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Below in sets of five are the covers used in the first edition US prints of the Gor series of books by John Norman and a brief description of each.


Tarnsman of Gor - Book One �1966 Gor, always on the opposite side of the sun, where a young college professor Tarl Cabot is taken by force to become a tarnsman a warrior who could control the great war birds of Gor, a world he learns is dominated by the Priest-Kings.

Outlaw of Gor - Book Two �1967 Tarl Cabot returns to Gor his long exile was over. To find that his city has been dismantled, his family and friends were scattered across the globe. He was now declared an outlaw, with all men ordered to kill him on sight. His only chance was to find the strange Priest-Kings who ruled Gor.

Priest Kings of Gor - Book Three �1968 Tarl Cabot now on the entire planet has no home, no family or friends except the tarn, the mighty bird on which he flew. He was an outcast at the orders of the Priest-Kings, those mysterious beings who ruled absolutely over Gor. Now he headed into the Sardar Mountains where Priest-Kings were said to dwell. No man had ever seen a Priest-King and none who entered that forbidden land ever returned alive.

Nomads of Gor - Book Four �1969 Tarl Cabot left the Sardar Mountains on a mission for the dying Priest-Kings of Gor, to find their last link to survival. All he knew about his goal was that it lay hidden somewhere among the Wagon Peoples, the wild tribes of the savage Tuchuks.

Assassin of Gor - Book Five �1970 One of the dreaded caste of assassins is on his way to the great city of Ar, hired to avenge the death of a warrior. All he knew of the man he was to avenge was the name Tarl Cabot.


Raiders of Gor - Book Six �1971 Tarl Cabot bound for Port Kar the sinkhole of the planet to give it a heart. However he was no longer Tarl Cabot, the warrior now he was only Bosk... a miserable captive.

Captive of Gor - Book Seven �1972 Spoiled, rich young Elinor Brinton had been kidnapped and carried across space to Gor, then the ship was wrecked and she was stranded. To be beaten and subjugated life to her became a never-ending nightmare. In the Northern Forests she was captured by the fierce outlaw Panther Girls, and finally came Rask of Treve.

Hunters of Gor - Book Eight �1974 Three lovely women were key to Tarl Cabot they were Talena, daughter of Gor's greatest ruler and once queen, Elizabeth Cardwell, who had been his comrade in two of his exploits, and Verna haughty chief of the untamed panther women of the Northern forests. Hunters of Gor finally reveals the fate of these three as he ventures into the wilderness to pit his skill and his life against the brutal cunning of Gorean outlaws and enemy warriors.

Marauders of Gor - Book Nine �1975 Tarl Cabot's efforts to free himself from the Priest-Kings, is confronted by a frightening reality when a horror from the north finally strikes him. Somewhere in those harsh lands was the first foothold of the Others, where confrontation with his real destiny waited for him.

Tribesmen of Gor - Book Ten �1976 The Others were on the move! The date had been set for conquest or destruction. Tarl Cabot must act on behalf of the Priest-Kings of Gor, on to the great wasteland of the Tahari, the desert known only to the clannish, militant tribes of desert-wanderers. There among the feuds, beyond the forbidding salt mines to a rendezvous with treachery, with a woman warlord, with a bandit chief, and with the monster.


Slave Girl of Gor - Book Eleven �1977 Tarl Cabot had resumed allegiance to the Priest-Kings of Gor, and the battle for the possession of the planet was under way the beastlike invaders the Kurii, had made their plans. There was a girl, Captured in the wilderness of Gor, unknown to her captors she carried a programmed message within the collar that graced her neck a tool of the Kurii.

Beasts of Gor - Book Twelve �1978 On Gor, beast can mean three things: Kurii, warriors, girls the beasts of burden and objects of desire. All three come into action as the Kurii establish their first beachhead. Taking Tarl Cabot from Port Kar, to Lydius, to the Sardar Fair, and finaly to the red hunters of the Arctic ice pack.

Explorers of Gor - Book Thirteen �1979 It becomes vital to the Priest-Kings that Tarl Cabot regain the shield ring of the much feared Kurii. His quest brings him to the unmapped interior of the great equatorial rain-forests and into new dangers, jungle kingdoms, tropical trade cities, fierce beasts and fiercer men. And at the heart of this is a lost city.

Fighting Slave of Gor - Book Fourteen �1980 Attempting to save his girl from a trap, Jason Marshall found himself kidnapped to become enslaved in the ruthless chains of Gorean society. Jason Marshall's adventures in order to search for his lost love that alien and turbulent planet.

Rogue of Gor - Book Fifteen �1981 Jason Marshall winning his freedom, sets out single-handed to win his own place on that barbaric world. His intent to find the girl who had been with him. But that quest thrust him smack in the middle of the war that raged between Imperial Ar and the Salerian Confederation and the secret schemes of the pirate armada that sought control of the mighty trading artery of the fighting cities.


Guardsman of Gor - Book Sixteen �1981 From a kidnapped captive, to fugitive, to warrior-captain, the life of Jason Marshall was a constant struggle against barbaric traditions of glorious Gor. Now, in a desperate naval battle against overwhelming odds, Jason faced the pivotal hours of his career. For him victory would mean a homeland, and a warrior's honor. Defeat would mean degradation worse than the chains he had once escaped.

Savages of Gor - Book Seventeen �1982 The Kur came to Port Kar to make Tarl Cabot an offer. They, sought the renegade Half-Ear. Tarl refused their offer, now he knew it was imperative for him to save that monster. This meant venturing into the forbidden Barrens a vast land of plains and prairies whose cruel masters were tribes of savage red riders and where civilized men were always prey!

Blood Brothers of Gor - Book Eighteen �1982 Tarl Cabot, found himself among the cruel savages who ruled the vast Barrens. Though enslaved, he stood with his comrades and masters against a coming onslaught. The Kur united the enemies of the tribe that held Cabot, and death and destruction were unleashed.

Kajira of Gor - Book Nineteen �1983 When Tiffany Collins was kidnapped from Earth she found herself on the throne of a mighty city as its "queen". Power seemingly was hers, and she did not realize that her true role was that of a puppet of a conniving agent of the Kurii. But chained she was destined to be, and in the course of the complex, visible and invisible, struggles between warriors and cities, between the Kurii and Priest-Kings, she would play a pivotal role.

Players of Gor - Book Twenty �1984 An attempt is made on the life of Tarl Cabot, and he discovers that the Priest-Kings turned against him! To clear himself of treason, he must follow the assassin's trail. The way to achieve that was to join, in disguise, a troupe of travelling Players, a sort of Gorean carnival, which would give him entry to enemy cities and hostile territories.


Mercenaries of Gor - Book Twenty One �1985 The armada of Cos landed and began sweeping against the mighty city of Ar, outcast from Port Kar Tarl Cabot was swept up in their drive and now fights for his own redemption. With comrades at his side, his plans went forward until the mercenaries of Dietrich of Tarnburg disrupt the struggle as a mysterious third force.

Dancer of Gor - Book Twenty Two �1985 Kidnapped librarian, Doreen Williamson drew a high price as a dancer in taverns. Until her owners became aware that their prize was the target of powerful forces of the ongoing war between Ar and Cos, Doreen was to dangerous to keep.

Renegades of Gor - Book Twenty Three �1986 As the tide of war spread over Gor, Tarl Cabot became deeply enmeshed in the military combat between the empire of Ar and the invaders from Cos. His fate would depend upon which proved victorius, and it looked like Tarl himself might prove the deciding factor that would tip the scales of destiny for one side or the other.

Vagabonds of Gor - Book Twenty Four �1987 In the war between Ar and Cos, Tarl Cabot is trapped in the siege of Ar's Station, when Ar's Station falls to the warriors of Cos, it is only with the aid of the loyal Vosk League, that Tarl and other survivors make their escape from the defeated port. With the forces of Cos now readying to continue on their devastating march of conquest, Tarl must go undercover as a spy within the enemy camp, hoping to discover their plans and send word to Ar's army before it is too late...

Magicians of Gor - Book Twenty Five �1988 With the capitol city of Ar under the sway of the traitress Talena, placed in power by the Cos invaders, Tarl Cabot and the underground force swarn to defeat Cos the Delta Brigade, must call upon a master magician Boots Tarsk-Bit to recapture the Home Stone of Ar's Station. Snatching the Home Stone from the enemy's grasp may prove the vital ingredient in Tarl's desperate and dangerous campaign to rouse the people of Ar to fight on to regain their freedom from the hated foe...

Books of Gor Copyright �John Norman (John Lange)

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