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GC Kaissa

A new type of chess built upon the information of Kaissa "the game" from the books of Gor by John Norman. In this variation the creator modifies some piece movements to more closely resemble chess and level the playing field of all the pieces involved making some slightly weaker and some slightly stronger but the goal is the same.


The Ubar or king is the most powerful piece on the board, similar to the Queen in chess. He can up to nine squares in any direction, so long as his way is not impeded by another piece. The Ubar is a back row piece and he can be taken anytime during play. His loss does not constitute the end of the game. That only occurs when the home stone is captured or an opponent resigns.
*See Below For Piece Placement*


The Ubara, the Ubar's mate functions pretty much like the Ubar, except that she is restricted to six squares in any one direction, so long as her way is not impeded by another piece . The Ubara is also a back row piece. The Ubara, at the start of the game, rests on a square of her own color, next to the Ubar.
*See Below For Piece Placement*


The Tarnsman is represented by a man sitting on top of a giant hawk like bird. His moves are three squares up and two over or two squares up and three over in any direction; the only piece on the board that can go over or around another piece. He can also make a positioning move, one square in any direction it can not take a piece during a positioning move. There are two Tarnsman to a side.
*See Below For Piece Placement*


The Scribe moves diagonally on his own color, forward or backward, but is limited to seven squares in either direction, so long as his way is not impeded by another piece. There are two Scribes to a side.
*See Below For Piece Placement*


The Builder moves on the board, forward, backward and laterally in both directions up to nine squares, so long as his way is not impeded by another piece. There are two Builders to a side.
*See Below For Piece Placement*


The Initiate is a high priest, and not to be trusted. He too, like the Scribe, moves on the diagonal; except, unlike the Scribe, He is limited to nine squares in either direction, so long as his way is not impeded by another piece. He is also limited to his own color.
*See Below For Piece Placement*


The Spearman similar to the pawn in chess is the first of the front row pieces. He moves forward only and captures only on the diagonal. On his first move, the Spearman has the option of moving one, two, or three squares forward or one square diagonally if capturing a piece. After that he advances only one square at a time, no matter which option he chose. Upon reaching the opponents back row a Spearman can then be traded for either a Tarnsman or Rider of The High Tharlarion. There are eight Spearmen to a side.
*See Below For Piece Placement*

Rider of The "High Thalarion"(HT)

Flanking the six Spearmen in the front row, one on each side, is a Rider of the High Tharlarion, or lizard rider. He can move one square in any direction, so long as his way is not impeded by another piece. There are two Rider's of The High Thalarion to a side.
*See Below For Piece Placement*


Flanking the two Riders of the High Tharlarion in the front row, one on each side, is a Physician. He can move up to four squares in a straight line, forward, backwards or to the side as long as his way is not impeded by another piece. There are two Physicians to a side.
*See Below For Piece Placement*

Home stone

The Home Stone is what Kaissa the game is all about. It does not start on the board, but must be placed on the board after the second move and on or before, but not later than the tenth move. The placement of the Home Stone constitutes a move on it's own. If the Home Stone is not placed on or before the tenth move, the game is over by default. The object is to capture your opponent's Home Stone, without losing your own. When a Home Stone is captured, or a Player resigns the game is over. The Home Stone can move one square in any one unimpeded direction. It cannot capture other pieces. The placement of the Home Stone on the board is yours and your opponent's choice. The Home Stone must be placed on the back row of your playing pieces. It cannot be placed on an already occupied square.
*See Below For Piece Placement*

Kaissa Red Piece Placement
Kaissa Layout
Kaissa Yellow Piece Placement

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