Chapter One

“Men seem to pass through my life. Except you. Will you always be there?”

“Yes.” He answered sincerely, turning slightly to face her.

“Then you need to know what the doctor told me.”

Harm reached over and held her hand, and his breath.

“I’ve got a tumor wrapped around one of my ovaries.” Mac said looking down at the strong hand holding hers.

Harm squeezed her hand, not knowing what to say. He wanted to hold her and will the problem away with the sheer force of his love for her, but he didn’t dare, not here, not now.

“I’m going to need surgery. The sooner the better.” She looked up at him a moment.

“If I’m lucky, they’ll only take the one ovary.” She took a deep breath, for courage. “The odds for getting pregnant just tanked by 50% and they weren’t so great at my age to begin with.” Mac swallowed hard wanting to crawl under a rock somewhere.

Harm knew he needed to say something, but words just weren’t coming.

“What can I do?” Harm finally heard himself ask.

Mac looked up into his beautiful green eyes. She could easily drown in those eyes. What should she say? Hold me, love me, make it all go away. Eight wasted years of banter and stupidity. Eight years of longing. Eight barren years.

Harm had seen Mac at highs and lows in her life, but never had he seen so much pain in her eyes. Not even when she came to tell him Webb had died.

“Why don’t you let me take you home. You probably shouldn’t be out right now anyway.” Harm suggested when Mac didn’t answer.

“I’m okay, I was told to take it easy.”

“Somehow, I don’t think a dining out was what the doctor had in mind when she told you to take it easy.” Harm was still holding her hand.

“She knew, she told me to take a cab.”

“Well, you’ve got your ride home when you’re ready.” Harm was getting worried. Mac was looking really tired.

“We’d probably better go back in. Someone’s bound to notice we’re missing.” Mac grinned, standing up.

“Nah, Tiner couldn’t make it.” Harm chuckled, thinking back to that night long ago on another porch. Regretfully he released her hand.

“If the offer stands, I wouldn’t mind going home soon.” Mac asked, softly.

Nodding his head, and offering his arm to her, “Always, Mac, always.” He was talking about more than the ride home and they both knew it.

Highway to DC
Harm’s Lexus.

“I’m glad you didn’t bring the vette.” Mac tried to smile.

“The Lexus is better for longer drives.” Harm noticed Mac still looked very uncomfortable. “You want to tell me what else the doctor said?”

“Well, on the bright side, 98% of ovarian tumors at my age are benign and the treatment through the years has become less aggressive. They used to often do complete hysterectomies to prevent ovarian cancer. Now they can often treat these tumors with medication.” Mac was leaning heavily against the door.

“I thought you said you needed surgery?”

“The reason my back pain has been increasing is the tumor is twisting, it needs to be removed. If they can, they’ll remove only the tumor but the way it’s wrapped around the ovary, it’s most likely destroyed the normal ovarian tissue and the ovary will have to be removed as well.” Mac closed her eyes. The emotions of all this, as well as the after affects from the laparoscopy were catching up with her.

“But you can still have children?” Harm asked timidly.

“Maybe.” She grimaced, shifting uncomfortably.

“Do you still want a baby?” If possible, Harm’s voice was even softer than before.

“Yes.” Mac opened her eyes, but couldn’t look at Harm.

“Would you consider doing it… together, as we planned five years ago.” His voice was almost shaky.

“Yes.” She swallowed hard. “It’s all I’ve ever considered.” She finally found the courage to look in Harm’s direction.

“When do they want to do surgery?” The strength in Harm’s voice was coming back.

“It depends on how quickly I can clear up my caseload.”

“What do you mean clear up. Just hand off whatever is on your desk, we’ll sort it out.” Harm was incredulous that she would delay needed surgery to finish up cases.

“I will, but it will make everyone’s life easier if I have all my notes and reports in order.” Mac held back a yawn.

“Hey, I’m sorry. You must be exhausted. We can talk about this some more later.” Harm felt badly, he should have realized how drained she’d be by now.

Mac’s apartment
20 minutes later

“Mac, you’re home.” Harm gently shook her arm.

Mac had fallen asleep the last portion of the ride, she looked so tired, Harm hated to wake her. Still dazed, Mac straightened up in the chair giving Harm time to step around and help her out.

Once in the apartment, she set her purse down on the table. “Would you like some tea?” she offered.

“No thank you. You should get to bed.” Harm said, not moving from inside the doorway.

“I know, but I’d like some tea. Care to reconsider?” Mac asked wearily.

“In that case, you get ready for bed, and I’ll make the tea.” Harm walked up next to her, placing his hands on her shoulders, he turned her in the direction of her room and gave her a little nudge.

“Yes, sir.” Mac snapped a salute, too tired to put up a fight.

Harm took off his jacket and cummerbund, laying them neatly on a dining room chair. Almost finished making the tea, he was getting concerned Mac still hadn’t returned from her room.

“Need any help in there?” He asked, carrying the teacups into the living room.

Seeing Mac finally emerge from her room moving very slowly, Harm quickly set the cups down and jetted over to assist her.

“You okay? And don’t tell me I keep asking that.” He barked, the worry evident in his voice.

“I’m starting to really feel the discomfort. It took longer than I thought to undress.” Mac tried to smile.

“You should have called me, I’d have helped.” Harm groaned when he realized what he’d just said.

“I know.” She smiled. For a brief moment, she had actually considered it.

“Why don’t you just turn right around and head back to bed and I’ll bring you the tea in there.” Harm maneuvered her around as he had done earlier.

“That’s silly. I can sit in here.” Her voice sounded a little stronger.

“Sure you can, but it’s ridiculous to get comfortable only to have to get up and go through it again in your room later. Let’s move.” Harm picked up the two cups and pointed to her room with his nose.

Shaking her head slightly, Mac smiled the first genuine smile of the evening.

“Yes Commander Nightingale.”

A few minutes later, Mac was comfortably tucked into bed, pillows appropriately fluffed and patted. Harm had taken his shoes off and was sitting on the spread next to Mac.

“You were right, this was a good idea.” Mac took another sip of tea.

“I have a few good ones once in a while.” He teased, setting his cup down on the nightstand.

“What happens now?” He asked, turning his head to see her.

“I clear off my desk, then schedule the surgery.” She let out a small sigh.

“Is it difficult?”

“Not really, it’s a surgical laporoscopy. This way it’s outpatient surgery and there should only be a one week recovery time. Two on the outside.” Mac was staring into her cup of tea.

“I’m going with you.” Harm put his hand on her lap and gently patted her leg.

It wasn’t a question. Mac could see there was no room for argument.

“Thank you.” Holding back her tears, her voice was barely above a whisper.

“Oh, Mac. Everything will be okay.” His heart broke watching a single tear escape her water filled eyes, making it’s way down her cheek. He lifted his hand and gently brushed the tear away. Another followed in its path.

Taking the cup out of her hand and placing it on the nightstand beside his, Harm turned back and gathered her into his arms.

Chapter Two

Mac’s apartment
Next Morning

Feeling a little stiffness in his back, a heaviness on his chest stopped Harm from shifting. Instinctively, his arm moved to the source of the burden. His hand landing squarely on Sarah MacKenzie’s back, Harm forced one eye open, fighting a sleepy haze. Within moments it all came back to him. The porch, the conversation, the ride home, and Mac crying herself to sleep.

He glanced over at the clock on her nightstand. He never understood why she needed a clock with her sense of timing, but he was glad she did. Eight forty five. He needed to get up and call Mattie. She wasn’t used to him not coming home at night and he didn’t want her assuming the wrong thing. His eyes slowly scanning the beautiful woman sleeping on him, Harm wasn’t sure how to get out from under her. He wasn’t really all that sure he even wanted to.

Before his mind had much time to fight this new battle, Mac began to stir.

“Morning, sleepy head.” Harm whispered into the top of her hair.

Mac grimaced trying to sit up.

“Hey, hey, take it easy there marine.” Harm said quickly grabbing her arm to support her. Shifting his weight to one side, Harm leaned into her using his arms to help her into a sitting position.

“Thank you, again.” Mac said exhaling a long slow breath.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I just forgot I might still be a little sore.” Mac tried to reassure him.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.” She smiled at him.

“Why don’t you stay put and I’ll go get breakfast.” Harm said placing his hand on her arm.

“I’m going to be down for the count soon enough, I can get us something to eat now.” She insisted.

Harm knew when not to push his luck. While Mac began scrambling eggs, he called Mattie quickly to let her know the colonel wasn’t feeling well and he’d probably be there most of the day.

Neither one of them mentioned her illness, the surgery, or their deal the rest of the day. They chatted about the admiral’s replacement, what were the odds one of Harriet’s twins might be a girl, how much Bud deserved his promotion, and just about anything and everything that old friends could talk about without mentioning anything potentially painful.

By dinnertime, Mac insisted Harm go home and spend some time with Mattie.

“I’m telling you Harm, I’m fine. I’m going to crawl into bed with a good book and go to sleep early.” Mac assured him, handing him his cummerbund and jacket.

“Besides, I’m sure you’re tired of wearing that monkey suit all day.” Mac chuckled pointing aimlessly at Harm.

“A shower would be nice.” Harm sighed. “You win marine, but promise you’ll call if you need anything?”

“Promise.” She nodded practically pushing him out the front door.

“Goodnight.” He nodded, waving his cummerbund at her.

“Night.” She smiled, leaning heavily on the door.

Resting her weight on the now closed door, Mac paused to contemplate what had she done right in her life to deserve Harm’s friendship? Shaking her head, she walked to her room, clearing her mind of all thoughts except a warm bed and good book.

JAG Headquarters
Monday morning
0700 hours

Activity in the bullpen was already buzzing. The new JAG was due in sometime after lunch today. Only the senior staff were given the opportunity to meet briefly with the new admiral after the change of command. There wasn’t an officer or enlisted man who hadn’t arrived early to ensure his or her posts would be in tiptop shape for the new admiral’s first day in the office.

Jennifer was probably the most nervous of the bunch. By seven thirty she had moved the pencil holder from the left to right side of her desk and back again at least three separate times. She could only pray the phone would start ringing in hopes of creating some much needed distraction.

When Harm stepped off the elevator at 0750, the bullpen was humming like a well oiled machine.

“Morning Harriet.” Harm smiled walking past her desk.

“Morning, sir.”

“Ready for the new admiral?” He continued.

“Yes, sir, maybe.” She couldn’t refrain from giggling nervously.

“Is the colonel in yet?”

“Yes, sir. She got here bright and early as usual, sir.”

“Thank you, Harriet.” Harm turned towards Mac’s office.

“How goes it this morning?” He asked from her doorway.

“Fine, thank you.” Mac nodded, forcing a smile.

“Let me know if you need any help clearing your desk.”

“Will do.” The fake smile was still plastered on her face.

“Does Coates know what’s going on yet?” Harm asked carefully.

“Request for medical leave’s been on her desk since 0645.” Mac sighed, tired of trying to smile.

“Okay then, you know where to find me if you need me.” Nodding slightly, he reluctantly backed away from the door and continued to his office.

Dropping his briefcase and cover on the desk, Harm did an immediate one eighty and made his way to Petty Officer Coates’ desk.

“Morning Jen.” Harm had already decided he wasn’t going to ask her about the new admiral. She’d been fidgeting nervously all weekend and he thought if by some miracle she happened to have forgotten about it, there was no point in reminding her.

“You have Colonel MacKenzie’s request for medical leave?” It wasn’t really a question.

“Yes, sir. Right here waiting for the admiral’s signature.”

“I need you to please see to it that I get the day of surgery and maybe the next couple of days off as well.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it, and if you don’t mind me saying so, that’s very nice of you, sir.” Jen smiled up at him. She knew the commander and colonel had been through a lot together and she was happy, despite the circumstances, to see them go through this together as well.

1410 hours

Everyone had been on pins and needles waiting for the arrival of the new JAG when a deep voice finally called out, “Attention on Deck.”

Admiral Rita Chaidez walked briskly into the bullpen.

“At ease. I look forward to working with all of you, but at the moment, I’m sure everyone has plenty to do. Carry on.” She continued quickly to her office.

“Good afternoon, ma’am.” Petty Officer Coates’ sprang to attention.

“Petty Officer.” She nodded her head. “If you’ll follow me please.” Barely pausing by Jennifer’s desk, the admiral marched into her office as though she’d been doing this for years.

Grabbing her notepad and a pen, Jen followed in step behind the admiral.

“At ease.” The admiral ordered, taking her seat behind the large oak desk.

“I understand from Admiral Chegwidden that you are one of his best yeomen.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” Jen answered nervously.

“I have tremendous faith in admiral Chegwidden’s judgement of character, and look forward to developing the same opinion of you he has.” She smiled softly to put the young yeoman at ease, then sat back in her chair. “Now, I want all senior staff personnel files on my desk before you leave today. Bring Colonel MacKenzie’s file to me now, and tell her I want to see her in thirty.”

“Yes ma’am. Also ma’am, you’ll notice in the papers I’ve left for your review, the Colonel’s request for medical leave is on top.” Jen pointed to a stack of papers on the admiral’s desk.

“Thank you, Jennifer. I’ll make sure to look at it before I see the Colonel.” She nodded.

“The Commander’s request for time off is just underneath it, ma’am.” Jennifer said straightening her shoulders.

“The Commander’s?” Admiral Chaidez’s voice had just gone up a notch.

“Yes ma’am. The Colonel is needing surgery and I believe the Commander plans to accompany her.” Jen replied briefly.

“I see. I guess some things never change.” The Admiral smiled softly.

Jennifer had no idea how to respond to that. “Anything else you’d like me to do ma’am?”

“No, Petty Officer, that will be all. Dismissed.” The admiral began reading the papers in front of her.

Chapter 3

JAG Headquarters
Admiral Chaidez’ office

“Have a seat Colonel.” The admiral waved at the chairs in front of her.

“It’s been some time since you’ve been before me.” The admiral looked down at the file in front of her.

“Yes, ma’am.” Mac acknowledged. It had indeed been several years since, the then Captain Chaidez, had presided on the bench at HQ. Mac still remembered their first encounter at John Farrow’s court martial.

“Admiral Chegwidden was very proud of his staff. According to the private notes he left me, he thinks his senior staff is the best in the Navy. A little unorthodox at times, but the best.” She looked up to read Mac’s reaction.

“It’s my intention to leave things as they stand, you will remain my chief of staff unless I’m shown good reason to do otherwise.” The Admiral’s voice was calm, but the implications were clear.

“I can see from your service records, that neither you nor Commander Rabb have mellowed with time. I’m too young for gray hair.” She raised an eyebrow at Mac. “Am I making myself clear?” She allowed a small smile to grace her lips.

“Crystal, ma’am.” Mac was sitting rigidly in place, her eyes smiling at the thought of all the gray hairs they’d given Admiral Chegwidden.

“Now, Colonel. I understand you are in need of surgery.” The Admiral let out a short sigh, her shoulders relaxing back into the large leather chair.

“That would be correct, ma’am.” Mac nodded.

“From what I can see, things are pretty slow around here. I see no reason we can’t spare you and the Commander.”

“The Commander?” Mac tried not to look too confused.

“He’s requested leave time as well. I thought you knew.” The Admiral tilted her head slightly. These two were famous for watching each other’s back. She didn’t see why it would be any different this time.

“The day of the surgery, yes ma’am.” Her gaze a little steadier, now that she remembered Harm would be taking her.

“He’s asked for several days Colonel, and I see no reason not to grant them.” Mac’s eyes betrayed the broad range of thoughts and emotions flashing through her mind. The Admiral was starting to understand why what little hair AJ had left, was gray.

“Thank you, ma’am.” Mac didn’t want to upset the apple cart so soon by protesting.

Looking at Mac for a long moment, the Admiral debated whether or not it was a good idea to loosen parameters so early in her command.

“You know Colonel, this surgery you’re scheduled for is pretty routine.” She watched Mac carefully.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“The trick is not too push too hard early on.” She let one side of her mouth curl up in a smile.

“Thank you ma’am.” Mac bit her lower lip.

“Colonel, if there’s something you’d like to know, I’d be happy to offer what ever assistance I can.” She paused a moment. “It’s normal to be a little… frightened, it won’t get you drummed out of the corps.”

“Thank you, I am a little nervous, ma’am.” Mac swallowed hard.

It was obvious to the Admiral that Mac was not prepared to open up. Perhaps it was better that way, if she was going to keep her perspective, she needed to keep her distance.

“You’ll see, it will be easier than you think, but I insist you take as much time as you need and don’t rush back too soon.” Watching the pressure on Mac’s lips tighten, “that’s an order.”

“Aye aye ma’am.”

Bethesda Naval hospital
Two days later

Harm sat nervously in the waiting room. The doctor had come out and told him all had gone as expected. They did indeed have to remove the one ovary. Two more cysts were removed from her other ovary, but they hadn’t posed a problem and the ovary was left intact. As soon as Mac woke up he would be able to take her home.

Outpatient Recovery
45 minutes later

“Hi there, sleepy head.” Harm whispered quietly. “How ya feeling?”

“Like a pin cushion.” Mac said without opening her eyes.

“As soon as you’re up to it, we can go home.” Harm reached for her hand without thinking.

“Just as soon as I get these cotton balls out of my mouth.” Mac tried to smile.

“The doc said everything went well.” Harm could see Mac cringe.

“They didn’t have to take both ovaries.” He hoped that was good news.

“I know.” She smacked her lips, her mouth still feeling pasty. “What do you say you hand me my clothes and we hit the road.” Mac grimaced trying to sit up.

“Take it easy.” Harm practically shouted at her. Leaning over he gripped her firmly on either side, “Okay, now.” Mac pushed off her hands to lift herself slightly, Harm pulling her up the rest of the way.

Slowly, very slowly, she threw her legs over the side of the bed.

“I think I’m going to need some help changing.” Mac scrunched one side of her face in a subtle apology.

“Uh, yeah, let me see if I can get a nurse in here.” Harm stepped away from Mac slowly making sure she was steady.

“Be right back.” He called from the doorway. For a fleeting moment, a sense of panic rushed through him at the thought of just how much help Mac might need the next few days.

Mac’s apartment
Later that evening

Harm had moved Mac’s TV into her room. He’d insisted he didn’t want her moving back and forth between rooms. At first Mac wanted to protest she didn’t need to be coddled, but the truth was, she felt like she’d been through a meat grinder and not needing to walk around sounded pretty good to her.

After watching TV for a couple of hours, Harm noticed Mac was grimacing more frequently, for apparently no reason.

Looking down at his watch. “Isn’t it about time you took some medication?” He asked.

“No.” She answered too quickly.

“Maaac,” Harm got up from the bed and walked around to her nightstand. Picking up the prescriptions she’d brought with her from the pharmacy at Bethesda, “It says here every four hours. It’s been more than that.”

Harm poured a pill into his hand and picked up the glass of water, handing both to Mac.

“I don’t need it.” She pushed his hand away.

“Mac, it’s obvious you’re in pain, please.” Harm stuck his hand in front of her face again.

“No, Harm. It says OR as needed. I don’t need them.” She glanced at him sideways without turning her head away from the TV.

“Mac, I’m not going to argue with you and I’m not going to sit here watching you suffer needlessly. Now, take the pills or I'm calling the Admiral and having her make it an order.” He smiled triumphantly.

“You wouldn’t?” She turned to him in horror.

Only raising his eyebrows, Mac knew he had her, she reached over and took the pills.

“Happy now?” She asked scrunching her face and sticking her tongue out at him.

Shaking his head, Harm set the pills back on the nightstand and returned to his previous place on the other side of her, careful not to jostle the bed as he sat.

Not much time had passed when Harm noticed Mac staring blankly at the TV screen.

"Penny for your thoughts." Harm asked softly.

"Not worth that much." Her voice was barely audible.

"To me their priceless." Harm, smiled.

"I’m,… scared." She continued to stare ahead.

“It will be okay, you’ll see.”

“Will it?” She snapped her head around to face him.

“Can you promise me everything will be okay, that I’ll have the children I’ve always dreamed of, that I’ll get to watch them graduate, marry and have children of their own? Can you promise me I won’t grow old forgotten and alone? Can you!”

Stunned by her outburst, Harm was at a momentary loss for words. Melting at the pain in her icy stare, Harm tried to vocalize the words in his heart.

“I can promise you will not grow old forgotten or alone as long as I draw breath. I’m here for you. Anything you need or want from me is yours- anything. I can’t promise you’ll have all the children you’ve dreamed of, but I do promise, if you’ll let me, to do everything in my power to help that dream become a reality.” Harm shifted to face her. Reaching up, he wiped away the single tear that was streaming down her cheek.

Closing her eyes, Mac blindly reached out for Harm’s hand. Squeezing it tightly she pulled him a little closer. “Thank you.”

Drawing a calming strength from each other, the two turned their attention back to the television.

Chapter 4

Mac’s apartment
Three days later

By now Mac was feeling a little less sore. She’d spent the past three days in Harm’s old tshirts. The first morning after surgery, she wasted twenty minutes trying to put on her underwear. Laughing at the memory of Harm standing in front of her the previous night, eyes closed, helping her out of her clothes, she finally gave up on the panties and decided an oversized tshirt, that reached her knees, was the perfect solution to her discomfort and everyone’s sense of modesty.

“You know, if you’re going to insist on staying here to take care of me, you should at least move into my room.” Mac repeated for the umpteenth time.

“Mac, we’ve been over this. There’s no way I’m willing to risk accidentally clobbering you in my sleep.” Harm turned back to finish folding up the linens from the sofa he’d slept on.

“For heaven’s sake Harm, what do you dream about – sumo wrestlers?” Mac was starting to feel really guilty, she could tell sleeping on the couch was beginning to have adverse affects on his back.

“Yeah, sumo wrestlers, now let’s drop it.” Harm stormed into Mac’s room to deposit the sheets until he’d need to retrieve them again later tonight. He’d avoided telling Mac the dreams he’d had since Paraguay and the CIA. Too many mornings he’d woken up sprawled across the bed, practically strangled in his sheets.

Returning to the living room, “why are you wandering about anyway, you’re still supposed to be resting.”

“I thought I’d get something to drink.” She mumbled on her way to the kitchen.

“You are moving about better, but I think you’d better let me still get the drinks around here.” Harm whisked past her into the kitchen. Of course, at the tortoise-like pace she was moving, anyone could have whisked past her.

Knowing she was fighting a losing battle, Mac did an about face and headed back to her room. Settled comfortably once again in her bed, Harm handed her a glass of orange juice.

“You didn’t say what you wanted, I hope this is okay.”

“Yeah, I wanted to move around more than I was thirsty.” She admitted softly.

“I figured as much.” Harm smirked. Walking around the bed, he sat down beside her and picked up a book he’d been reading since staying with her.

“Talk to Mattie yet today?” Mac inquired casually.

“Yeah, she and Jen are having a great time without me. They’ve ordered pizza every night this week.” He shook his head, chuckling to himself.

“Harm,” Mac’s voice was so low it was barely audible.

“Hmm,” Harm answered without looking up.

“About your offer.” Mac was focusing intently on the orange juice in her hand. She’d been thinking about this for days and finally drummed up the nerve to talk to Harm.

“Hmm,” Harm hadn’t really registered yet what she was talking about.

“You said it was still on the table for the future.” She began swirling her finger along the edge of the glass.

“Yes,” He was still reading his book.

“Is the offer good if I wanted to take you up on it now?” Mac looked over to see his response, somewhat startled to find he was still reading.

Harm couldn’t have been more surprised when he realized what she was asking if she’d hit him over the head with a two by four. He turned slightly to face Mac, his book now forgotten. “Yes.”

“I’d like to try.” Mac’s gaze returned to the glass of juice. “Sooner than later.” She added softly.

“How soon?” Harm tried not to let his voice tremble.

“As soon as the doctor says I can.” She looked up at him again.

“What will you need me to do?” Harm posed the question carefully. He was willing to do whatever Mac asked of him. He knew what he’d prefer, but he’d do what she wanted.

Mac hesitated considering his choice of words. She decided to ease into the subject more gradually.

“The doctor told me I should try to use my natural cycle of egg production first. She can prescribe medication to increase the release of eggs but there’s an increased risk of multiple births. It’s better to see if I can get pregnant without drugs.”

“How do you, I mean we, I mean, what do you want...,” taking a deep breath to regroup, “did she say what’s the best way to do this?” Harm couldn’t remember the last time he felt so awkward or tongue-tied. He wasn’t really a prude as Mac had so often suggested. He had no problems mentioning dress whites, gold wings and bed in the same sentence, this was different though, this was about Mac. He wasn’t supposed to be discussing this, he should just be loving her.

“She mentioned that generally it’s best to let nature take its course, if possible. Medical intervention can get costly fast.”

“How do you feel about that?” His voice definitely cracked a little that time, he hoped she hadn’t noticed.

Mac’s mouth curled up slightly at the tremble in his voice. He was as nervous about this as she was.

“You have to admit Harm, there’s always been some indefinable something between us. Surely, the idea of sleeping with me can’t be all that distasteful.” Mac had a small smile on her face, but her words were sharp and sincere. She really didn’t know if Harm wanted her.

Harm couldn’t resist reaching out and delicately brushing his hand along her arm. He felt her sharp intake of breath at his touch. For just a moment he pondered the possibility that not only did she have no idea how much he wanted her, but just maybe she wanted him as more than a donor.

“Do you honestly think I could find anything about you distasteful?” Harm began slowly drawing circles on Mac’s arm with his thumb.

“I hope not.” Mac’s eyes moved to focus on his delicate caress.

“Never.” Closing his eyes, drawing strength from somewhere deep down in his soul. “There isn’t anything in this world I would want more than making a child with you the old fashioned way.”

Mac batted back the moisture building in her eyes. “I’m glad you don’t mind. If you wanted to do this the clinical way, I’d always worry someone made a mistake somewhere along the lines and our child wasn’t yours.”

Harm didn’t know if he should be more startled that she ever thought he would ‘mind’ making love to her, or that she not only wanted a child, but she wanted HIS child.

“You know how there’s always an article somewhere about fraud or errors involved in clinical impregnation.” Mac hadn’t noticed she was rambling out of sheer nervousness.

“If you’re sure you don’t mind, then I’ll discuss it some more with my doctor. She’ll probably have more information about timing and things to help.” Mac was quickly running all the things through her mind that she hadn’t dared consider before.

There were those words again, ‘if he didn’t mind’. Harm was totally stunned to discover Mac truly thought this was going to be some sort of chore for him, some necessity that would be gotten out of the way quickly. God, was it possible all this time, she really didn’t know how he felt?

“Mac,” Harm took hold of both her hands, “listen to me very carefully.” Harm paused until he was sure he had her undivided attention.

“I do not 'mind' making love with you.” Harm noticed Mac’s eyes widen like saucers at his choice of words. “I’ve spent every minute of the last five years hoping when the time came you would still want to have my child. My only… fear is losing you when you don’t… need me anymore. I don’t know that I could go back and pretend nothing happened, but I will if that’s all you want from me.”

Mac sat in total shock. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? Summoning up all the nerve she could, Mac dropped her gaze and took a deep breath.

“I’ve always wanted more.”

Lifting her chin, Harm shifted sideways so he could reach her lips without making her move. Slowly, making sure the gesture was welcome, Harm’s lips delicately met hers. With a soft caress that lingered only a few moments, Harm pulled back watching Mac’s eyes flutter open.

“Marry me?”

Chapter 5

Mac’s apartment
Same time

Her eyes opened wider than he’d ever seen, “Wh, what?” she fumbled.

“Marry me?”

Mac couldn’t believe she’d heard him correctly. She knew he was an honorable man and there was always the chance he’d offer to make an honest woman of her if they had a child, but she hadn’t expected this. She honestly didn’t know what to say.

“If you need time to think about it I understand.” Harm didn’t know what possessed him to blurt a proposal out so abruptly. He didn’t know what was more of a surprise to him, that he’d asked her at all, or that he desperately wanted her to say yes.

Mac tried frantically to blink away her confusion.

The lawyer in Harm couldn’t remain patiently silent.

“Think about it Mac, you said it yourself, men and women have passed in and out of our lives and yet it’s still the two of us here taking care of each other. We’ve suffered through more pains and challenges than most ordinary married couples would ever face and our friendship is still intact. Few marriages would have survived what we’ve been through.” He searched her face as though he were trying to read a jury. He couldn’t tell if she agreed with him, but he sensed that at least he hadn’t lost her interest.

“How many marriages do you know of that ended because once the initial passions of new love died, they had nothing left to share. Honestly, think about how many divorced couples we know who don’t even like each other? Our friendship has already lasted longer than most marriages, we’d never lose that.”

“So, you’re asking me to marry you out of friendship?” Mac wondered how long that would last before she became a noose around his neck.

“It’s a better start than a lot of people have.” Harm felt sure given the opportunity, their love would outshine their friendship.

“Yeah,” she snorted, “I guess it is.” The ends of her mouth curled up in the first signs of a smile since this entire conversation began.

“What if I can’t have a baby, then what?” Mac bit her lower lip. It was one thing for him to offer his, services, to help her fulfill a dream, it was a whole other ball game for him to be saddled with her the rest of his life if she proved to be barren as Sadik had said.

“Then we’d still have each other. If you want we could adopt. Remember Mac, I’ve told you before, what I want most in life is to never lose you. That hasn’t changed. It never will.”

Maybe Mac was crazy but this was actually starting to make sense. She was so tired of being alone, so tired of the battles. Then again, why would being married to Harm stop the battles? Well, for one thing, they wouldn’t have to argue anymore about ‘us’. That did seem to be where they ran into trouble most of the time, didn’t it? She could think of worse things than being married to Harm.

“One of us would have to transfer out.” She said sheepishly.

“It won’t be the first time I’ve left JAG for something that means more to me.” He didn’t want to scare her away but he wanted her to know this wasn’t a chivalrous gesture solely for the purpose of legitimizing any future offspring.

“You shouldn’t have to anymore.” Embarrassed at the recollection of all Harm had willingly sacrificed for her, she dropped her gaze wondering how she could be surprised at his proposal. How dense was she?

“I don’t want to be presumptuous, but if we’re discussing who should transfer, does that mean the answer is yes?” A gleam of childlike excitement was flickering in his gaze.

Smiling broadly, Mac lifted her eyes to meet his, “Yeah, I guess it does.” Unbelievably, Mac’s smile grew even brighter.

If Mac hadn’t been so sore from surgery, Harm would have snatched her up in his arms and loved her right then and there. As it was it took everything in him not to jump up and shout from the rooftops. He settled for a chaste congratulatory kiss, and bit back the urge to say I love you.

“If you promise to be good and stay put for a little bit, I’ve got a couple of things I’d like to take care of.” Harm held her hand, mindlessly caressing it with his thumb.

“I’ll be good.” She promised, biting back an urge to moan at the tingling pleasure he was stirring inside of her.

Mac tried taking a nap but the excitement of the morning’s events wouldn’t allow sleep to overtake her. She couldn’t believe what had just happened.

Her mind went over and over the conversation. Did he really love her, or was he settling for a safe relationship. Nonsense, Harmon Rabb never settled for anything in his life. Right? Right, she argued with herself. She continued back and forth in her own mind with the pros and cons of what she’d just gotten herself into, the pros seriously outweighing the cons. The only major fear she couldn’t shake was the concern, would Harm learn to resent her one day if they never had children? She wanted this so much, she would find a way to make it work, she just had to.

She hadn’t noticed how long she’d been arguing with herself until she heard Harm’s footsteps approaching her room.

He came up to her carrying a single red rose in a bud vase with a beautiful gold ribbon tied around it. Sitting on the edge of the bed beside her, Harm took hold of her left hand in his.

“Thank you for agreeing to be my wife,” He flashed that famous flyboy grin of his.

His wife! Mac choked inwardly at the thought, she was going to be HIS wife. He’d be her husband. Wow, the reality of it all hit her like a sledge hammer just as she saw Harm’s other hand come out of his pocket and stretch forward.

“I didn’t want to give you any time to change your mind,” Harm slipped the emerald cut diamond onto her finger.

Looking down at the brilliant stone, Mac couldn’t hold back the tears. She had so many emotions rushing through her. Fear of the children she might never have, loss of a man she briefly considered a future with, hope of a child with Harm’s looks and her brains, anticipation of a life with the only man she’d ever truly loved.

Crumbling into Harm’s warm embrace, Mac let the river of tears flow until she had no tears left to cry.

Gently stroking her hair as she cried on his shoulder, Harm knew she was finally facing all her pains and fears so they could move on.

Wanting to stay enveloped in Harm’s safe embrace, Mac delayed pulling back until her stomach began to protest rather loudly.

Chuckling slightly at the rumble, “actually, that was the other half of my surprise.” Harm smiled at her almost bashfully.

“I know you’re dying to get out of this bed.” Harm stood up, not letting go of her hand, he gestured for her to follow him.

The dining room table was set with her best dishes and crystal. The two candles Harm had lit were melted three quarters of the way down. In the center of the table was a lovely centerpiece of fresh flowers.

Her eyes glistened with held back tears of joy as she took in the table. When her eyes finally fell upon the place settings, she wasn’t surprised to see a large salad, obviously for Harm, but she let out a loud, from the belly, cackle when she spotted her plate. A bag from Beltway Burgers. Oh, life was about to get very interesting.

“You’d better not be making fun of me marine.” Harm teased.

Twisting too quickly to turn and face him, Mac grimaced at the pain. Harm’s arms were around her shoulders in a flash.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” His panicked voice trembled.

“Sorry, I have to remember not to move so fast.” She smiled trying to ease his concern.

“You sure you’re okay?” He repeated, not quite as panicked but still obviously worried.

“Are you kidding? Diamonds and burgers – what more could a girl ask for?”

Chapter 6

Mac’s apartment
Following evening.

Mac was still moving at a snails pace, but at least she was getting around. She needed to remind herself not to make any hasty movements, but she was thrilled to climb into her tub for a good long soak.

Harm had left shortly after dinner. His leave was up, and he had to report to work first thing in the morning. Besides, as uncomfortable as she still was, she really didn’t need a babysitter anymore.

Holding her hand in front of her, rolling it gently to catch the light, Mac watched the brilliant reflections bounce off the walls. Her thoughts rapidly ran from the days past events to the possibilities for the future.

Mac’s apartment
The night before

“Do you like it?” Harm had caught Mac looking at the ring once again.

“Very much.” Her eyes remained focused on the precious stones as though looking away might allow it all to disappear.

“We’re going to have a lot of explaining to do, any idea how you want to handle it?” Harm had been wondering since dinner how to approach all the practical complications to this new plan of theirs.

“I thought you were the one with all the bright ideas today.” She smiled.

“Yeah, well, asking you to marry me may have used up my quota of good ideas for the year.” He smiled back.

“I suppose we probably need a few answers of our own before we share news with other people.” The smile had slipped away from her face. “Would you rather wait and see if I can get pregnant before we tell anyone?” she asked timidly.

Heaving a deep sigh, “no, I’d like to marry you tomorrow before you change your mind.” The look in his eyes told Mac, he wasn’t exaggerating.

A broad grin swept across her face, the air in her lungs forced out by the swelling of her heart.

“Do you want to start trying now, or wait till after the wedding?” Harm asked carefully.

“If we’re going to go ahead and get married, it might be nice to be traditional about something,” Mac giggled under her breath. “Except, that poses another problem. Regs don’t seem to object terribly to our being engaged, but you know as well as I do, we can’t work in the same chain of command if we’re married.” Mac kept her eyes locked on Harm’s.

“Alright, first things first.” Harm began confidently. “Tomorrow, I’ll start looking at what posts are available for transfer, something that won’t take me away from Washington. Once that is settled, we can set a date for the wedding and start working on junior.” He took hold of her hand in his.

“I don’t remember our agreeing on who was going to do the transferring.” Not breaking her gaze, she furrowed her brow.

“We didn’t.” Harm flashed his most lethal smile, before humbly continuing. “I suppose, if we’re getting married, I need to practice on making these choices together, huh?” He squeezed her hand tightly. “It just makes sense, with my record of changing designators and voluntary separation, my career can’t get much further. I just need to do my couple of years and move on.”

“My admiral’s mast doesn’t do anything for my record either.” She replied raising an eyebrow.

“Still, you’re chief of Staff, that means something.”

“To whom?” She exclaimed. “Look, maybe we should try a different approach.” She paused to make sure he was paying attention. “Let’s look and see what’s available. Whoever has a viable option available first, that’s who will request a transfer. Then as you said, when that’s settled, we’ll get started on the wedding and a baby. What do you think?”

“No taking any job just to beat me out?” He glared at her pointedly.

“Best fits only.” She nodded.

“Deal.” He agreed.

As they had done five years ago on the office steps, the deal was sealed with a handshake.

Mac’s bathroom
Real time again

Still playing with the ring in the light, Mac couldn’t get over how easily they resolved all the issues. If she’d known all it would have taken to save them years of bickering and pain was a ring, she’d have bought the damn thing for herself ages ago. Of course, she’d had a ring years ago and that hadn’t helped. Maybe they had to go through everything to be able to do this now. If she hadn’t loved and lost Dalton, Mic and Clay, maybe she wouldn’t have been able to accept Harm so easily now. If they hadn’t said so many awful things before, maybe the wonderful things he was saying now would seem more ordinary.

Forcing herself to stop psychoanalyzing everything, Mac turned her mind to what they’d decided and what needed to be done.

For the first time since her first doctor’s visit, Mac was actually excited about her future. A future with Harm was something she’d given up on long ago. Even after realizing the other night that he would always be there for her, no matter what, she still hadn’t expected more than friendship from him.

Of course, she wasn’t all too sure it was more than permanent friendship Harm was offering her, but it sure felt like more than friendship.

Once again, she had to shake her mind free of self analysis. She needed to make plans. Tomorrow she would get on the computer and start searching her transfer options. They had agreed to ease everyone into the idea of their being together, Mac would leave her ring home during the day. At least for a little while. She still had three more days of medical leave. Her first post op visit was scheduled for Wednesday. The doctor would decide if she could return to work or needed more time. This bought her a few days before she’d have to take the ring off.

In the meantime, Mac would begin making plans for a small simple wedding so everything would be ready to go when they could set a date. How the timing on all this would work out could prove tricky. Much hinged on what postings were available and what Mac’s next doctor’s appointment revealed. She hoped it wouldn’t be long before they could set the date and get started. It was obvious to both of them the time had come to stop hitting the snooze button.

Regardless, the heavy ache that had settled over her heart since Clay died was almost completely gone, overshadowed by the hopes for her future.

Harm’s apartment
Same time

Harm couldn’t wipe the shit-eating grin off his face. Mac may not love him as much as he loves her, but she was going to be his wife and he would do everything in his power to make sure she never regretted it.

Whistling about his apartment, getting his uniform ready for tomorrow, Harm reveled in the joy of his new future. He felt a sense of warm delight, a feeling of finally being free. Ironic that making the biggest commitment humanly possible was the thing giving him a greater sense of freedom then he felt in the cockpit at angels 30. He was going to be a husband and a father.

A father, Harm stopped dead in his tracks on his way to the bathroom. It suddenly hit him, he and Mac agreed to stop hitting the snooze button on her biological clock. Even though ideally they preferred to marry first, they weren’t going to wait indefinitely for a suitable transfer before trying. Good heavens, he’d barely ever kissed her and now very soon he and she would have to… Oh boy.

Sitting down heavily on the bed, his robe in his hand, Harm took a deep calming, breath. If he was nervous, Mac must be beside herself at the prospect of being so intimate with her best friend.

Taking another deep breath, Harm stood up resolved. Assuming there was at least one good post available for one of them, he very well may have precious few days before the doctor gives the okay for Mac to be able to start trying for this baby. He was going to make damn sure things weren’t too awkward for her.

Riding on a new sense of determination, Harm turned in for the night ready to begin the next phase of his life.

Chapter 7

Harm’s apartment
Monday morning

“You look awfully chipper this morning.” Mattie commented, taking another slice of toast.

“Is there any reason I shouldn’t be?” Harm was very good at defusing questions with another question.

“This has something to do with all those days you just spent with Mac, doesn’t it?” She took another bite of toast, not really needing an answer.

“Yes, but not the way you think. Mac and I are working on a new understanding.” He smiled smugly.

“Must be some understanding for a grin like that. You’re sure you didn’t get lucky?” Mattie knew Harm was helping Mac after surgery so it was very unlikely, but she loved teasing him so.

“Mathilda Grace.” Harm scolded, putting his coffee down on the counter.

“I know, I know. Did you at least tell her you love her?” Mattie took a sip of her juice.

“No, not yet.” Harm shuffled a little in place.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Grown ups, they loved to complicate everything.

“Finish your breakfast.” Harm put his cup in the sink effectively terminating the discussion.

JAG Headquarters

“How are you feeling today?” Harm whispered into the phone, turning his back to the door.

“Better, now.” Mac couldn’t contain the grin.

“What would you like me to pick up for dinner?” He asked, keeping his voice low.

“I feel like pizza. That okay with you?” Actually, as long as she ate with Harm, she could have cared less what he brought for dinner.

“Pizza works for me. See you after work.” He didn’t want to hang up. In only a few days he’d gotten used to having her constantly near him, not having her close now was almost physically painful.

“Okay, bye.” Mac spoke softly into the phone, surprised by how much she missed him already.

“Bye.” Harm dropped the handset into its place.

Mac’s apartment
Later that evening

Harm had made every effort to be a little more physically affectionate with Mac. His goal was to slowly increase her physical comfort level to reduce any potential awkwardness.

He started out kissing her briefly on the lips when he greeted her hello. He sensed Mac tense up immediately but didn’t linger long enough for the tension to take hold.

After dinner, he put his hand on the small of her back to guide her into the living room. This was something he did often when they moved about in crowded public places, but never in the privacy of their own homes.

It was his habit to always sit in the chair across from her whenever they were in her living room. This time he sat near her on the sofa, but kept enough distance between them so as not to make her uncomfortable.

A while later, Harm was in the kitchen making tea when Mac came in to check on him.

“You’re really moving much better. I’m amazed what a difference there is from yesterday to today.” Harm smiled pouring the water into the teacups, truly surprised at how quickly she was moving about.

“I’m a little surprised too. When I got up this morning, I almost forgot I’d ever been sore.” Mac leaned against the counter a little.

“Almost. What’d you do?” Harm raised one eyebrow at her before reaching for the sugar.

“I jumped up from bed without pushing off with my hands.” Looking away, she grabbed one of the spoons from the counter and began stirring her tea.

“Maac. Am I going to have to stay here to keep you from pushing too fast?” Harm sighed, his frustration with her obvious.

“No, I was careful the rest of the day.” Mac dropped her eyes to the counter, she wouldn’t admit she missed having him dote on her.

Harm picked up his tea and stepped up next to Mac. Putting his arm around her shoulder a moment, he squeezed her gingerly while placing a delicate kiss on the top of her head. “Please be careful,” he whispered into her hair, before returning to the living room.

Mac stood still looking at her cup on the counter. She had lost track of how many times Harm had touched her for just a comforting instant that night. Earlier, he stood next to her letting his hand rest on the small of her back while she pulled the pizza slices onto the plates. It was only a brief moment, but she felt the warmth of his touch cover her like a favorite old blanket. Later, when she went to get up to make them some tea, instead of just telling her to stay still and let him make it, Harm reached over and brushed the side of her face with the back of his hand. Softly he whispered, “let me,” before dropping his hand to her lap and patting her knee. Now he had once again, gently caressed her heart before leaving the kitchen. Granted, he technically squeezed her shoulder, but the loving gesture of concern swelled her heart just the same as if he’d reached inside and inflated it like a balloon.

“What time is your appointment Wednesday?” Harm called to her making himself comfortable on the sofa. “Mac, do you need something?” Harm frowned with concern when he realized she wasn’t right behind him.

“No, sorry.” She picked up her cup and turned around. “I was just lost in thought.” Mac sat next to him on the sofa, a little closer than she had before.

“So what time is your appointment?” A wave of excitement rolled over him as she sat down next to him, his plan to make her more comfortable seemed to be working.

“Not till three o’clock.” Mac took a sip of her tea.

“Good, I’ll pick you up at two, unless you want me to come early and we can have lunch?” Harm let his hand drop on her knee again.

“I don’t want you to get further behind on my account.” Mac had to make a conscious effort not to look down at his hand.

“Let’s plan for lunch, I’m sure the admiral will let me have the afternoon.” Harm moved his hand, he didn’t want to push too hard.

Bethesda Hospital
Wednesday afternoon

Harm pulled the Lexus into the parking lot. Walking around to open Mac’s door, he extended his hand to help her out, then placed a quick kiss on her cheek.

Dinner Tuesday night had gone much like Monday. Harm appeared at Mac’s door bearing chinese food and a single red rose. Once again, he barely kissed Mac hello or goodbye, but he’d made every effort to make slight physical contact more frequently during the evening. To his surprise, much of it came so naturally, he hadn’t even noticed he was doing it. A few times he had to make himself let go of her hand that he didn’t remember taking hold of.

Even though Harm was in uniform, Mac wasn’t, so he felt perfectly at ease walking into the hospital with his hand around her waist. It started out with his hand at the small of her back after she climbed out of the car, but much like other recent gestures, he was surprised to notice instead of letting go, he’d slipped his hand more firmly around her. He’d considered removing it once they had reached the building but Mac didn’t seem the least bit uncomfortable so he opted to leave his hand where it was.

When they reached the elevators, Harm slipped his hand away, using it to guide her into the doors.

Watching the numbers above the door climb, Mac took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders.

“Harm,” She said softly, clearing her throat.

“Yeah.” Harm noticed her increased stiffness as they got closer to their destination.

“Do you want to…to come with me, inside I mean?” Mac stared at the numbers above the door, too nervous to look at Harm.

“I, I don’t know. Do you want me to?” Honestly, Harm hadn’t really thought that far ahead.

“I think so.” She closed her eyes, her head still raised. “Yes, if it’s okay with you, I think I’d like my best friend inside with me.” She let out a small sigh and turned to look at Harm.

Smiling, he reached for her hand, and nodded, just as the doors opened.

Chapter 8

Doctor’s office
Bethesda Hospital

They had been waiting around twenty minutes when a nurse standing at the door with a clipboard in hand called Mac’s name.

Before Mac could stand up, Harm squeezed her hand tightly. “Sure you want me?”

Smiling, “Sure.” Mac nodded biting her lower lip.

Harm wasn’t convinced Mac was all that sure, but as long as she had a death grip on his hand, he would most likely follow her anywhere.

“How are you feeling today, Colonel?” The young nurse asked opening the door to the exam room.

“Better, thank you.”

“Good, if you’ll change into one of the gowns from the shelf, I’ll be back in a minute to take a few readings and then the Dr will come and see you.” The nurse smiled briefly at Mac and Harm, then closed the door behind her.

Looking around the small room, Harm realized immediately there was no place for Mac to change in private. Flushing instantly with an overwhelming rush of modesty, Harm turned his back to Mac.

“Uh, unless you need my help, I’ll just…wait here till, you’re ah, ready.” Harm stumbled.

“K.” Was the only sound Mac could squeak out. As quickly as she could, Mac let her dress slip to the floor. Pausing, she couldn’t remember if the nurse had told her to remove her underwear or not.

“Harrrm,” she said hesitantly, “do you remember if she said whether or not I should remove my…underthings?” Mac asked, slouching her shoulders in frustration.

“I don’t think she said anything like that.” Harm turned his head to speak over his shoulder, careful not to be able to see her in his peripheral vision.

“Thanks.” She decided to leave it all on.

“You can turn around now.” Mac said as she moved around the exam table. “Would you mind helping me up here.” She extended her hand to Harm.

“Sure,” he managed to spit out despite the feel of cotton in his mouth.

Once she was seated on the table, Mac had resumed her death grip on Harm’s hand. He knew of able bodied sailors who couldn’t do what she was doing. He hoped his hand survived the exam.

Knocking lightly before entering, the nurse came in to take Mac’s temperature and blood pressure.

“Well, everything looks good, Colonel. The Dr. is finishing up with another patient and should be here in a few minutes.” Turning to Harm, “if you want to sit over there you can,” she pointed to a small desk chair near the sink, “or you can stand behind her once the doctor comes in. Whichever you prefer.” Nodding, she picked up her clipboard and left the two of them alone.

Lost in a heavy awkwardness, they hadn’t noticed the doctor knock before coming in.

“Hello, Colonel.” She smiled at Mac and turned to Harm waiting for an introduction.

“This is my partner, Commander Rabb.” Mac said, her brow wrinkling slightly when she realized maybe she should have said fiancé.

“Pleasure, Commander.” Turning back to Mac. “Let’s see what we’ve got here.”

Helping Mac lay back, the doctor loosened Mac’s robe, and began pressing lightly at her abdomen. Harm was immediately thankful she hadn’t removed any undergarments. The open robe gave Harm a bird’s eye view of what a beautiful figure Mac had.

“Any vaginal bleeding?” The doctor asked, as she tapped around further.

“Just a little, not as much as after surgery.” Mac replied between winces, oblivious to Harm’s presence.

Vaginal bleeding. Obviously Mac had been in pain and discomfort, but the thought of vaginal bleeding filled him with a more vivid, almost horrifying sense of impending pain.

When the doctor tugged at Mac’s panties poking away so close to Mac’s pubic area, Harm took a deep breath not knowing where to look.

“The bruises are looking good, nice color.” The doctor added, nodding at Mac.

Nice color? What kind of doctor was this woman? He hadn’t really thought that she might have bruising. Just what had she really gone through, and what would she be put through now? The fear of what trying to conceive a child might do to Mac caused all the color to drain from Harm’s face.

“The incisions are looking well too, Colonel. When everything is healed, I doubt you’ll even be able to find the scars.” The doctor continued oblivious to Harm’s increasing pallor.

Patting Mac gently on the tummy, “Everything seems to be healing fine. I just want to do a quick sonogram and see how everything looks on the inside, and we’ll be done.” The Doctor straightened out and removed her gloves.

“We have a few questions?” Mac asked softly.

“You’ve decided to try?” The doctor knew this was coming when she saw Harm in the room. Even if he hadn’t come, the ring was a dead giveaway.

“Yes, and I need to know what to do now.”

Mac didn’t notice the look Harm gave her. He knew what she meant to ask, but he was honestly shocked at the way it came out, as if she didn’t know where babies came from.

The doctor bit back a smile, amused at the expression on Harm’s face. “I mentioned last time that I prefer to allow nature some time to take hold before putting my patients on fertility medication. I know you’re odds are not as high with one ovary, but they’re not impossible.” She paused to study the two faces. Harm had an amazing similarity to a deer caught in headlights. It was the first time she could recall seeing a person who actually suited the old cliché.

“You’ll have to pay strict attention to your cycle so you know when you’re ovulating. You’ll have to start taking your temperature in the mornings. When your temperature goes up, you’ll know you’re ovulating. There are some kits for sale over the counter, but I find that an ordinary thermometer works just as well. The thing to keep in mind is you have a limited window of fertility every month so do not let yourselves get discouraged if this doesn’t happen right away. The average time to conceive a child is one year. For every young woman with two ovaries who conceives in one month, there is a healthy young woman with two ovaries who needs two years. I’m not recommending you wait two years to conceive, I’m just saying don’t put too much pressure on yourselves, stress can work against you.” She paused to make sure she'd made herself clear.

“There are a few other basic rules, no hot baths, Colonel,” turning to Harm, “You should wear boxers not briefs. You’ll find pamphlets with more details in the information package the nurse has prepared for you. Read it all over carefully and if you have any questions, just give me a call.”

Waiting a moment to let all the information sink in, “Very well, Mary will show you to the sonogram room and I will see you in six weeks.” The doctor turned to leave.

“Excuse me,” Harm asked before she could leave. “When would it be okay to start… trying?”

“As soon as the Colonel feels up to physical activity.” The doctor smiled and patted Mac once again.

“Anything else?” she asked.

Harm and Mac shook their heads.

Harm thought he was going to flip when it came time for the sonogram. He’d never had any reason to give any thought to what was involved in feminine health care. It was bad enough that he didn’t know where to look when Mac was told to remove her panties, but he had to draw upon years of nerves of steel as a fighter pilot not to gasp when he saw the rod they used for the sonogram. Although Harm would have thought the entire experience would have to be one of massive discomfort if not torture, he could tell every time it affected Mac by the strength of her grip. The nurse maneuvered the contraption within Mac the way Harm handled the control stick of an airplane, her eyes glued to the screen before her as Harm’s would be to his instrument panels. She chattered away unaware of any discomfort she might be causing Mac or Harm. It wasn’t until she started babbling about how they say the best time to conceive is right after laporoscopic surgery that Harm paid any attention to what she was jabbering about.

Once they were told everything looked as good inside as the out and that Mac could return to work on Monday, Harm couldn’t get Mac out of there fast enough.

Chapter 9

Bethesda Hospital

Harm couldn’t help but notice Mac wasn’t moving as stealthily as she had been prior to her exam.

“You okay?” He asked stepping out of the elevator.

“Yeah,” Mac tried to straighten her shoulders.

“Why don’t you wait for me here in the lobby while I go get the car?” Harm had slowed his pace considerably to match hers.

“No, exercise is good for me.”


“I want to walk Harm.” Mac replied in her no nonsense marine tone.

Once Mac was somewhat comfortable in the car, “How are you?” She asked.

“Me! I’m not the one who was poked and prodded like cattle.”

“Neither was I.” Mac chuckled.

Surprised by her response, Harm was at least glad to see a genuine smile.

“It wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t still a little sore from surgery.” Mac tried to reassure him.

“I don’t know, it seemed so...invasive.” Harm shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s probably no worse than having a checkup for your prostate.” Mac shrugged back.

“I suppose.” Harm wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t think this was a good time to discuss the pros and cons of gynecology.

Harm’s apartment
Short time later

“You’re sure you don’t want to just go home and lay down?” Harm asked again.

“Yes, you’ve missed enough dinners with Mattie, I can lay down on your bed as easily as my own if I need to. Honestly, it’s not that bad.” Mac made herself comfortable on Harm’s sofa.

“You want me to make you some tea, while I fix dinner.” Harm went into his bedroom and grabbed a pillow and blanket off his bed.

“No thanks, maybe later.” She called back assuming he’d gone to his room to change out of his uniform.

“Here, at least lets make you more comfortable.” Leaning over, Harm propped the pillow behind Mac. Then kissed her sweetly on the forehead before setting the blanket down beside her.

“Thanks.” Mac smiled, her eyes glowing in appreciation.

Harm went back to his room to change, coming out in a pair of Jeans and lightweight shirt, he paused by the living room.

“You okay?” he asked before heading to the kitchen

“Fine. How many times today are you going to ask me that?” She smiled back, exasperation evident in her tone.

“What about a drink, sure you don’t want something to drink?” Harm sighed, moving about from the fridge to the counter and stove.

“Maybe some juice if you’ve got it.”

“Apple or Orange?”

“Apple. What time does Mattie get home?”

“She’s probably home already, she usually pops in when her stomach starts to growl. She’d make a good marine.” Harm brought her the drink, a broad smile on his face, and promptly returned to his duties by the stove.

“It takes more than a good appetite to make a good marine and you know it.” Mac rolled her eyes at him.

“Maybe.” Harm teased.

“Harm, what do you think about what the nurse said?” Mac was so nervous her voice was barely audible.

“You mean about being more successful close after a laporoscopy?”

Mac nodded her head.

“It sounded almost like an observation more than a medical fact.” Butterflies were starting to swim in his stomach thinking about where this conversation was headed. He knew they’d have to get there, but he was hoping for a little more time, for them to at least be able to talk without that look of fear in her eyes.

Letting her gaze drop, “I did a little looking around for new postings.” She looked back up at Harm.

“So did I.” Harm nodded.

“Yesterday there wasn’t anything that seemed to really suit either of us- at least nothing that wouldn’t be a dead end lateral move.”

Harm nodded again. He’d noticed the same thing. Knowing that time was important, he’d actually put out a few feelers with some old friends about the private sector.

“This morning I noticed a new posting. There’s an opening for a senior legal liaison at homeland security. There wasn’t very much info, but it looks promising.”

“It sounds better than working for the company.” Harm snorted.

“I was thinking of me.” Mac tilted her head placing herself in a defensive posture.

“You, Mac I thought we discussed this already. You’ve got a future at JAG.”

“Harm, we discussed best fit first. If this is a good fit, and with my language skills it probably fits me better than you, I should be the one to go. Besides, my career may not be so important if we have children.” Mac set her drink down and shifted uncomfortably.

Studying her carefully, a myriad of thoughts scrambled through Harm’s mind. The investigator in him had kicked in without his noticing. Lowering the flame under the pasta, Harm went over to sit by Mac.

“Mac, do you honestly think this is the best fit that would make you happy, or did the nurse’s comment make you feel you’re running out of time and your biological clock is going to blow up in your face if we don’t get started soon?”

“I do think this might have potential, especially if it’s nine to five with no travel, but yeah the nurse got me thinking again. What if she’s right, what if now is my best chance and we put it off until we’re secure in separate commands and then nothing happens, I can’t….?” Her voice was trembling.

“Mac, if it’ll make you feel better to start now, we can start now. I know we said we’d wait till we’re married, but I don’t want you stuck in a miserable job just to hurry things along.” Harm had begun gently making small swirling motions on Mac’s shoulder in an attempt to calm her. Damn why did this all have to be so rushed.

“I didn’t mean now, now. I mean…I couldn’t now. Not the way I’d like to anyhow.” Mac had mistaken his small gesture as an affectionate advance.

Struck by what she was saying. He suddenly recognized the implications and stupidity of his choice of words. Harm quickly interrupted her.

“I didn’t mean now, today, either, Mac. I’m sorry.” Harm didn’t know where to look, when was he going to stop saying the wrong things to her. Realizing that his hand on her shoulder probably wasn’t helping any, he stopped his motions and was about to pull away when he felt Mac’s hand drop softly on his.

“No, I’m sorry. I should have realized. Forgive me?” She squeezed his hand and leaned her cheek into it.

“Thank you, there’s nothing to forgive, I’ll try and keep my feet out of my mouth in the future.” He kissed her forehead. “What do you say we finish this conversation after dinner. The water has probably boiled away and I strongly suspect a hungry teenager is going to be bounding through those doors any minute.” Harm squeezed her shoulder lightly hoping she understood he wasn’t running away or tabling the discussion indefinitely.

Nodding her head, “You’re right, Mattie isn’t the only one who’s hungry.” She smiled broadly letting him know she understood, and it was all right.

Not long after their conversation, Mattie had indeed come through the front door ready for dinner, along with Jennifer.

They all chatted amicably, mostly about Mattie, school and how Susan and her mom were doing.

Jen asked Mac once how she was feeling but sensed it wasn’t a subject they really wanted brought up. She also had a pretty good idea that the Commander and Colonel needed some time to themselves, so she quickly scurried off after dinner and practically dragged Mattie with her.

Leaving the dishes for later, Harm went over to sit next to Mac.

“So, you want to go ahead and start trying regardless of our jobs?” Harm got right to the point.

“I think so.” Mac answered, tightening her lips.

“You think?” Harm curled an eyebrow. “Okay, the first thing I want to make perfectly clear is what ever you want to do, you have my support one hundred percent.” He leaned back a bit so as not to crowd her.

“Ideally, we’d like to be married before you get pregnant, which means one of us would have to find another position. I don’t care if I have to leave JAG, all I want is to make you my wife as soon as possible.” He placed a finger on her lips before she could object to his comment about leaving JAG.

“Now that we’ve seen the doctor, you’re afraid to wait.” This time he waited for Mac to nod before continuing.

“Obviously, each of us feels strongly about allowing the other to leave JAG for anything other than the perfect job.” He squeezed Mac’s hand reassuring her.

“If I went ahead and resigned, would you still marry me?” Harm was almost afraid to look in her eyes.

Swallowing hard. “You’ve done that for me once, please don’t ask me to live with that again.” Mac put her free hand on Harm’s forearm.

“Then, the way I see it, we’ve only got one way to proceed. Whenever you feel up to it, we should start working on a baby.” He took a deep breath. “We’ll just take the rest of it, one day at a time.” He reached over and took her hand, his one finger swirling around the large diamond. “Is that what you’d like?”

Mac wanted to melt with the soft caress in his voice. “I think so.”

Harm would have preferred if she sounded more sure. “Then let’s call it a plan for now.”

Chapter 10

JAG Headquarters
Harm’s office
Next morning

Harm was scrolling through military openings in the DC area when his phone rang.

“Commander Rabb. Ed, how are you?”

“Not bad Harm, and yourself?”

“No complaints.” Harm smiled, he thought he might start to hear from a few people but he hadn’t expected it to start so soon.

“I hear you’re getting tired of working for the Navy?” The deep voice probed from the other end.

“Anything is possible.” He grinned to himself.

“Sounds like you haven’t changed much, but if this is for real, I’d like to talk.” The tone of his voice more serious now.

“Ed, I may be looking around, but I’m not really the right material for your high dollar firm.” Harm was flattered. He was willing to consider the private sector, but not to sell his soul.

“Give me a chance, let’s talk.” Ed persisted. “Lunch, tomorrow, say one o’clock, the Drexel Club.”

Harm could just imagine the look on the sea of Armani suits when he walked through the door in his summer whites. “See you at one.”

Mac’s apartment
Same time.

Fortunately for Mac, she was feeling much better after yesterday’s check up. Moving around was so much easier she was actually tempted to go into work. It was only the thought of Harmon Rabb throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her out of her office like a sack of potatoes that prevented her from trying.

For the better part of the morning, Mac had been scanning and searching for more information on the position in homeland security. Much to her surprise, she finally discovered the contact person for the post was Lt. Commander Tracy Manetti. Summoning up her courage, Mac picked up the phone.

Tapping her fingers nervously, Mac listened to the ringing of Manetti’s extension.

“Lt. Commander Manetti.”

“Commander, this is Colonel MacKenzie.” Mac’s voice came across with a confidence she didn’t have at the moment.

“Why Colonel, to what do I owe such a pleasant surprise.” She inquired in her slight southern drawl.

“Well, I’m trying to get some inside info on the legal liaison position for HLS.”

“Don’t tell me you’re thinking about leaving JAG, Colonel?” Her curiosity was peaked, she could use a keen legal mind like that of the Colonel.

“The thought has crossed my mind.”

“Well, by all means Colonel, do you have some free time? I’d love to discuss this with you.” Tracy suggested.

“I’ve recently had surgery so my schedule is fairly open.” Before Mac could finish her thought, Tracy had interrupted.

“I’m sorry to hear that Colonel, nothing serious I hope?” Her southern accent was just dripping with concern. Had anybody else been on the other end of the phone, Mac would have seriously doubted their sincerity.

“No, not at all. Does lunch tomorrow work for you?” Mac continued.

“That will be perfect, Colonel. Shall me meet at Benzingers at 12:30?”

“Benzingers’ at 12:30. See you then.” After a few short good byes, Mac hung up the phone. Just maybe all of this could work out.

Mac’s apartment
Later that evening

Each of them had been rather quiet through dinner. Mattie had plans after school with a friend so Harm went over to Mac’s. Neither one realized they were each trying to summon the courage to bring up transferring out of JAG and their scheduled luncheons the next day.

Finally settled in the living room with a cup of tea and the remote control in search of a good movie, Harm turned to Mac.

“I got an interesting call today. Do you ever remember my mentioning a Lt. Ed Polo to you?”

“Not off the top of my head.” She took a sip of her tea and scooted further back into the sofa.

“He worked here at headquarters when Kate and Meg were still here, he transferred out with Kate. I heard he’d left a few years later and went to work for Briggs, Stratton and Bailey.”

“Wooh. Not bad, he must have been pretty good.” Mac practically whistled.

“Actually he was, anyhow, he heard I might be looking for a change and he gave me a call earlier today. We’re meeting for lunch tomorrow at the Drexel Club.” Harm took a sip of his tea, his eyes still locked on Mac’s face.

“Oh, Harm. You know you’d never be happy with a firm like that. I mean, sure there’d be lots of money, but …” before she could get herself all worked up, Harm cut her off.

“That’s exactly what I told him. I know I wouldn’t be happy as a high dollar paper pusher.” Harm patted her leg to reassure her.

“Then why are you meeting for lunch?”

“He asked me to give him a chance and the Drexel Club has excellent salmon.” Harm tried a little levity. Mac only rolled her eyes.

“Well, it may not matter much anyhow. I’ve got a lunch appointment tomorrow too with Tracy Manetti.” Mac commented casually, picking up her teacup again.

“Tracy? That’s out of the blue. I didn’t realize you were that friendly with her?” Harm turned his head and wrinkled his brow.

“We’re not. She’s the pointman for the new spot at HLS.” Mac took another sip of her tea even though it was cold now. She needed the calming distraction. She wasn’t too sure how Harm was going to react.

“How did Tracy wind up there?”

“I didn’t ask. All I know is they’ve got a new spot opening up in about three months when Captain Jorgan retires. He pretty much spearheaded the liaison program but his health is declining and his wife wants him out now.” Mac was feeling a little more relaxed at Harm’s lack of an emotional response.

“Did she tell you anything about the job itself?” Harm hadn’t discounted the position for himself yet.

“No, but from what I could tell, it appears to be a strictly DC based assignment. It didn’t look like there was much travel, if any. It also seems to be mostly an advisory type position.” Mac tried not to look disappointed at the lack of opportunity in the courtroom.

“I don’t know Mac. You weren’t very happy pushing papers in the private sector. I’m not sure you’d be any happier pushing paper for Uncle Sam.” Harm wasn’t very sure he’d like being a paper pusher either, for Ed or Uncle Sam.

Reaching over, he pulled Mac up against him and gathered her into a heartfelt hug. Kissing her gently on the head, he heaved a small sigh.

“I suppose it won’t hurt to hear everyone out.” He kissed the top of her head again, his hand mindlessly rubbing Mac’s arm, his thoughts on what the hell was he going to do.

“Who knows, maybe one of these will turn out to be more interesting than we expect.” Mac lifted her head from Harm’s chest and gave him a small smile. He seemed to be holding her more often and she liked it just fine.

She looked so sweet looking up at him like that. He didn’t know what had come over him, his head leaned forward, his hand moved around to support the back of her head as his lips pressed lovingly against hers.

Before good sense could take hold and urge him to back away, Mac raised her arm around his neck pulling him closer. Her lips parted, her tongue tasting and teasing his tender lips. Eagerly, Harm responded in kind. Their tongues, caressing and exploring previously denied territory. The emotions and desires that had been buried for nine years were soaring to the surface with the force of a tidal wave. Mac’s weight, now heavy in his arms, fell back on the sofa. Harm’s body, pressed tightly against hers, followed her, never breaking the bond of the glorious kiss.

Laying flat on the sofa, Mac moved her arms to explore the contours of the strong man practically lying on top of her. Her body was tingling from head to toe at the taste of Harmon Rabb until she made the mistake of shifting her weight. Moving her hips slightly, a sharp pain shot across her sore abdomen causing her to break the kiss with a wince.

“Oh, God, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” Harm immediately pulled back into a sitting position, his hands gently passing over Mac’s arms and abdomen as if checking for something broken.

“No, I’m sorry. I forgot I can’t use my stomach muscles to move yet.” Mac had closed her eyes while the pain subsided.

“I’m so sorry Mac, I shouldn’t have kissed you like that, I…I’m sorry…”

“I’m not.” She opened her eyes. The pain gone, she looked straight into Harm’s beautiful green eyes. “We have to start somewhere.”

Continue to Chapters 11-21

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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