Young Adult Book Project
Justification for Links to TExES Standards
Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES/ExCET):

Domain I:  Lesson plans demonstrate the ability to design and implement instruction that is appropriate for students of diverse abilities and interests and which addresses a wide variety of the TEKS standards.  The activities give students the opportunity to employ all aspects of the language arts - reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking.  Both formal and informal assessment by the teacher are written into the curriculum, and the students are also expected to assess their own and their classmates' performance.

Domain II:  Lesson plans demonstrate an understanding of the process of reading and an understanding of how to teach students to apply these processes through questioning, class discussion, and written and verbal activities.  The lesson plans include the reading of nonliterary texts and activities which help students engage with and understand those texts. 
Students are encouraged to view this and other texts as a source for exploring and interpreting human experience.

Domain III:  Students are given the opportunity to hone their writing skills through comprehension, brainstorming, organizational, and writing activities.  The activities are geared toward writing for various audiences and in different forms and contexts.

Domain IV:  Through class discussions and group activity, students employ and improve their listening and speaking skills.
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