
Kaiju Models
Dinosaur Models

Kaiju Links
Dinosaur Links
Model Links
Cool Sites

Rating System
???? Which Kit ????

Cool Links

I have not listed the links below in any particular order and in all cases I have had a positive experience with the site.  If you can think of something I'm missing--email me.
Am I missing something?  Email me with a link at: [email protected]
Prehistoric Times
Lots of dino art, models and info.  Kit and dino related reviews.   Best way to learn of new kits.  I never let this one run out.
Amazing Figure Modeler
Different focus every issue Reviews and great how to articles.
Modeler's Rescource
Lots of great articles and ads.  Features model show articles now and then too.
Fine Scale Modeler
Yeah, I know . . . not exactly a figure modeler's magazine, but there is a lot to learn here.
The granddaddy of all figure kit shows.  This year--Ray Harryhausen himself.  6/7-8/03
Chiller Theatre
Not just once but twice a year!  This show features perhaps the best figure kit show on the east coast, but its also a film con too. 4/25-27/03
Imagine-nation Expo
Well, you always wanted to  go to Vagas.  Bob Burns is the centerpiece of this show which has a great contest. 8/9-10//03
Am I missing something?  Email me with a link at: [email protected]
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