"Gattaca" Unit - continued
                        Possible Essay Topics

- Create your own "In-valid" in the world of "Gattaca."  Describe this character, including its gender, race, body type, and other physical characteristics.  Describe his or her genetic faults.  (Vincent had a bad heart and manic depression - I want you to come up with different conditions.)  Then imagine what dreams this person might have for his or her life that are made difficult or impossible because he/she is an "In-valid."  Describe the obstacles he/she would face and how he/she would try to overcome them.

- Imagine you are living in a "future Earth" like the one in "Gattaca."  Tell me what year it is and describe what has changed between now and then.  Pick at least one thing (some aspect of technology, a social or political issue, etc. - but NOT genetic engineering) as the dominant "problem" of this society.  Describe this society as vividly as you can.  You might describe things such as the everyday technology, what the schools are like (or whether you even go to school!), music, clothes, the way of speaking, transportation, political systems, whether there is peace or war, how much
and what kind of personal freedom people have, etc.  Explain what effects the "problem" has on society and on individuals.

- Choose a technology existing today that poses an ethical problem.  Describe the technology and explain its pros and cons as objectively as you can.  You will probably need to do an internet search to discover what people are saying about it today.  Then, take one position and explain why you agree with that position. 

- After having Vincent "naturally," his parents decided to genetically engineer their second son.  Explain how they came to this decision.  What do you think their motives were?  How did they feel about Vincent afterwards?  How did they feel about his brother?  How did Vincent and his brother feel about each other?
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