

A schedule on the construction site? Surely you jest!


Vacation Bible School


The VBS daily schedule went a lot like this:

  1. Opening
  2. Singing bible songs in Creole and English
  3. Optional English Bible words for the older students
  4. The story from the Bible (and skit)
  5. Craft


We had planned for the first week with the understanding that we would have an entirely different batch of kids the next week. Wrongo - we got to create a whole new batch of lessons for the second week. I got to help out with creating lessons - let's hear it for having a teaching degree to put to use.

Day Number



Week One, Day One


Tissue paper flowers

Week One, Day Two

The birth of Jesus

Crowns (BK crowns)

Week One, Day Three

Jesus loves children


Week One, Day Four

Jesus' death & resurrection


Week Two, Day One

Jonah & the whale

Fish necklaces

Week Two, Day Two

Samuel & Eli

Mini booklet/bible

Week Two, Day Three

David & Goliath


Week Two, Day Four

Fruits of the Spirit

Bead bracelets (made earlier)




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