Young Adult Book Project
Justification for Links to NCTE/NCATE Standards
National Council of Teachers of English/National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCTE/NCATE) Standards:

1.3:  This assignment has given me the opportunity to network with other teachers and get feedback from students.  It has also helped me improve my curriculum design abilities and attitudes toward teaching.

2.4:  The instruction and assessment I have designed will assist students in developing habits of critical thinking.

2.5:  The lesson plans encourage students to make creative connections between the text and their own lives, American history, and current American society.
2.6:  This book and the accompanying activities help integrate the humanities (history, sociology, etc.) into the students' daily lives.

3.1.2:  The lesson plans integrate all aspects of the English language arts as interrelated dimensions of the learning experience.

3.2.3:  The lesson plans provide various ways for students to produce written and verbal products.

3.2.4:  The lessons provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their writing and speaking skills for various audiences.

3.3.1:  Students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to read and respond to the text.

3.3.2:  The lessons encourage students to draw upon their past experiences, sociocultural backgrounds, interests, capabilities, and understandings to make meanings from the text.

3.3.3:  The lessons involve a variety of strategies to interpret, evaluate and appreciate the text.

3.4.1:  Students use a variety of composing strategies to generate meaning and clarify understanding.

3.5.3:  Students are exposed to a text written specifically for younger adults.

3.6.1:  The lessons involve an examination of media's influence on culture and people's actions and communication.

4.1:  The use of a young adult book and various, creative activities demonstrates conformity with current understandings about "best practices."

4.2:  The lessons give students an opportunity for group interaction, feedback and reflection.

4.4:  In class and group activities, students must demonstrate respect for individual differences.

4.7:  The lessons give students many opportunities to use language for a variety of purposes in communication.

4.8:  The lessons help students discover their personal responses to texts and connect those responses to larger meanings.

4.10:  Students monitor their own work and performance through self-assessment.
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