Project: Picture Books for Tsunami Children

Background and objective (WE NEED HELP)

On the fateful morning of December 26, 2004, an earthquake off the Sumatran coast in Indonesia set off deadly tsunami waves. These waves spread rapidly, striking the coasts of Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other countries. In a matter of a few hours, one of the world�s worst natural disasters had destroyed the lives of millions.

As the result of the earthquake and the deadly waves, millions of children have not only lost the world they knew, but also their future. The Khaas Kitaab Foundation�s new project Picture Books for Tsunami Children plans to distribute books to these children and help them discover a new future.

Action Plan

This Project will publish and distribute books to children across the affected region. The books will be for children 10 years old and younger, and will be designed to help them cope with trauma, give hope, and entertain. The project has three parts:

1. Publish books

Publish special picture books, including books in local languages of the areas affected by the disaster.

2. Collect books
The Foundation will collect books. Preference will be given to picture books with no text, activity books and picture books in English.

3. Distribute books to the beneficiaries, free of cost.

Ms. Manorama Jafa, President of the Foundation, will lead the project. The other members of the project are Ms. Vinita Krishna, Secretary of the Foundation, Ms. Sonia Chadha, Ms. Somali Tuchrello and Ms. Monica Kalra.

Appeal For Funds

Khaas Kitaab Foundation needs funds to take up this project. The fund raising campaign is targeting an amount Rs. Fifty Lakhs, or a little more than 100,000 US Dollars, to be collected in the first half of 2005. It aims to start distributing books from June 2005 onwards. Please consider contributing to make this project a success. Thank you. The donations will be eligible for tax exemption under section 80G of Indian Income Tax Act. Crossed cheques in favour of :

205 Gulmohar Enclave (SFS)
New Delhi 110049.

Please contact us if you plan to send money from outside India

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