
April 2003 : New layout. Of course, I made it green this time because we're through with blue, green, pink/red, yellow, and grey. So, why not green?

You can email me or sign the guestbook/book2 - Jessica


JULY 3, 2004 no plans on updating this website. New tagboard. Sign the guestbook. Lots of broken images. Geocities deleted my other website. Bleh.

November 10, 2003 The votes are in. From the previous poll, anyway. What did you guys think of The Matrix Revolutions? A lot of people noted that The Matrix Trilogy should've ended in the first one. I agree. Anyway, here's a new poll.

After seeing ALL Matrix movies, which is the BEST?
The Matrix!
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
All of them, actually
Tsk. Waste of money.
Keanu is still a dork.

Current Results
Free Web Polls

Lots of people were blown away by the special effects, but are the effects worth the confusing plot? Anyway, you decide. Say what you want through the tag board on your right :D
- 6:21 PM

October 24, 2003 Happy Halloween, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all the other holidays which I'm sure I won't be able to greet you all. Another new wallpaper complete with start up/shut down sound files. Problem is, the wallpaper is not Keanu related. Again. Smallville :D And it's only for 1024x768 monitors. That's all. Toodoloo.
- 10:37 PM

July 6, 2003 Belated Happy Independence Day to everyone in America! New wallpaper. NOTHING WITH KEANU. Hehe. Come see. Oh, Harry Potter. *wonderful* Send me mail, why don't ya!
- 10:32 AM

May 26, 2003 Polls are irritatingly fun. Make sure to vote in all polls! Still haven't seen the Matrix. Probably won't. Hehe.

Which is the better Matrix movie?
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
Have to see the Revolutions first...
Are you kidding me? None!
Keanu is a dork.

Current Results
- 8:08 PM

May 20, 2003 Still haven't seen The Matrix Reloaded. I'm not that even looking forward to watching it... W.I.T.C.H.?
- 10:17 AM

Time Asia, May 12 '03 May 12, 2003 Whooops. Sorry it took so long to upload this Time cover. I had to scan the magazine. I know I could just rip it off in any other site, but this time... I have time! Click the image to make it bigger. But it wouldn't help that much. Hehe.

I didn't read everything about the Matrix. Sure, I am excited but a billion of those itsy bitsy words make me a bit dizzy. All I know is May 15, 2003 is the showing here (and in almost all of the whole wide world), they reviewed the game, they reviewed the movie, lots of kick ass pictures and that Neo is a "subversive Superman"... but not enough Keanu pictures to last a lifetime. Oh well. I do not think he is superman. Or maybe when I see the movie I'll agree to that. But for the mean time, I think Tom Welling is superman. Young superman. Grab a copy of Time, or just read the full story online. Gotta jet.
- 8:56 AM

April 30, 2003 I want this magazine. But I think this is a men's magazine. I don't know, my mom likes Keanu too (although she won't admit) and when she saw his face, I thought she was going to buy it. But then she noticed the name of. GQ. Gentlemen's Quarterly. I think she thought it would be like an FHM thing. Whatever. I'll just figure out a way to buy it. He looks dweeby in the cover, not gorgeous, ya know? Anyway, bye for now. Check the polls, for fun!
- 10:46 AM

April 14, 2003 I placed a tag board on the right side of almost all pages in this website. So if you have any random stuff you want to shout out, then feel free to put your message! Or the guestbook, it's pretty lonely! I also have a new poll. Polls are beginning to be quite fun. In a weird way. You can still answer the poll below, and also the old polls found on this page. I'm also searching high and low for new pictures to be added to the Gallery and maybe more ideas for a wallpaper.

Hey, it's summer and it's freaking hot in here!!

- 2:15 PM

April 9, 2003 I'm thinking of adding "stuff". Does anyone want to exchange links? I'm going to put up new banners soon. Oh yeah, new POLLS! I'm also looking for a poll site without too much banners and ads. The ones that are in that page are too much... too flashy! anyway, here's a test poll.

Who is Keanu's Best on-screen Partner?

Current Results

- 10:41 AM

April 5, 2003 Success! New layout. New clippings. New wallpapers. Almost new everything except the bio hasn't been changed. There is still no Movie Review page. Ohmeohmy. Needs more tweaking! Now, tell me what you think. New guestbook image too. Whooh.
- 10:36 PM

April 2, 2003 new layout soon. and NEW wallpapers! not Keanu, though. but check it out, anyway!
- 10:54 PM

October 25, 2002 uh. no updates. i'll do picture gathering soon. and wallpaper stuff. whatever. contribute links too :D Junioooors!!! and ehem. Oasis concert bloody cancelled. I heard Dogstar will do a show here, Philippines. not sure, i just heard that. haha. where did i hear that? aba malay ko. paki mo.
- 9:49 PM

August 30, 2002 if there's anyone out there who doesn't know how to go around this site, shame on you. the menu is right below. i'm soo sorry if it's too far. really i am. whatever. it's an image map, clear as day.

after almost a WHOLE month of no updates (because the new layout was already too much. haha :D), i created a new links category. it's for yahoo groups or email groups, related to Keanu, of course. check it out.
- 7:14 PM

July 14, 2002 before i forget, new wallpaper!
- 2:25 PM

July 13, 2002 links have been updated :) send in yours, if you like!
- 1:23 PM

July 11, 2002 NEW LAYOUT!!!!!! tell me what you think! or the guestbook. flattery is highly encourageable. but a reminder: there are no new things put up, YET. uh, except for a new button to link me in here! :D i'm working on the Movie Feedback page. and i'm not sure if i have time! wait and see people, wait and see. the menu is way down below.
- 7:11 PM

July 9, 2002 we have no classes (again!) and i recently made a new layout. but i think i'll be putting up when i have all the time. it still needs more work, and i have a cold! damn it. the galler has been updated, though :D
- 10:20 PM


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