Welcome to the Khaas Kitaab Foundation web page

We are a non profit voluntary organization dedicated to publishing special books for children.

Thank you for visiting us.

Take time to browse through our Books section. A number of these books have been published for children with disabilities, and have received international recognition.

Our Activities section lists some of the work we do.

2004 has been a busy year, with the successful launch of books in Pushtu for the Afghanistan project . Check out the events page. In July 2005, these books were donated to the children. You can also check the news about this project on the web site of the International Board of Books for Young People . Please help make our projects a success by donating, or by buying books from our catalog.

We are keen to hear from you. Thank you. Contact us here.

About us Activities Books Events Picture Books for tsunami children

© 2002-2006 Khaas Kitaab Foundation
updated on April 14, 2006

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