash upon the death of Allen. Link to the "Speed Force" makes him the fastest man alive.

Morrison Quote: "The speedster and messenger of the gods. He was a pretty easy fit with the Greek pantheon."

Green Lantern V
Green Lantern V - Kyle Rayner
Founding member, joined JLA MIDSUMMERS NIGHMARE #3

Freelance artist and graphic designer. Possessor of the last Oan power ring. Assumed identity of Green Lantern after the destruction of the Guardians by Hal Jordan. Initially inexperienced he has since proven himself to fellow JLA members as their equal.

Morrison Quote: "The young god of light. Again, like the Flash, this was an easy one to fit in, and it ties in pretty well with Kyle's powers and place on the team."

Waid Quote: "He's the point-of-view character for the readers. He's just a regular guy who can't believe he's playing with the Beatles. "

Martian Manhunter
Martian Manhunter - J'onn J'onzz
Founding member, joined JLA MIDSUMMERS NIGHMARE #3

Sole survivor of the planet Mars. He was brought to Earth by a teleportation ray and has spent decades undercover in an entire legion of assumed identities. Went public following the debut of Superman and was a founding member of the original JLA. He has been a JLA member longer than any other hero and serves as the heart of the team.

Morrison Quote: "He's not strictly on the team anymore. He'll be taking an advisory capacity. He wants to put more effort into becoming the superhero for the southern hemisphere, which is what's he's been becoming. I'd like to see him get a series of his own."

Waid Quote: "Because of his alien nature, he's never a strong leader when there's someone like Batman or Superman around. But he's the best second-in-command amd right-hand-man ever. "

Plastic Man
Plastic Man - Eel O'Brian
Assisted against the Injustice Gang, joined JLASF #2

A reformed petty criminal he operates as a private detective with partner Woozy Winks. Recruited by the Batman to infiltrate the Injustice Gang as the Joker. He was later granted full membership during the League's reorganisation. He has the ability to shape his body into any form that he can imagine and often serves as the League's comic relief.

Waid Quote: "I think he's a terrific comedy relief character and a great addition to the group. "

Superman I
Superman - Kal-El/Clark Kent
Founding member, joined JLA MIDSUMMERS NIGHMARE #3

Sole survivor of the technologically advanced planet Krypton. He was rocket to Earth in an artificial womb and was raised by Kansas farmers as Clark Kent. Feeling a responsibility to use his vast powers to protect others he created the Superman identity in order to protect his adopted parents and friends. Now he has become one of the most important people in human history and is the leader of the JLA and Earth's metahuman community.

Morrison Quote: "Obviously, he's Zeus in the sense that he's the leader, and the father figure of the gods."

Waid Quote: "He's the leader, the one everybody trusts. He's also the conscience of the League. "

Wonder Woman I
Wonder Woman I - Diana
Founding member, joined JLA MIDSUMMERS NIGHMARE #3

Avatar and agent of the Olympian gods. She was created out of clay by Queen Hippolyta of Paradise Island and was given life by the Olympian Gods. As an adult she became their ambassador in Patriarch's World seeking to spread a message of love and peace. For a time she joined her mentors as Diana, Goddess of Truth but has since relinquished her position to return to the role of Wonder Woman.

Morrison Quote: "While she isn't Superman's [Zeus] wife as she was in Greek myth, she is nearly his equal in terms of strength and respect."

Waid Quote: "She's a living paradox-the warbringer here to create peace. Just like in Kindgom Come, we'll play with that paradox a lot. "

[Return to The New Era]

The Captain's Unofficial JLA Homepage X. December 2000. WEBMASTER: Jason Kirk ([email protected]). The Justice League, the Justice Society, related icons and images are copyright DC Comics or their original creators/artists and are used without permission. This site is non-profit making and in no way exists to defraud the original artist/writers/owners of the discussed material - it is a work in homage and it is hoped that it is seen as such. Displayed on a reusable monitor.

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