Sailor Neptune

Sailor Neptune Kaioh Michiru
Japanese Name Kaioh Michiru
Translation King of the Ocean (??)
English Name Michelle
Birthday March 6
Astrological Sign Pisces
Blood Type O
Favorite Color Marine Blue
Hobbies Swinmming, Painting, Playing
the Violin, Collecting Cosmetics
Favorite Food Sashimi (sushi)
Least Favorite Food Kikurage (a kind of mushroom)
Favorite Subject Music
Worst Subject None
Strong Points Swimming
Attacks Deep Submerge, Submarine
Reflection, Neptune Violin Tide*
Has Trouble With Sea Cucumbers, Immature People
Dream To Be A Violinist
Favorite Gemstone Aquamarine

* In the manga only.

Michiru is a high school student at Muguen Gauken High School and appears in Sailor Moon S, along with Tenoh Haruka. She and Haruka become friendly with Serena, Raye, Amy, Lita, Mina, and Rini. Mina and Serena thought that Haruka was a boy when they first met her, and thought that Michiru was Haruka's girlfriend.
Michiru is a calm, sweet person and is very talented. She is a famous violin player, and an excellet swimmer. She is also very rich and appears to live with Haruka. She and Haruka have an loving relationship that is very controversial in the Sailor Moon series. Haruka gets very jealous with Michiru when guys hit on her, but Michiru thinks that it is cute. She and Haruka also have secret identities as Sailor Senshi.

Like the other characters in Sailor Moon, Michiru is also a Sailor Senshi, Sailor Neptune. She found her inner power before SMS, and saved Haruka from a demon. She knew that Haruka was a Senshi too, Sailor Uranus. This is when they both became partners in the fight against evil. Sailor Neptune's powers come from the deep sea. Sailor Uranus's powers come from the sky and earthquakes. There are also two other Outer Senshi, Sailor Pluto(Meioh Setsuna) and Sailor Saturn(Tomoe Hotaru). Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are on a mission to find the sacred talismans; trapped inside the pure hearts of 3 different people. Once they find all three talismans, they can put together the "Holy Grail" and give it to its rightful owner (it is later found out to be Sailor Moon) so they could save the world.

It turns out that Neptune carries the Aqua Mirror, Uranus carries the Space Sword, and Pluto carries the Garnet Orb.

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