

Character Info

The Jedi Way
Theme Music


Temple Layout



The Beginning

It's been 17 years since the death of the Emperor and the subsequent defeat of the Galactic Empire at Endor. There has been much turmoil and conflict in the galaxy since, but one shining beacon of hope has shone through the darkness: The Jedi.

Luke Skywalker established an Academy on Yavin 4, and began training students. He had no idea how many beings would actually enroll in this academy, and almost as soon as he had trained a student to Jedi Master status, they were in turn teaching their skills to a new generation.

This is the case for Michael Strife. Formerly of the New Republic Military, he spent many years on an Elite team. He retired and began to focus on his Jedi abilities. Skywalker saw a lot of promise in Strife, and decided to use one of the other temples on Yavin 4 to house a new branch of the academy.

This is where our game takes place. Strife has a group of students eager to learn the ways of the Force, as well as themselves...

The Black Armored Bounty Hunter

During a training session, the Strife branch of the academy was attacked without warning by a bounty hunter clad in black armor, wielding a repeating blaster cannon and thermal detonators, sporting a ysalamiri on his back. The students were helpless, and Mike was away doing cave trials.

Upon his return, Mike found three dead students, and a lot of stolen lightsabers. Now spurred into action by the mourning and blame of the other students, Mike and his apprentices went to Nar Shaddaa to track down rumors of someone buying lightsabers.

Finding the bounty hunter defenseless in a hangar, they quickly squeezed his employer's name: Gortrad the Hutt. Paying a visit to the slimy business...thing on Ord Mantell, they soon found out their true opponent: The Dark Lord of the Sith.

The Dark Lord and Company

Arriving on Korriban a few days later, the group found themselves confronting the new Dark Lord of the Sith, Palvan, and his apprentices--one for each of them. Mike quickly engaged Palvan, while the rest of the students started their own deadly battles soon afterward.

Slaying their opponents in a quick and decisively intelligent battle, the students awaited their teacher's return. Bruised, bloody, but victorious, Mike handed them each a coin. The students had advanced from Apprentice Jedi to Journeyman. A rank higher and spirits much moreso, they headed home to Yavin VI for some well-deserved rest.


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