Young Adult Book Project
My Background
I have a B.A. in English and am working on initial teacher certification for 8th - 12th grade English.  After that, I plan to pursue Gifted and Talented and possibly Master Reading Teacher certification.

I plan to use many supplemental resources in the classroom, including trade books, picture books, young adult books (like the one in this project), films, and so on.  I think trade books in particular have a lot of potential, both as whole-class supplements and as resources for individual projects.  Every student should be able to find a trade book on a topic that interests him or her, and that interest will be a good motivating factor for the student.  Trade books in other subjects will also provide the opportunity for multidisciplinary work.

Most English teachers I've met have personal libraries in their classrooms.  Each library reflects the interests of the individual
teacher but usually includes a variety of classics, reference books, and miscellaneous trade books and other supplements for the classroom. 
The typical English teacher is something of a Half-Price Books hound, always on the lookout for more classroom resources.  The primary use of this library is to fill the unavoidable gaps in the class anthology. In other words, the anthology is a great place to begin, but teachers usually find the need to supplement it with other canonical and non-canonical works, including recent publications and young adult literature. 

The level and kind of supplementation varies widely and depends on the tastes of the teacher and the policies at his or her school.  I wouldn't say that good teaching necessarily requires supplementation: I think good teaching is just good teaching, whatever materials one uses.  But selective use of the anthology and thoughtful supplementation can help make the class more interesting, rich, and engaging for the students.  That's why I think books like
An American Plague are so exciting and full of potential for the high school English classroom.

(The above comments are in response to questions posed in the assignment.)
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