JAG Headquarters
Same Day 1430 Local

The Admiral entered JAG headquarters, went straight through the bullpen, and entered his office without saying a word to anyone.

Harm and Mac exchanged nervous glances. They had both been waiting anxiously in Mac’s office, ostensibly working on a case. In reality they were just waiting together.

The minutes ticked by slowly. Finally Tiner came and told them the Admiral wanted to see them.

“Thank you Tiner. We’ll be right there.” Mac acknowledged his message.

They both rose to their feet. “Mac.” Harm spoke to her urgently.

She turned, an eyebrow raised in question.

“Just remember, whatever happens, I love you.”

She smiled at him. “I love you too Harm.”

Straightening her shoulders, she said, “Let’s go.”

He followed her to the Admiral’s office.

Admiral Chegwidden’s Office

There was a knock at the door.


Harm and Mac came in. Before they came to attention he told them, “Close the hatch.”

Harm closed the door and they both came to attention in front of him.

“Have a seat.”

As they both sat down, the Admiral began, “As you know, I had a meeting with the SecNav this morning. I discussed the situation with him, and he has agreed for Commander Rabb to transfer out of this chain of command.”

He paused, his face still expressionless.

“As of tomorrow, you will report to your new duty station Commander. Colonel, you will remain here.”

Harm was stoic. “Yes Sir. Might I inquire where that new duty station will be?”

He was tempted to play with them a little longer. It wasn’t too often that he really got the chance to pull their legs.

Mac was struggling to hold back tears. His heart softened, and he couldn’t do it.

“You will report to JAG headquarters.” He broke into a smile.


“You are transferred officially to the SecNav’s office, but as he does not need you full-time, your duty station will remain here. You may be called upon to perform duties for his office as needed.”

Harm actually laughed. “How did you manage that Sir? I would never have thought the SecNav liked me enough to go along with that.”

“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth Commander.”

Mac, in the meantime, was losing her struggle with tears, and finally broke down.

The Admiral regarded her with alarm, unsure how to handle a crying Mac. “Colonel, I believe this is cause for happiness, not tears.”

“I am happy Sir.” Mac continued to cry quietly.

The Admiral finally handed a handkerchief to Harm, who pressed it into Mac’s hand.

Finally getting herself under control, she wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She looked uncertainly at the handkerchief, then at the Admiral. She finally laughed. “I don’t think I’ll return this right now Admiral. Thank you for letting me use it.”

The two men both laughed with her, relieved that she had stopped crying.

“That’s OK Mac. I don’t need it back right away.”

He waited until she was fully back to “Colonel” status.

“OK, I’m glad that’s handled. Colonel, you’re dismissed. Commander, I need a word with you on another matter.”

“Aye Aye Sir.” Mac rose and faced the Admiral at attention. Before she left, she looked at him, her heart in her eyes. "I think you know how I feel Sir, but I just have to tell you. You’ve been more than a Father to me Sir, and you’ve filled a place in my heart that has been empty since my Uncle Mat died. Thank you for everything.” The last words were spoken softly, and tears welled in her eyes again.

Before she could start crying, and before he could reply, she did an about face and left the office.

There was a pause as the Admiral tried not to react to her last statement.

Harm looked at the Admiral expectantly; waiting for whatever case the Admiral wanted to discuss.

Finally the Admiral spoke to him a little gruffly.

“Harm, you know that I am very fond of both you and Mac.”

“Yes Sir. You have been a wonderful friend and CO.” Harm agreed and wondered where this was going.

“I am feeling particularly protective of the Colonel, especially in her current condition. Now I realize that she would probably not like what I am about to say, so I want you to keep it between us.”

“Of course Sir.” Harm relaxed, realizing the Admiral just wanted to make sure He was watching out for Mac.

The Admiral had a stern look on his face, and he looked Harm squarely in the eye.

“When are you going to get off your six and marry her?”

Caught off-guard, Harm floundered. “Well – uh- Sir – I really haven’t had time to discuss it with her.”

“Bullshit Harm. You’ve known her for six years, been involved with her for at least 3 months, and now she is pregnant. What the HELL are you waiting for?”

“I – uh – well – Sir”, Harm continued to flounder.

The Admiral gave a deep sigh and rolled his eyes.

“Harm, don’t be an idiot. It’s obvious you love her and she loves you. The way is now clear professionally. You know you would be lucky to get her. Don’t make me order you to propose.”

Harm managed to find his feet, figuratively speaking.

“Well actually Sir, I was just waiting until we found out what was going to happen today. See what you think of this.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box. “I got this from my Grandmother before I knew Sarah was pregnant. Then we got caught up in that whole situation, and I didn’t think it was the right time to ask her.”

He handed the box over to the Admiral.

Opening the box and viewing the beautiful diamond ring inside, the Admiral gave a low whistle and looked at Harm with new respect.

“I am relieved that you are FINALLY showing some sense Commander. When are you going to ask her?”

“This weekend. I thought we’d go out and have dinner someplace really nice, you know, the whole romantic works. I just hope she says yes.”

“Why wouldn’t she?”

“You know Mac, Sir. If she thinks I’m just asking because of the baby she’ll say no.”

“Harm, if you can’t convince that lady that you love her for HER, and that she is the one for you, then I feel sorry for you. You’re a lawyer, for God’s sake. You make your living convincing people of your point of view. CONVINCE HER!”

“I’ll do my best Sir, believe me. My whole future is riding on it.”

“OK Commander. You’re dismissed.”

Harm rose to leave, but turned back with a grin. “I’m not as eloquent as Mac, Sir, but I fully agree with her last statement to you.”

Then he also left.

The Admiral smiled. It really was about damn time!

Sarah Mackenzie’s Apartment
Saturday 1125 Local

Mac was sprawled on the couch, thoroughly enjoying a day of doing nothing.

Harm had gone into JAG to meet with Bud and research a case. He would be back some time this afternoon and he had made her promise to do nothing today, just rest and take it easy. He had big plans for the evening, and she was to be well rested. His orders.

She smiled when she thought about that. She had never felt as happy as she did these days.

Of course Harm’s protective instinct had kicked into overdrive after the pregnancy. He couldn’t stand for her to do anything and was always worried she would overdo it. Of course she protested and argued that she was fine, but secretly she loved the pampering. It was one of her fantasies, straight out of an old movie. She was loving every minute of it.

The only fly in the ointment was marriage; or rather the lack of it. Would Harm ask her? And if he did, was it just because she was pregnant? She knew she loved him with her whole heart and soul, there was no doubt in her mind. And she thought he loved her. He had demonstrated it in too many little ways to doubt it.

But was it the “happily ever after” kind of love he felt for her? She didn’t want him to ask her just because she was pregnant. She definitely didn’t want him to feel trapped or forced into it. And he was too honorable to let her know if that was what he felt.

Sighing, she got up to get another cup of coffee. Decaf, of course. Harm had insisted. REAL coffee was definitely something she missed.

She decided not to worry about marrying Harm for the moment. She just wanted to enjoy the day.

As she poured a cup of the hated decaf, a knock sounded at the door.

She put down the mug, went to the door and checked the peephole.

She froze. It was Mic Brumby.

She stood there by the door, unable to decide what to do.

Another knock.

She gathered her courage and opened the door.

“Hello Mic. This is a surprise.”

It had been over six months since he had left her at the airport.

He gave her a nervous smile.

“Hello Sarah. May I come in?”

Wordlessly she gestured for him to enter.

He stood awkwardly in the living room, the air filled with nervous tension.

“Please sit down. Would you like some coffee?” The polite phrases one uttered to guests came effortlessly to her. The rest of the conversation would be difficult at best. She wondered why he was here.

Sitting down in the big chair by the fireplace he declined her offer, just as politely.

“No thank you.”

She seated herself on the couch, her stomach fluttering nervously.

He smiled again nervously. “I guess you’re wondering why I’m here.”

She did not smile back. “Yes, I am. When you left, you were pretty clear you wanted nothing more to do with me.”

She thought about the night Harm had provoked her into letting her feelings out. She remembered saying she would apologize to Mic for using him if she thought it would do any good. Somehow, she couldn’t get the words out now.

His smile faltered. “I’m sorry about that Sarah. I never should have left like that. After everything we had shared, you deserved better.”

“Mic, it’s all water under the bridge and not something I want to relive. I’ve moved on.”

She didn’t want to rehash all that. Guilt lapped at the corners of her conscience, but she forced it away.

“I guess in a way I’m glad to hear that. In another way, I’m not.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that I felt guilty leaving you like that. I was unfair, never giving you any chance to address my issues, so I’m glad you’re OK. But I thought it would take longer than a few months to get over.”

She flushed and looked down at her hands. “I never said it was easy Mic. My Uncle Mat died shortly after you left, and I had a very difficult time dealing with everything. Some friends came to my rescue and forced me to confront a lot of issues, including my relationship with you.”

She didn’t want to tell him about her relationship with Harm. Part of it was that she didn’t want to hurt him, and she knew it would. Part of it was guilt, knowing that if Harm had seriously pursued her while she was still with Mic she would have left Mic in a second. She felt guilty.

“Oh Sarah, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know about your Uncle. I would have been here for you if I had, no matter what.”

The strange thing was she knew that was true. Mic had (?) loved her with his whole heart and soul. It wasn’t his fault that she didn’t feel that way about him.

“I know that Mic. And thank you.”

An uneasy silence settled between them.

“You know that I’ve been investigating the possibility of reactivating my commission.”

“I know. The Admiral had a request for you records. I thought you had already done it.”

“Not yet. I had a few things to work out first.”

She didn’t ask him what, fearing his answer.

“I needed to talk to you Sarah, to see you.”

‘Oh God,’ she thought, ‘please not this.’

He got up and stood in front of the fire, staring into the flames as he spoke.

“I regretted leaving you Sarah, even while I was on the plane.” He turned and smiled gently at her. “You know why I left. It wasn’t because I didn’t love you.”

She said nothing in reply; dreading what she knew was coming.

“I left because I loved you too much.”

“Mic, please don’t” –

“Just let me finish Sarah. Please.” He came and sat beside her on the couch, taking her hand in his.

“I still love you Sarah. I left because I was jealous and insecure, but if you give me the chance I’ll make it up to you.”

Not knowing how to respond to this, she withdrew her hand from his gently, and stood up. Moving away, she tried to form a sentence that would not hurt him, but would let him know there was no chance.

“Mic, I can’t.”

“I know I hurt you Sarah, and I’m so sorry for that. But what we had was special, and we can get it back.”

“No we can’t Mic. It’s over.” Unexpectedly, she felt tears forming. Inwardly she cursed, sick and tired of the tears that seemed to come at the most inconvenient times.

He was stunned to see her cry. Misunderstanding her tears, he went to her and again took her hand.

“Sarah, don’t cry. We’ll work through it somehow. It’ll be all right, I promise.”

She pulled her hand away, less gently this time. “No Mic, you don’t understand. It really is over. I’m not going back with you.” Emotions made her speak more roughly than she wished.

Startled at her vehemence, he stepped back a little. “Sarah, just give me a chance. I promise you that you won’t regret it.”

The tears were running freely down her face now. “Please stop Mic. It’s not going to happen.”

“Sarah, please. You wouldn’t be crying if there wasn’t something still between us. Give us a chance.”

She answered without thinking. “Oh Mic, this happens all the time. I can’t help it. But it means nothing.”

He went very still and asked in a low voice, “What do you mean it happens all the time? It never used to happen.” Fear went through him, of what he wasn’t sure.

She straightened her shoulders and faced him squarely. “I mean that I’m pregnant Mic. And that’s just one of the reasons you and I can’t work again. I meant it when I said I moved on. I’m involved with someone else now. I’m sorry if this hurts you; I never wanted to hurt you. But you deserve the courtesy of the truth.”

Stunned, he tried to take in what she said. He had been prepared for refusal, but not for her involvement with someone, much less a pregnancy.

Then it hit him. A cold rage came over him.

“It’s Rabb, isn’t it?”

She had watched as he struggled with her last statement. The rage that came over him scared her. It was as if the kind if misguided man she had known had stepped out, and this furious man in front of her was a stranger she couldn’t recognize.

A little fearfully, she nodded. “Yes, it is.” She was not willing to deny her love for Harm any longer, regardless of the consequences.

Coldly his gaze raked her from head to toe. “How far along are you?”

“2 months.”

He gave a bitter laugh. “So at least you waited a few months. I guess I should be grateful for that.”

Guilt caused her face to flush again and she looked away. She remembered the night Mic left, when Harm had told her to come to him. She would have been with him that night if Renee’s father hadn’t died. She was ashamed to admit that, but it was the truth.

Jealousy and anger caused Mic to misinterpret her flush and guilty look. “You didn’t wait, did you? Tell me Sarah, did you run from the airport to him?”

She couldn’t look at him. “It’s not what you think Mic.”

Another bitter laugh. “I don’t suppose ANYTHING is like I thought. Were you with him while we were together?”

“Of course not Mic!” Remembrance of the night of the engagement party flashed through her mind. Another time she would have betrayed Mic, did betray him.

“I never figured you for a whore, Sarah. Guess that shows you love is blind, doesn’t it?”

The words cut through her like a knife. They were words she had been told before, though not in a number of years.

The cold rage he felt suddenly erupted in a white hot fury. The words of anger leaving his mouth without thought of consequence.

“I can’t believe you! You had me completely and totally fooled. God, I remember the times I tried to touch you! You were so good, Sarah. ‘I’m not ready for this’ you said. Always not ready for me. But I bet you were ready for Rabb weren’t you?”

Another thought struck him.

“What about Farrow? Were you doing him too? I remember the trial Sarah. Do you? You know, the trial when you killed your husband? Who was trying to kill your lover?”

She was completely unprepared for this side of Mic. They had had arguments of course, but he had never been like this. And the words kept coming, ringing inside her like a bell, so painful, yet so familiar.

He grabbed her suddenly on her upper arms and shook her roughly. “What kind of tramp are you Sarah? Do you have more than one man panting after you all the time?”

Stunned by his completely unexpected change into someone she didn’t know, at first she didn’t do anything. Then she tried to pull away.

“Mic, let me go! Have you lost your mind?” She was honestly afraid of him, a feeling she hated. She could take care of herself if it came down to it, but she was afraid for the baby.

“No, I finally found it. I finally realized what an idiot I’ve been, treating you like you’re some fragile lady when you’re really just a cheap tramp!” And with that he hauled off and slapped her, knocking her onto the couch.

Mac couldn’t believe it. He actually hit her! She looked up from the couch at the stranger Mic Brumby had become.

He was reaching for her again. Quickly she scrambled over the back of the couch, putting it between them.

“Mic, calm down. Think about what you’re doing. This is not going to help anything.” She tried to remain calm, and to calm him down. He was twice her size and a boxer. She didn’t have a very good chance against him.

“Don’t tell me to calm down you whore! You played me for a fool for 2 years! I gave up everything for you! You lousy cheating bitch!”

He stepped up on the couch and jumped over, trying to grab her again. She tried to run around the couch and make it to the door. He caught her by the hair and whipped her around to face him. She tried to kick him in the crotch, but he blocked her with his leg. She punched at him ineffectually; too close to get any weight behind the punches.

Using her hair as a handle he pulled her close to him. “OK Sarah, I guess this is the way you really like it. You should have told me from the beginning, I would have obliged you.” He fastened his mouth to hers, trying to force his tongue in her mouth.

She tried to avoid him by turning her face away, but couldn’t. He was too strong. Finally she bit his lip as hard as she could.

“You lousy stinking whore!” He pulled her away. Still holding on to her hair he put a hand to his lip. His fingers were bloody when he looked at them. “You bitch!” He pulled back with his free hand and punched her in the face, sending her careening into the coffee table.

Harm’s SUV On the way to Mac’s

Harm and Bud were driving from JAG to Mac’s apartment. Harm had decided to surprise her and take her out for lunch, inviting Bud to join them.

He noticed that Bud was looking at him a little strangely.

“What is it Bud?”

“Well Sir, I know this may sound a little nosy, but can I ask you a question?” Bud shifted nervously in his seat, looking like the Bud Roberts of a few years ago.

“Sure Bud, fire away.” Harm smiled, knowing what was coming.

“Well Sir – uh – there is some scuttlebutt going around. I don’t mean to stick my nose in, so it’s OK if you tell me to mind my own business. I mean, it’s really not my business, but I thought maybe I would ask, and if you didn’t mind, well, it would be OK.”

Harm rolled his eyes. “Just ask Bud.”

“Uh- Sir – Are you and Colonel Mackenzie dating now?”

Harm looked at Bud for a minute while he drove. He stopped smiling.

“You know that could have some serious consequences Bud. Fraternization and all that.”

“But Sir, scuttlebutt has it you were transferred to the SecNav’s office! Is it true Sir?”

Harm finally took pity on him.

“Yeah Bud, it’s true. I have been transferred officially to the SecNav’s office. Kinda like Harriet is working at the Inspector General’s office.”

He turned to Bud with another grin.

“And yes, Colonel Mackenzie and I are dating. In fact, we are seriously involved and I am going to ask her to marry me.”

Bud’s mouth dropped open. “Wow Sir! That’s great! Congratulations!”

“She hasn’t said yes yet Bud.”

“I can’t believe she would refuse Sir. It’s pretty obvious you two have a strong connection- I mean – look what happened when your plane went down! She was the one that found you!”

“I know Bud. And I certainly hope you’re right.”

“Wait till I tell Harriet! She’ll be so excited!”

Harm parked the car outside Mac’s apartment.

He and Bud made their way into the building, still chatting. As they stepped off the elevator onto Mac’s floor, they heard a male voice yelling loudly, and then a crash.

“That sounded like it came from Mac’s!”

Both men took off running. Harm didn’t wait to unlock the door; he broke it down with his shoulder.

The scene that met their eyes filled them with horror.

Mac was on the floor, her eye bruising rapidly, the coffee table overturned underneath her. She looked dazed.

Mic Brumby was standing over her, reaching down to her, obviously planning to hit her again.

Harm literally saw red. He let out an animal roar of rage and lunged across the room at Brumby, striking him in the side before he could touch Mac again.

Both men fell onto the couch, knocking it over while struggling fiercely with each other.

Bud hurried over to Mac, checking to see if she was all right and to get her out of the line of fire.

He helped her to her feet and got her over to the corner out of the way. “Are you all right Ma’am?”

“I’m fine Bud. Help Harm while I call 911.” She ran to the bedroom to get the phone.

Bud turned and looked at the two men locked in combat. He remembered the last time he had come between these two, and this fight looked a whole lot worse.

Harm finally got Mic down on the floor and was repeatedly hitting him. Brumby had done his share of damage to Harm, but Harm’s great rage had turned the fight to his advantage.

Mac came running back in the room. “The police are on the way, one of the neighbors must have called. They’ll be here any minute. Call the Admiral Bud!” He went back into the bedroom to make that call.

She ran to Harm and tried to grab his arm, which was still swinging at Brumby. “Harm- stop – you’ll kill him!” Brumby was unconscious.

“Damn right I will! The lousy son of a bitch!” Harm was caught in a rage at the thought of someone hurting Mac.

Finally she got through to him. As the red haze left him, he realized she was holding on to his arm for dear life and sobbing at him to stop.

He dropped Brumby and took her in his arms. “Are you all right Mac? Did he hurt you badly?”

“Harm, I’m so sorry. Are YOU all right?” She could see the bruises on his face and couldn’t stop crying.

The Police finally arrived. Looking around at the wrecked apartment, one of the two officers spoke up. “I’m Officer Johnson and this is Officer Blackstone. Someone want to tell us what happened here?”

Mac spoke up first, safe in Harm’s embrace. “I will Officer. That man there on the floor attacked me and this man rescued me. Without him I would probably be seriously injured if not dead.”

Officer Johnson looked at Mac, observing her shaky demeanor and black eye. His eyes traveled next to Harm’s bruised face before landing on Mic, still unconscious on the floor.

“Any witnesses to this?”

Bud answered him. “I am Officer. I arrived with this man, Commander Rabb. Mr. Brumby, there on the floor, had obviously just struck Colonel Mackenzie who was down on the floor, and was reaching for her again when the Commander intervened.”

“And you are?”

“Lieutenant Roberts Officer.”

“Are you Colonel Mackenzie?” the Officer asked, addressing Mac.

“I am.”

“Do you want to press charges?”

“Yes.” Mac suddenly gasped and doubled over, putting a hand to her stomach.

“Mac, what is it?” Harm tried to hold her up while looking frantically for a chair for her.

“Oh God Harm, it hurts so bad!”

She collapsed against him, unconscious. In a panic he caught her and lifted her in his arms.

“Call an ambulance now!”

Bathesda Naval Hospital
Saturday 1450 Local

Harm paced back and forth in the waiting room. The Admiral, Bud, and Harriet were with him. They sat and watched him pace, not saying anything, knowing no words could calm at this point. The only thing that could calm him was knowing Mac and the baby were OK.

Two ambulances had arrived at Mac’s apartment. One had taken Brumby, who had regained consciousness but was in severe pain, while the other had taken Mac.

Officer Johnson had agreed to take full statements later and taken Mic into custody, accompanying him to the hospital. Harm didn't know what happened to Brumby after that, and didn’t care.

He had ridden in the ambulance with Mac, who did not regain consciousness. He sat with her, holding her hand the whole way, tenderly stroking her hair. She had looked so pale, except for the ever-darkening black and swollen eye that bastard had given her.

Once at the hospital, they had whisked Mac away from him. He could only wait.

Bud had called the Admiral back and updated him while following the ambulance in Harm’s SUV. He had also called Harriet. Both the Admiral and Harriet had come immediately to the hospital to be with their friends.

A man dressed in scrubs walked out. “Commander Rabb?”

Harm hurried over to him. “Yes, do you have word on Mac?”

“I’m Dr. Goldberg. Colonel Mackenzie will be fine, as will the baby if she follows directions carefully.”

They all breathed a collective sigh of relief.

“However, let me hasten to add that she MUST take it very easy for the rest of this pregnancy. The violent cramping was a result of too much stress and physical activity. No permanent damage has been done. I’m keeping her here at least overnight just to be sure this episode is over and no complications set in. I take it her job is very stressful and can be physically demanding?”

Harm nodded. “Yes, it can be very stressful. And she usually has to travel quite a bit, sometimes under rough circumstances.”

“OK, I will release her in a few days to restricted duty. This means NO travel, and no stress at work. At least eight hours of sleep every night, healthy regular meals, and no exercise with the possible exception of walking. And I mean walking, not jogging, and not for five miles either. Absolutely no weight lifting or any other form of heavy exercising.”

Obviously, this doctor had knowledge of marine behavior.

“Can I see her?” Harm was desperate for the sight of her, the feel of her. He needed to reassure himself she would be all right.

“Yes, but be aware we have given her something to keep her calm. When she regained consciousness she was very upset. I don’t want her upset at all.”

“The rest of you should wait until tomorrow to see her at home. She doesn’t need a lot of visitors, she needs to rest.”

“She’ll want to see them Doctor. They are family, not visitors.” Harm looked at his friends, grateful for their unfailing support.

“All right, but one at a time please. And keep it short. I’ll have the nurse come out and get you in a few minutes.”

“Thank God.” Harriet reached out and pulled him into a hug. Bud and the Admiral each put a hand on his shoulder, all of them thanking God for keeping Mac safe.

Mac’s Room 1530 Local

Harm entered the room quietly, not wanting to wake her if she was asleep. As he neared the bed he again took in her pale countenance and bruised eye. God, if Brumby was here he’d really kill him!

He took her hand gently and sat beside the bed, prepared to wait until she woke on her own. He had never seen her look so frail. It broke his heart.

Her eyes opened. “Harm?”

“I’m here baby.”

“Oh Harm, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” The tears welled up in her eyes again.

“Hush Mac, don’t cry. You don’t have anything to be sorry for. Please don’t cry.”

She continued to cry. He couldn’t stand it. He got up and sat on the edge of the bed, pulled her close and cuddled her in his arms, stroking her hair.

“Please don’t cry Mac. It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong- It’s Brumby. Please stop crying Mac, it’s not good for you or the baby.”

She gave a last sniffle and choked back a sob. “I’m trying Harm. It’s just everything” –

“Stop baby. We’ll talk about it later, after you rest and you’re stronger. Just know I love you, and nothing is your fault. Let’s just concentrate on getting you better and home with me where you belong.”

His words touched her heart and she relaxed into his arms, soaking in the warmth and comfort of his love.

“There are some people here that really want to see you. Do you feel up to it?”

She knew who it was right away. “I’m embarrassed Harm. This is all so awful.” She hid her face in his chest.

He tilted her chin up with a finger. “Mac, remember, they are your family and love you. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. They’re on your side, OK?”

She met his eyes and nodded. “OK, but warn them about how I look.” She managed a wry smile.

“You look beautiful Mac, just as you always do.” He grinned at her as he said this.

“Oh yeah, with this nice black eye. I look great.” He laughed. “I don’t know, it kinda fits that tough marine image you always try to project. In fact, it’s kind of sexy.”

“Oh go get them Flyboy. Quit giving me garbage.” He laughed again and released her.

“I’ll send them in.”

He started to leave.

“Harm.” She stopped him. “Yes baby?” She hated to admit it, but she loved it when he called her that.

“How do you do that? Make my world seem sunny again when I’m in the depths of despair?”

He smiled, a little embarrassed. “Just lucky, I guess. I love you Mac.”

“I love you Harm.”

A few minutes later.

Bud and Harriet stuck their heads in the door. “Ma’am?”

“Come in and both of you call me Mac for god’s sake.” They both came in and stood by the bed.

“The doctor said to come see you one at a time, but we’re only going to stay a minute to make sure you’re all right.” Harriet took her hand as she said this.

“I’m fine Harriet. It’s good to see you both.”

Bud was very quiet, feeling awkward, unsure as to how to express his feelings.

“Bud, I want you to know I appreciate everything you did for me. I’ll never forget it.”

He looked embarrassed. “I didn’t do anything Ma’am. Commander Rabb did it all.” For the life of him, he couldn’t call her Mac.

“No Bud, you were there and you helped me. And I was too rattled to explain everything to the police, you did that. Thank you.”

He blushed as she thanked him. Harriet looked proud of him.

“Come on Bud, let’s let her rest. Mac, if you need anything, you just call me and I’ll be here.”

“Thanks Harriet, I know I can count on you.”

“We’ll see you later Mac. Rest and get better.”

Harriet reached over and hugged her. Bud stood by the bed, still feeling awkward. Finally Mac held out her arms to him. “Come here Bud.” She hugged him too, smiling.

After they left, the Admiral came in.

“Mac, you feeling OK?” He took in her black eye and felt a surge of anger himself. He wished he could have a few minutes alone with Brumby.

“I’m fine Sir, just shaken up.”

He sat by the bed and took her hand.

“Are you really all right Mac? Tell me the truth.”

She looked down. “I don’t know Sir. I just can’t process everything yet. I just can’t believe Mic did this.”

She looked away, out the window. “I guess I feel responsible.”

“Mac, look at me.” She turned and met his kind gaze.

“You are not responsible for this. Brumby is. You have done nothing wrong Mac.”

She said nothing, hoping to let the subject drop.

He realized her intent and changed the subject.

“You realize that work is going to be a little different for you for a while.”

She sighed and nodded. “I know, the doctor told me.”

He reached up and touched her cheek. “Your health and the baby’s health are the most important things Mac. We’ll get everything worked out, don’t worry.”

She nodded, suddenly feeling exhausted.

He noticed of course. “I’m going to go and let you rest. You are not to come back to JAG without a doctor’s release Colonel. That’s an order.” He softened it with a smile.

She smiled back. “Thank you Sir. For everything.”

“Just take care of yourself and that baby.”

He got up and left.

Bathesda Naval Hospital
Mac’s Hospital Room
Saturday 2225

Mac was finally alone. Harm had stayed with her most of the day, but she had finally prevailed upon him to go home. The doctor had checked him over and he was just bruised, but she insisted he go home and get some rest.

Lying in bed with an ice pack to reduce the swelling in her eye, she ruminated over all the events of the day.

Mic, a man she had once loved and been engaged to, had actually hit her. She had driven a good man into being an abuser.

Harm was forced to defend her, and got hurt in the process.

She was in the hospital afraid she was going to miscarry.

Bud, Harriet, and the Admiral, 3 people she worked with and respected, had been privy to this whole episode of Jerry Springer.

The worst part about it all was that it was her fault. She kept coming back to that.

So many IF’s could have prevented all this.

IF she had just not gotten involved with Mic in the first place. IF she had been true to her heart and waited for Harm. IF she had not gotten involved with Harm after Mic. IF she had just married Mic as she had promised to do. IF she had just stayed away from all men.

‘Oh God, why do these things always seem to happen to me? Am I so stupid I can’t make decent choices and save everyone this trouble? Uncle Mat, you told me I could rise above my childhood, but look where I am. I was engaged to be married to a man who obviously could have been abusive and didn’t even know it! I dragged another good man into this mess I call my life. I forced people I love and respect into a horrible situation.’

She threw the ice pack on the floor.

Most of all she felt shame. Shame she couldn’t even define. Intellectually, she knew it was not her fault, that nothing she had done could excuse Mic’s behavior. But in her heart the shame was still there. Mic’s words kept ringing in her ears, the name-calling and accusations.

As much as she wanted to blame Mic for everything, she knew that it was really her fault. He had never done anything like this before. It was just her betrayal that pushed him to it. And that was really how she saw it. Even if she didn’t act on her feelings for Harm, the feelings had always been there. And those feelings had been a betrayal to Mic as soon as she agreed to marry him.

‘And look what had happened to Harm. If she had just been reasonable with him about the Wedding he would never have tried to come back in a storm and gone down. If she had stayed away from him he would never have been hurt today.

And now she was going to have a baby. As much as she loved the idea of having a child, was it really fair to bring a child into her life? Scar it with her as a mother?’

She finally got up out of bed, unable to lie still any longer with these thoughts torturing her. She walked over to the window, rolling her IV with her, and stared out into the night.

She wanted to scream and cry, but was unable to let anything out.

‘What happens next? Do I press charges against Mic and ruin his life? He won’t be able to reinstate his commission if I do. Do I drop it and then allow him the opportunity to do it again? Will he go after Harm now?’

The accusations and questions were giving her a headache. She closed her eyes pressed her hands to her temples and rubbed them lightly.

“What are you doing out of bed?”

She snapped around at the sound of Harm’s voice, swaying slightly. She steadied herself with a hand to the window.

He was standing in the doorway looking at her in an exasperated manner. He had showered and changed into sweats, and looked much better than the last time she had seen him a couple of hours ago.

He came over to her, took her hand, and led her back to the bed.

“Nothing, I was just tired of lying down. What are you doing back here?” She didn’t want to get into everything she was feeling.

“I just wanted to see you. I’m kinda used to having you around.” In truth, he was worried about her. Something told him she was not all right and he had needed to check on her.

He helped her back into the bed.

“Mac, you know the doctor says you have to rest. I know it’s going to be hard for you, but you have to think about the baby."”

“I know Harm. I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t think.”

Surprised at her apology, he just looked at her. He had been expecting some argument that she was fine and didn’t need all this attention.

His foot knocked into the ice pack she had thrown on the floor. He picked it up and rinsed it off in the sink. As he handed it to her it hit him. “You’ve been lying here blaming yourself for everything, haven’t you?”

She took the ice pack from him and busied herself with it, shaking it and fitting it to her eye. She didn’t reply.



Her brusque tone did not intimidate him. With the unique intuition he had always had regarding Mac he knew she was not angry with him, she just didn’t know how to deal with everything she was feeling. And he knew she needed to let it out.

“I think we need to talk about what happened today.”

“What’s to talk about? You know what happened.”

“I want to know what happened Mac. Everything.”

She was getting angry now. It was a defensive move.

“You already know! You were there for most of it!”

This was patently untrue. He had come in at the end of it and she knew it.

“Mac, you need to calm down and think about what you’re saying. You know we need to talk about it.”

“Are you trying to ‘handle’ me?” She glared at him.

“Yes, I am.” He finally smiled at her. “You’re acting like you need to be ‘handled.’”

She sighed and looked at him ruefully. “I’m sorry Harm. I’m acting like a jerk.”

He went to her and gave her a hug.

She gave another sigh as his arms enclosed her and held him tightly. He held her just as tight for a moment and then kissed her forehead and sat back in the chair beside the bed, still holding her hand.

“Mac, please tell me what happened. I want to understand what you’re feeling. And I want you to understand what I’m feeling. Please.”

Unable to resist his plea, she nodded.

There was a pause as she gathered her thoughts. Letting his hand go, she crossed her arms tightly over her chest, not looking at him. He understood her need not to be touched while she talked to him, and sat back, giving her the space she needed.

“Mic knocked at the door. He asked if he could come in and talk to me. I didn’t want to let him in, but I didn’t see a graceful way out, so I let him in. It was awkward at first, neither one of us knew what to say.

He finally told me he was sorry for the way he left. I told him it was OK, that I had moved on. He was surprised that I had gotten over him so quickly.”

She finally raised her eyes and met Harm’s gaze. “I didn’t want to tell him anything about us, I didn’t want to hurt him. I told him that Uncle Mat had died, and some friends had forced me to deal with things, including my relationship with him.”

Her eyes fell again as she dropped her hands to her lap and twisted them nervously.

“He said he was sorry and he would have been there for me if he had known. I told him I knew that and thanked him”

Her hands stilled as she gripped them tightly together.

“Then he started saying about how he should have given me a chance to talk to him before he left and how he regretted everything. And then he said he wanted us to get back together.”

She met his eyes again a little desperately. “You have to believe me Harm. I didn’t encourage him. I told him no right away. That I couldn’t and wouldn’t go back to him.”

He sensed her fear. He just didn’t understand why she thought he wouldn’t believe her. He got up and sat on the edge of the bed, putting his hand over her tightly clenched fingers. “Of course I believe you Mac.”

She took his big hand in both of hers and held it tightly. “Then I started to cry. I was sad because I was hurting him, and you know I have trouble controlling tears these days.”

He nodded and smiled at her.

“But Mic wasn’t used to seeing me cry. He thought it meant that I really wanted him. That’s when I told him I was pregnant and involved with someone else and I couldn’t be with him. He guessed it was you and got really angry.”

Her hands started to shake and her voice trembled as related the next part.

“He started accusing me of – of having an affair with you while I was engaged to him. And then he called me names and brought up Chris and John and how I had fooled him into thinking I was good, but I was just a whore.”

She was crying now, not the emotional tears of the pregnancy, but deep pain-wracked tears of heartfelt agony. “All I could think about was that he was right. That I would have gone to you in a second if you had asked. That I did betray him when I kissed you at the Admiral’s.”

He took her in his arms again. “Stop baby. Just stop for a minute. I love you and believe in you. Just take a deep breath. Everything will be OK, baby, I promise.” He had to get her to stop crying.

She drew in a shaky breath. “And then he slapped me. I tried to get away, but he grabbed me and kissed me. I tried to fight him but he was too strong, so I bit him on the lip. And then he punched me. And you came in.”

She was valiantly trying to stop her tears. He was still holding her, stunned by the brutality of what Mic had said and done.

“Please believe me Harm. I didn’t want him to kiss me. I tried to get away, I just couldn’t.”

“Baby, there is no doubt in my mind that you are telling me the truth. I love you honey, just calm down, OK?”

He continued to hold her while he thought about everything she had told him and how he should respond.

Author’s Note: Maybe people will feel that I made Mac too weak here, but I feel strongly that with her abusive childhood and all the emotional and physical trauma she has suffered would really bring her to this point. I know something about abused woman, and shame and guilt are major feelings that they have to deal with however unjust that is. Along with that, there is a loss of self-esteem that causes a fear that nobody will believe them and that it is their own fault that the abuse happened and that they deserved it. It’s a serious problem and cannot be viewed lightly, and doesn’t magically go away on it’s own.

Bathesda Naval Hospital Mac’s Hospital Room Saturday 2225

Mac was finally quiet as he held her. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes, just held her and soothed her gently.

“Mac, I want you to listen to me for a few minutes, OK?” He felt her nod against his chest.

He settled her back against the pillows, took her hands in his, and looked earnestly into her eyes.

“Please remember that I love you and trust you implicitly. In fact, there is no one in the world that I trust more than you. I know for a fact that you would never lie to me. I hope that feeling is reciprocated.” He gave her a small smile.

She nodded again and managed a tremulous smile of her own.

“Good. Mac, I know that you’ve been though an awful lot in your life. There’s a lot of it I simply can’t comprehend. Not because I don’t believe you and not because I don’t love you, but because I didn’t experience it or anything like it. That being said, you should know that what I know about you is much different from what you think about yourself.”

He released her hands and stood up, walking beside the bed as if he were in a courtroom.

“You think that somehow everything bad that happens to you is your fault, that somehow you’re responsible.” She looked away from him at that.

He walked around the other side of the bed and met her eyes, not allowing her to shut him out.

“I don’t. I see a beautiful woman who has had to battle through a life that most people only have nightmares about. You made it Mac; you made something of yourself in spite of it all. Yes, you had a little encouragement along the way from you Uncle Mat, but it is YOU that had to do everything.”

He could see he wasn’t making headway. She wasn’t going to respond to praise, even from him. He would have to try something different.

“Look at it this way Mac. Take yourself out of the picture and insert Chloe. If Chloe had your background, but manages to rise to the rank of Lt. Colonel in the marines, become a lawyer, and beat alcoholism, wouldn’t you be happy and proud of her? Wouldn’t you think she was the smartest and best kid you had ever seen?”

He could finally see a little light in her eyes as she considered this idea. He knew she loved Chloe and would always be proud of her.

“Now what if Chloe had problems that came up from her past? What if these problems embarrassed her and actually put her in danger, forcing her to defend herself and someone she cared about. Wouldn’t you understand and support her? Even if she had not told you everything? Wouldn’t you do anything in your power to make her move on and put it behind her? And would you NOT blame her? Come on Mac, I know you would be there for her every step of the way. You would literally force her to see that sometimes circumstances are beyond her control and that just because a bad choice was made years ago under difficult circumstances doesn’t mean that she’s a bad person. You know that’s what you would do.”

She looked down, unable to argue with him because she knew he was right. She WOULD be there for Chloe, in fact she had been there for Chloe.

He let the point sink in before moving on.

“Now say Chloe, through no fault of her own, fell in love with an idiot who couldn’t admit he loved her back.”

Her head came up at this and he saw the ghost of a smile in her eyes as she looked at him.

“She tried to get the idiot to open up, but he shut down on her. Now she’s hurt and rejected and vulnerable. Along comes some Aussie idiot who catches her when she feels weak and offers her everything the other idiot didn’t. So she goes for it, trying to move on with her life.

Her gaze never faltered from his as he talked. He came back to the bed and sat down, still not touching her.

“Now the first idiot can’t deal with her involvement, so he runs to another woman, the complete opposite of Chloe and becomes involved himself. The Aussie idiot is pressuring and pursuing her, so Chloe decides to marry the Aussie idiot, giving in to his pressure and never knowing the first idiot loves her.”

He took her hand as he went to the next part.

“But on the night of Chloe’s engagement party, he breaks down and tells her in a round about way, never coming right out with it, leaving her more confused than ever. Then really screws up and insults her the day before her wedding and bails out on her. And to make matters worse he has a terrible accident that night, scaring her to death and causing her to postpone the wedding.”

He reached up and touched her cheek, wiping away the lone tear that had fallen at his words.

“In a fit of temper, the Aussie idiot leaves her unexpectedly without a word. Confused and hurt, she turns to the first idiot who is still tied up with his girlfriend and can’t leave her because her Father died. Worse comes to worse, and the idiot doesn’t make the right moves and alienates her completely before true love finally wins out and they are together at last. Finally, the idiot is not an idiot any more.”

He leaned over and kissed her gently before continuing.

“Things go great, they work out their professional lives, she gets pregnant. The former idiot and Chloe are finally happy. But the Aussie idiot shows up unexpectedly and wants her back. In a jealous rage he lashes out at her refusal, calls her names, hurts her and causes a lot of problems.”

He paused for a minute and looked into her eyes deeply.

“Wouldn’t you understand that it was not her fault, that she made her choices based on the best information she had available? Wouldn’t you love her and support her and help her in any way you could?”

The tears had been welling up as he spoke. With a sob she broke down and nodded again, unable to speak.

He pulled her into his arms again. “Then you know how this former idiot feels. And that’s why you can’t blame yourself for everything.”

“Give yourself a break Mac. See yourself the way I do, and the way all the other people that love you do. Be proud of who you are, because I am damn proud of you.”

She was still crying in his arms, but this time they were tears of release, not pain.

“OK, that’s enough with the waterworks. The doctor was very specific that he didn’t want you upset, so let’s get happy, OK?”

She nodded again against his chest.

“Are you ever going to talk again?”

She gave a tiny giggle and nodded.


She actually laughed and nodded once more.

“So we’ll worry about everything else tomorrow and you’ll get some much needed rest, right”

She lifted her head and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you Harm. I can’t say more than that, and it doesn’t begin to convey what I really feel.”

He moved over on the bed so he was resting with her in his arms. “Get some sleep Mac. I’ll be here when you wake up. I love you too.”

He held her as she finally fell asleep.

Bathesda Naval Hospital Mac’s Hospital Room Monday 0900 Local

Mac was dressed in civvies and waiting for the final release papers. The swelling had gone down on her eye, but it had blossomed into a spectacular rainbow of colors.

Harm was in uniform, as he had to report in to JAG after taking her home. . The doctor was finally letting her out and giving her his instructions.

“So Colonel, you will be on restricted duty. You will minimize stress as much as possible. You will not be traveling for your job. You will not be exercising as you normally do, just light walking or swimming. No weight lifting, no running, nothing that is too strenuous. You will be getting plenty of sleep, eating regularly and healthily (Harm gave her a smirk at this), and taking care of yourself. Be sure that you take your prenatal vitamins, and I want to see you every two weeks after this. If you follow these instructions carefully you shouldn’t have any more problems and should have a normal healthy pregnancy. If you don’t, you could be risking a miscarriage.” He paused for a moment, making sure his words sunk in. “You can go back to work tomorrow, but as I said, you will be on restricted duty.”

“I get the point Doctor. You don’t have to repeat it. I promise to be a good girl.” Harm rolled his eyes, knowing full well he was going to have his hands full trying to make sure she followed all the Dr.’s instructions. He smirked again at the thought of Mac “eating healthily”, much less giving up exercising and stress at work.

Mac saw Harm’s look and knew exactly what he was thinking. She shot him a glare before breaking into a smile.

At her smile, Harm lost his smirk. His thoughts drifted to another form exercise. His eyes took on a smoldering look and he gave her a slow sexy smile loaded with innuendo.

Her breath quickened as she read his smile, an answering fire burning in her eyes.

The Doctor looked from one to the other. With not a word spoken the atmosphere in the room had changed drastically. He smothered a smirk of his own. “One particular form of exercise is fine, it’s a great stress reliever.” He gave Harm a grin. “But no hanging from the light fixture’s OK? Take it easy with each other.”

He turned to leave. “The nurse will be in with your discharge papers in a moment.”

Mac burst out laughing. The look on Harm’s face was priceless.

“Apparently you are not as subtle as you thought.”

The nurse entered with the discharge papers and a wheelchair, saving him from having to make a reply.

Mac signed the papers and looked at the wheelchair and then at the nurse. “Do I have to?”

“It’s hospital policy Ma’am.”

With a heavy sigh she seated herself in the wheelchair. Harm grinned at her.

“Not one word Squid, or you will pay dearly.” The look in her eye convinced him it was in his best interests to remain quiet. He contented himself with smirking at her again.

“I’ll get the car and meet you at the main entrance. Just give me a minute.” He addressed this to the nurse and headed out the door.

Harm’s SUV

He didn’t ask her where she wanted to go, he just headed for his apartment.

“Harm, I need to head to my apartment. It’s a mess after everything.”

“Oh sure Mac. Why don’t I drop you there so you can lift the couch up and straighten furniture? Oh yeah – and make sure you clean up the broken stuff and vacuum too. I wouldn’t want you to follow doctor’s orders and rest on the first day out of the hospital. I’d much rather you clean up the apartment.”

Sarcasm had always been one of his strong suits.

“Okay, okay. I won’t clean it up. But I need to pick up some stuff from there anyway. You could drop me there so I can get my car and I’ll meet you at your place after work.”

“Nice try Mac. Not going to work though. FYI – Bud and Harriet went over to your place yesterday and cleaned up and put everything back in its place. Harriet also picked up some clothes and other ‘girlie stuff’ for you and took them to my apartment. And I don’t want you to have your car – I want you to stay home and rest. This is an official kidnapping.”

“Harm” – she started to protest.

He cut her off. “Look Mac, just humor me, please? You scared the life out of me. I promise I’ll lighten up, but I need to know you’re taken care of and protected. Please.”

His tone had changed as he said this, and he shot her his pleading puppydog look. He knew she had trouble resisting it.

She realized he really had been scared to death, and he had been so wonderful with her that she decided to humor him for a little while longer.

“OK. I promise to follow doctor’s orders, and rest. But just remember, I’m not an invalid.”

A relieved look came over his face. “Thank you.”

His voice took on a more serious note. “I don’t like to bring this up, but you have to know. Brumby’s out on bail.”

She paled. “Oh God Harm. He could go after you.”

“Mac, it’s you I’m worried about. I can handle Brumby. Anyway, it’s really a moot point. The judge issued a restraining order at our attorney’s request. And our attorney also stationed a marine guard outside my door.”

“Let me guess, the Admiral?”

“Yeah. He handled everything.”

They were both quiet for a minute as they thought about how great the Admiral had been with them.

He parked the car as they reached his apartment and hurried around to help her out of the car. “Harm, I promise I’m perfectly fine. I’m not hurting and I’m not going to faint. I can walk to the apartment.”

“Okay, okay. I just worry, you know?”

He still walked next to her holding her hand.

The guard at the apartment door saluted Harm as he was in uniform. Harm returned the salute and opened the door.

She saw the flowers as soon as she entered. Roses, of course, a dozen red ones. They perfumed the apartment.

“Oh Harm, they’re beautiful.” She hurried to them and buried her nose in one of the fragrant blossoms.

He gave her an embarrassed grin. “Glad you like them.”

“I hate to do this, but I have to go. I have a meeting with the Admiral this morning. He’s waiting for me to report in.”

“You’re leaving now?” The sultry look she gave him caused his heart to beat faster.

She walked over to him and ran her hands up his chest, stopping only to play in his hair. “Can’t you stay for a little while?”

Her eyes never left his, promising many things as she pressed up against him.

His arms went around her of their own volition, pulling her even closer. “I wish I could, but the Admiral is waiting.”

She trailed kisses along his neck as she murmured “It’s been three days you know.”

He was rapidly losing control of the situation, if he had ever had control around her.

“I know, BELIEVE ME, I know.” Her lips touched his gently, playfully.

“I miss you Harm” she breathed.

Unable to resist her he met her lips in a crushing kiss, tongues dueling. He lost himself in the moment.

Finally he tore himself away and rested his forehead on hers, breathing heavily. “That wasn’t fair Marine.”

She was breathing just as heavily. “All’s fair in love and war Flyboy.”

“I really have to go.” He nibbled on her ear, unable to resist.

“I know.” She went back to kissing his neck.

With a superhuman effort at self-control he pushed her gently away. “You- on the sofa. There are turkey sandwiches already made in the fridge- no cooking for you. Don’t worry about dinner, I’ll take care of it.” He was trying desperately to steady his breathing.

She didn’t touch him again, but continued to gaze at him in a way that made his blood boil and logical thinking very difficult.

“Don’t’ look at me that way. I’ll never be able to leave.”

“What way?” She continued to do it.

“You know what way.”

She laughed, stepped close, gave him a gentle kiss, and stepped away again.

“I love you Harm. Hurry home.”

He liked the thought of hurrying home to her.

“You can count on it Marine.”

He finally made it out the door.

He really did have to meet the Admiral. He didn’t want to tell Mac and upset her, but Brumby had filed charges against him. It was going to be a difficult day.

JAG Headquarters Admiral Chegwidden’s Office 1335 Local

Harm sat across from the Admiral. They had discussed the situation at length and decided on a course of action.

The Admiral had pulled a few strings and convinced the DA’s office to allow the JAG office to handle the cases resulting from Brumby’s assault on Mac.

Brumby was charged with aggravated assault. Harm wanted to get him for attempted murder, but the Admiral had convinced him this was not a good charge and would be too difficult to prove. The aggravated assault charge would get Brumby at least a couple of years in jail. It would also prevent his reactivation of his commission, and probably lead to disbarrment.

Brumby had filed charges against Harm. His charges were aggravated assault also, but he had thrown in attempted murder as well. Thanks to Harm’s long residence and brilliant record he was free on his own recognizance.

Both cases would be tried together in the interests of saving time. The trial was set for next week. The Admiral had requested that this case be treated with the highest priority. As the JAG, the Admiral had withdrawn as Harm’s attorney and assigned Bud, with Bud doubling as Brumby’s prosecutor. Singer was serving as defense for Brumby and prosecutor for Harm.

The Admiral shook his head sadly. “You know Commander, I never figured that Brumby would do something like this. I never thought he was right for Mac, but I did think he really loved her.”

“With all due respect Sir, I think he did love her. He just couldn’t accept that she didn’t love him. I never liked him, but I never expected him to do something like this either.” His eyes grew dark in anger, picturing Brumby standing over Mac with his fist clenched. “But it’s for damn sure he will never have the opportunity to do it again.”

The Admiral remembered what Mac had looked like at the hospital, his own anger rekindling. “I agree Harm, but let’s try to keep cool heads. Running around without thinking things through will only give the advantage to Brumby.”

“I know Sir.”

Harm was not really concerned about the charges against him. They were nuisance charges and he felt strongly that he would be acquitted. The fallout from the whole scenario had already begun, scuttlebutt was running rampant. Mac and Harm’s relationship was now common knowledge, as was Mac’s pregnancy. In an attempt to calm things down, the Admiral had made a short announcement this morning informing everyone of Harm’s transfer.

Unfortunately, it was not going to be that easy. With Mac’s pregnancy it would be obvious that the transfer occurred after their relationship had already begun. If Singer wanted to cause problems about fraternization during the trial, it could be difficult.

“That’s all Commander. Take the rest of the afternoon off and check on Mac.” The Admiral smiled slightly. “I think it’s probably going to be a full time job getting her to try and take it easy.”

Harm smiled back. “Yes Sir. On the way home from the hospital she suggested I drop her at her place so she could clean it up.”

“I take it you didn’t.” The Admiral had faith in him.

“No Sir. Bud and Harriet had already done it anyway. I dropped her at my place and she promised to rest.”

“Good luck Harm.”

“Thank you Sir.”


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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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