Max Salas' 1/35th Scale Torosaurus
Rating: Very Good (8)

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When I first got this model in the mail from an Ebay purchase, I loved the charging pose but was not particularly impressed with either the sculpt or the casting--especially the latter because there was a large gap in the belly that had to be resculpted with Wonder Putty and Repliscale.  However, this has become one of my favorite peices because actually the figure has tremendous detail that the painting process brings out.  As for the gap in the belly--that is what modeling requires now and then.
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The shot below literally "Came From the Garage."  I've found it hard to get a good shot of the eyes and the whole head because the eyes focus forward  as in a charge.
The shot above was taken at the NOVA IPMS show in March of 2003.  Since there is no dino figure category, I put it in "miscellaneous"--a common fate.

The model was finished with Liquitex and Badger acryllic paints with "Gargoyle Gray" for the underside and Burnt Umber for a top base coat.  Over that, layers of browns and "Tuscan Red" were applied.  Originally I painted black horns but went back to bone with an airbrush.  The colors are subtle and I am very happy with them though this is not necessarily an eye catching piece--though I like the effect on the eye.

The base was created with a picture frame filled in with a cut of foam insulation covered in strips of AMI's "N-scale Instant Roadbed"--a sticky substance that holds Woodland Scenics materials very nicely.  The plant matter is mostly dried natural materials.
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