Odds & Ends

A mixture of BLAH. Things which do not fit on any of the categories. Others are really stupid stuff. I don't know why I bother putting them up!

--- [The Guestbook]
Don't you dare leave this website without saying a thing or two on my guestbook. Comments are highly appreciated, if not ignored. Keep it happy, keep it witty, keep it clean!

--- [Wallpapered]
Keanu and non-Keanu wallpapers.

--- [Webbed Links]
A page of links to other fantastic sites with the same category as this, and some which are not. Submit yours. Too. Would be nice.

--- [Keanu Forums]
No one posts in this. Why bother?! It used to have images, but I can't update it because I forgot my password. Whoops. Haha.

Cute ickle site. You should sign up, it's addicting :D

--- [Mailing List]
Do you want to be updated on Keanu Reeves and the upcoming (but i-think-it-will-never-be-finished) An Appreciation Project and/or LDOTW (latest developments on this website)? Then join the list! If it doesnt work, then email me instead.

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--- [Letshavea Debate!]

do you have any idea for a poll or a quiz? email me so I can get rid of these!

The Body
Favorite Movie
best keanu movies
what's the best keanu movie so far?
the matrix
sweet november
johnny mnemonic
bill and ted's whatever journey
devil's advocate
bram stoker's dracula
what movie?
not mentioned :(
chocolate marshmallow...?

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