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Boiled Peanuts

In road-way stands throughout the South
Are fruits and veggies to tempt the mouth.
But one specialty, besides melons and cane,
Is nuts; called Boil'd Peanuts by name.
What is this regional epicurean delight
That causes some to go looking, even at night?

Often sold in a small, brown paper sack
For only a quarter; five to a green-back.
They're to be eaten as soon as they're got
Best of all, when still piping hot.
Shells and all, goes in the mouth, with a smile
And nothing comes out (least not for a while.)

Properly dried and free of sand
These goobers are prizes that tempt any man.
"How do you prepare 'em?" You ask if bold.
"A method from generations past." You're told.
Boiled in a black pot, called a cast iron kettle
Somehow makes the nut, fit as a fiddle.

A pot with water and salt aplenty, is set
To cook this goober until the shell's soaking wet.
Turn up the heat and bring to a boil
In the kettle; stew this nut from the soil.
The salt penetrates and gives a new flavor,
And cooking produces a texture you?ll savor.

Let them dry just a bit and cool on the way
It's a treat from the South to be enjoyed each day.
It's a nutritionist dream marriage
With nourishment packaged in the midst of roughage.
So as you drive along side roads and see a small stand
Stop! Here's a treat offered to please any man.

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