All of these pictures are clickable - to see it in a bigger size, click on the photograph.


Pictures of Our Team Members



packing day

packing day

the team

the team

the team plus some

Beckie with the kids

Jim S with some fans

relaxing a bit

uh-oh, work's done

a hard day's work

Jim N & Lori

Mark wears the centerpiece

Josias and the kids

Sandy and fuzzy friend

the existing school

a tight car

another tight car

Gerald & Jim S with several of the kids

Kim P with the kids

Beckie and Sandy

Kevin with a local

File 13

Howard starts working on his sign

Handcrafting the church's sign

Taking five with Mark

Lori on the videocam

Sandy and little one

Kevin helps out

Enid, Jennifer, Kim V




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