Newsletter - KAS 15/20002

Hi Angler's
Well the Barbel comp went off well , when I left on Saturday they had a fantastic entry of 109 teams. Well done to the organizer. I hope I will be able to let you know who won next week.
What's next - The Robbie Competition - If you missed the Barbel definitely don't miss this one.
A lot of work goes into these Tournament and the organizers need your support.

                       THE MASTER ANGLER 2002 ROBBIE COMPETITION


Saturday 20th July 2002 Start 6:00a.m. or safe light - 2 flights

Finish Flight 1 - 16:00 hours. Flight 2 - 16:30 hours.

Sunday 21st July 2002 Start 6:00a.m. or safe light - 2 flights

Finish Flight 1 - 14:00 hours. Flight 2 - 14:30 hours.

(In the event of mist, competitors will idle until the mist clears).These times will be strictly adhered to.

                                      GENERAL INFORMATION

NAME :The tournament will be called the MASTER ANGLER ROBBIE COMP

TOURNAMENT ENTRY FEE : $500.00 per Man, $250.00 per Lady and $100.00 per JuniorTEAM ENTRIES:Teams will consist
of two anglers

BOATS : Boats will be the responsibility of the individual teams and must be REGISTERED WITH NATIONAL PARKS and
comply with all other INLAND SHIPPING REGULATIONS in force at that time.

FUEL : Anglers are responsible for fueling their own boats

CATERING :Limited catering will be situated at the tournament headquarters

BAR : A licenced bar will be in operation

ACCOMMODATION : Camp sites are available within the confines of Admirals Cabin, and are limited, therefore, please book in advance. There are however other sites around Chivero.

LIABILITY :The organizing committee, Admirals Cabin and National Parks accept no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to persons or property during the course of the tournament or the social functions.

CLOSING DATE :All entry forms and fees must arrive on or before 15th July 2002. (The tournament organizers reserve the right to accept or reject any entry). Late entries - phone K J Elkington on 752662. Fees are double.Any further information required will be discussed at the competitors' meeting.

(ATTACHED IS THE RULES AND THE ENTRY FORM - DETAILS OF E-MAILING YOUR ENTRY ARE ON THE FORM. Sorry, Only attached on the email, not through the Site)

Here are some bait recipes,
For some reason fish that will generally only eat livefoods will still tuck into paste food. The recipe I use is adapted from several others with my own additions- generally because those were the ingredients I had. The ingredients are listed below, with approximate (I never weigh anything) proportions by weight. Put the whole lot into a blender until its just a liquid. Add or skip anything- save a little here or there from your own meals (especially if you’re shelling prawns) and stick them in the freezer. I would imagine this food tastes similar to most crustaceans that our fish would eat.
Whole prawns (shell on) (40-50%)
This is the main ingredient. Use the head, tail , eggs - everything. I do remove a few of the legs but without being particularly thorough, just to stop fish wasting their time thinking they can eat them. Its amazing what whole prawns will blend down to.
Other shellfish (10-20%)
- any you can find, fresh or in brine. I’ve used clams, cockles, whelks, etc- use whatever’s cheap and available. Crabsticks are quite cheap, but contain very little crab (fish don’t seem to mind though).
Fish meat (10-20%)
-again use whatever’s cheap and available.
Heart/liver (10-20%)
- beefheart is not readily available in the UK, however pig/lamb works just as well.Remove all the excess fat first.
Vegetable matter (20%)
- I always use peas (I’ve had nothos who were very fond of shelled peas on their own- let alone as part of a paste food) Also carrot, tomato, cabbage, greenbeans etc- a mixture is far better than just one type. I also add a few other things for various reasons, and when I remember. The amounts are based on making a whole blender full.
ReadyBrek- (tablespoon)
ReadyBrek- (tablespoon)
- full of good things
Fennel seeds -(pinch)
-ground up- for flavour
- for flavour, but also allegedly good for preventing intestinal worms, and generally promoting good health
Brewers yeast -(teaspoon)
- full of B vitamins
Anstaxanthin -(1/2 teaspoon)
- colour enhancer, derived from an algae- brings out the red in your fish. Young fish colour-up earlier, and adult fish look great!
Cod liver oil -(trace)
- full of good things- especially if you’re a fish!
Old flake/pellet foods
- any commercial fish food, that they won't eat on its own.
Once its all mixed together you can add water if its too dry. Ideally the mix should be a paste. Once you’re happy with the ingredients boil up a cup of water and dissolve 2 sachets of gelatine. Make sure the water boils and all the gelatine dissolves.
Blend this into the mix as well. You can spoon the mix into zip-lock bags, lay them flat and leave to cool overnight, preferably in a refrigerator. They will gradually set. The next day freeze them. Defrost what you need, as you need it. The only time my fish ignore this food is if it gets caught in the hornwort and they don’t see it.
Cheers for now and tight lines

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