How to Prevent Dengue Fever?

Do the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout and you can prevent Aedes Mosquito from breeding and stop the spread of Dengue Fever:

1. Change water in vases and pot bowls regularly as well as put insecticides.

2. Remove water from flower pot plates regularly.

3. Turn over all storage containers like pails.

4. Tell your parents to cover all bamboo holders when not in use.

5. If you are living in a landed house, tell your parents to clear blockages and put BTI insecticide in roof gutters monthly.

By clearing out areas that can contain stagnant water, you can prevent the breeding of Aedes Mosquitos and stop the spread of Dengue Fever.

It's Our Lives, It's Our Fight. Let's do the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout!

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