"Gattaca" Lesson Unit
This three- to four-day unit will focus on a study of the movie "Gattaca."  This movie is a near-future scenario in which all children are genetically engineered, and those who aren't - the "In-valids" - are doomed to an underclass existence.  The story follows Vincent, an "In-valid" who poses as a "Valid" in order to pursue his dream of space travel.

In the first class, we will watch portions of the movie together.  As we watch, we can pause from time to time to discuss what we've seen so far and to take notes as a class regarding the structure and rules of this fictional society.  For instance, we can list the attitudes and rules regarding genetic engineering; the policies and strictures concerning "In-valids"; the things the main character must do to avoid being discovered; methods of everyday identification; and police investigative procedures.  This pattern of watching, pausing, brainstorming and note-taking will help model for the students a method of analyzing a film and taking useful notes as they watch.

In the second class period, we can discuss several themes: the ethics of genetically engineering humans; Vincent's drive to conquer overwhelming odds
to achieve his dream; alienation and isolation; and how society's rules affect individuals.  After we brainstorm on these topics, I will present the class with a list of essay topics.  They can choose one of mine or create their own, but I have to approve any topics they make up.

The students will have one week to write their essays.  On the day they are due, they will bring three copies of their essays - one clean copy for me, and two for a peer review.  During class, each student will have two of his classmates peer-review his essay according to specific guidelines.  The writer and the reviewers will be encouraged to ask each other questions during the review process - "What did you mean by this?" "Do you understand what I'm trying to say in paragraph four?"

For homework, each student will answer the questions and suggestions raised in peer review.  They will explain which suggestions they would be willing to adopt, in whole or in part.  They will be expected to evaluate both the criticism they received and their own contributions as reviewers.  All peer review and assessment materials will be turned in to me two days later.
Essay Topics
Objectives and TEKS links
Percent of assignment grade total


"Gattaca" on Amazon.com
Participation in class discussion on day one 
Participation in class discussion on day two
Participation in peer review on day three 
Peer review/assessment write-up 

"Gattaca" on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
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