Activities at the Foundation

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We have a number of ongoing activities. The list below is a summary of our achievements. We are especially excited about our new project to gift books to children affected by the deadly tsunami waves in December 2004. Please consider contributing to this project by sending a donation or by buying books from the Foundation's catalog. All contributions will be acknowledged, and will help needy children who have had a lot of turmoil in their lives.

The most recent activities are shown first.


Published nine books.

Other books in progress. Check back often !


Distributed books to children in Kabul. New books in Dari and Pushtu are being prepared in this second stage of the Afghan project.

Published five books, including one for the Tsunami children project. Launched a project to gift books to children affected by the December 2004 tsunami wave disaster. More information here and here


Eight books published in 2004, three of them in Pushto for the Afghan project. More information here


Ran a workshop to make cloth picture book for children with disabilities. Organized a National Children's Book Fair, and prepared four books in Pushtu for the Afghanistan project. These books are ready for printing. The Foundation urgently needs help to get these books to children in Afghanistan. More details here ,


Counting Fingers
Laughing Parrot
Juhi ties up


Launched the Afghansitan project. In this project, we plan to publish books for needy Afghan children. These books will be published in local languages, and distributed to the children free of cost. More details here , if you are considering contributing.


Golden tales from India
Sadiq, my brother.


Published seven books:
Magical Squares (award winning book)
Tiger call (nominated for IBBY Honor book)
Rib and Fuzz (included in OBYPD Catalog)
Pigeons and the net
Three fish
Chinu Minu and Gogo
Madam Billo


Published Sadako of Hiroshima (included the "The best books for peace Collection")


Published The Clever Rabbit and The Talktative Tortoise, both of which were included in the OBYPD Catalog. Both handmade books are being used by disabled children


Khaas Kitab Foundation was launched

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