Chapter 21

JAG Headquarters
Harm’s office
Same day

Harm was working on his latest defense strategy when he heard his office door click shut.

“Why don’t you just come on in.” He snickered. Immediately a more solemn expression came over his face at Mac’s none to friendly glare.

“I’m sorry Mac, what’s wrong.” Bud had already drummed into Harm’s head the number one rule for a happy marriage, always apologize even if it’s not your fault.

“We need to talk.” Mac sat down heavily in front of him.

Whatever he had eaten for lunch lurched into his throat forcing him to swallow hard. Every horrible end to anything good in his life always started with, we need to talk. Almost snapping the pencil he held in his hand, Harm took a deep breath and sat back in his chair.

“Okay, what’s up?” His voice portraying a calm he didn’t feel.

“Harriet booked the National Cathedral for our wedding.” She answered stone faced.

Harm tried not to laugh, a wave of relief washing over him. Then it hit him exactly what she had said. “The National Cathedral?” His eyebrows raised in total surprise. “Don’t you have to be someone or at least know someone REALLY important to get married there?”

“I suppose. I think she called in some favors from the USO thing.” Shaking her head, “That’s not the point, do you realize how big that place is? It’s a cathedral, not a church!” Mac’s voice was slowly climbing a few octaves.

“I know.” Harm wasn’t sure what to say to calm her down. “It’s a very pretty cathedral, though.”

“I thought we wanted simple.” She said, obviously exasperated.

“We can still have a simple small ceremony in a big beautiful place.” Harm didn’t understand why she was so upset.

“That’s what Harriet said.” Now, she looked almost annoyed. As if she wanted Harm upset.

“Mac, as long as we get married, I honestly don’t care where it is.” Harm tried to explain without irritating her further.

“I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t let it bother me.” Mac said, feeling totally overwhelmed, her gaze dropping to the floor.

Harm got up and walked over to where she was sitting. Squatting down in front of her, he took hold of her hand.

“Why don’t we talk about this some more when we get home?” Another sense of panic rushed through him as he realized their needed time together was up and maybe she wouldn’t want to go home with him. Technically, most authorities believed they only had 12 to 24 hours after ovulating to conceive, but they’d willingly agreed to an extra 24 hours just in case.

“You are coming over after work, aren’t you?” His voice wasn’t able to mask his fear this time.

“If that’s okay, yeah.” She was looking at her hand in his.

“Good, then I’ll see you at home and we can work everything out. Okay?” He forced a smile.

“Okay.” She stood up with him and walked to the door. “Thank you.” She whispered before turning the doorknob and leaving.

Harm’s apartment
Later that night

Mattie and Jen had joined them for dinner. Although Harm had been serious about getting an extra lock for the door, it had proved to be a moot point since Mattie developed the habit of calling to let him know she was on her way over.

Snuggled up on the sofa, listening to some music Harm wondered how long it would be before he wouldn’t want to make love to Mac all the time. They’d pretty much spent the better part of the last couple of days in each other’s arms, unless they were at work, and Lord help him, he wanted to carry her off to bed now as well.

Mac had been so unsettled by the cathedral thing that she hadn’t given a second thought to how many days they’d been trying, or if the time when she was supposed to be at Harm’s was over and she should be going to her own apartment. She couldn’t stop thinking about the cathedral, and why it bothered her so.

“Want to tell me why you were so riled up today?” Harm decided to tackle the easy stuff first. Hah.

“I’ve been thinking about that.” She let out a short sigh, “I guess it reminded me of the grandiose wedding Mic was planning and …” She stopped, her voice catching in her throat.

“Go on, and…”

“and, I don’t want anything about us to remind me of then.” She said quietly.

“And….” He said again.

“That’s it.”

“No, there’s more, and…” he coaxed.

“Well,” she dropped her gaze a second before looking back up into his eyes. “ We’re not a couple of twenty year old kids with a fairytale vision of life, marriage and happily ever after. You said it yourself, this is a practical marriage planned by two people who have lived a very unfairytale like life.”

Those words cut through Harm’s heart as surely as if she’d stabbed him with a knife. He knew he’d presented his proposal as a logical solution to an illogical situation, but he’d hoped after almost three days of trying to conceive a child, that she would recognize it for so much more than that.

“I just think we shouldn’t make so much of this. It’s not fair to you.”

That snapped him out of his momentary self imposed pity. She was worried about what he was being subjected to? Could it be she couldn’t feel his love for her in every touch, every caress. Was it possible she really thought it was just sex, lust, his want of an heir? Why did this surprise him, he’d given up everything to rescue her in Paraguay and she still didn’t get it. He’d have to say the words, tell her so there’d be no confusion, but not now, not yet. He couldn’t risk scaring her away when he was so close to having everything he’d ever really wanted in life.

“Mac, we’ve both agreed, we’re in this for the long haul. Hopefully we’ll have a family to raise. We’re only going to do this once. Don’t let what you think is too much for me, stop you from having the fairytale wedding every young girl dreams of.”

“I never believed in fairytales.” Mac said, sadness creeping into her gaze.

“Then let Harriet make one for you. If you don’t want to be reminded of what Mic had planned, we’ll stick with the original plan of simple, but don’t let a few extras scare you. Even with a small crowd, the cathedral will be beautiful. Besides, my mother will love it.” He chuckled, hoping to lighten things up a bit.

“Harm, we haven’t told your mother!”

“Actually, yeah, I have. I’m sorry. She called the other day while you were in the shower. I was a little distracted when you finally came out and forgot all about the call. Forgive me?” He hoped he hadn’t done something really stupid but who can remember their mother when a gorgeous 5’9 brunette comes walking towards you wrapped in only the towel of many fantasies.

“It’s okay. I understand.” Mac smiled, she really wasn’t upset, she was just glad Harm felt good enough about them to tell his mom at all.

“Then we’re getting married at the cathedral?” Harm asked

“Looks like it.” Mac tried to smile.

“We don’t have to, if you really don’t want to.” Harm pressed. Whatever else, he wanted this day to be special for Mac, even if meant getting married in a field of goats.

“No, you and Harriet are right, where isn’t really that important. What matters is that we do it right.” Her first real smile of the day made its appearance.

“I just need to know one little trivial detail.” Harm grinned knowingly.

“What?” She inquired.

“When?” He asked.

“When?” Mac frowned in confusion.

“Yes, Mac. When is the wedding? What date?” He chuckled, feeling like he was in a bad Abbot and Costello routine.

“July 10th at 1600.” Mac giggled. That was sort of a crucial piece of information.

“I’ll be there.” He smiled.

Mac smacked him across the chest. “You’d better! National Cathedral.” She was actually starting to like the idea, Sarah MacKenzie having a fairytale wedding. Who’d of thunk.

Harm couldn’t resist any longer. Pushing her back against the sofa, he captured her mouth in what would inevitably be another searing kiss. Kissing Sarah was like striking a match, it would always start a fire.

Chapter 22

Harm’s apartment
Same night

The apartment felt unusually quiet. The CD had stopped playing long ago, and the normal sounds of city traffic that usually carried through the apartment seemed to have faded away.

Harm laid contently in bed with Mac in his arms. She’d fallen asleep almost an hour ago but Harm was still awake enjoying the softness of her supple body against his. He couldn’t get over the feeling that he needed to savor every moment as though it might be his last. Deep down he still feared Mac would wake up and announce it was all an impossible mistake.

Harm’s heart skipped a beat as Mac’s fingers began doodling on his chest. It didn’t take much for Harm to react, and he was definitely reacting.

Shifting a little, Mac began to regain consciousness. Trying to stretch she felt Harm’s arms tighten around her.

“Sleep well?” He asked quietly.

“Mmm.” She groaned. There wasn’t anything she could think of that was better than being surrounded by Harmon Rabb in the flesh.

“You comfortable?” Harm loved having her in his arms. The nightmares that had plagued him so faithfully since Paraguay had vanished as if frightened off by Mac’s mere presence in the same room.

“Very.” She replied moving her arm to rest across his waist.

“When should we know?” Feeling Mac tense immediately in his arms, he regretted the words the moment they left his lips.

Pushing off his chest, Mac sat up making no attempt to cover her bare breasts.

Disappointed she had moved away, Harm couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pride that she was comfortable enough with him not to try and cover up.

“The doctor’s information had a list of the most accurate pregnancy tests, but Harm, I don’t think I can go through that month after month.” She shifted, sitting back against the wall but still close enough that their bodies were touching.

“I don’t understand.” Harm sat up beside her. He wanted to reach out and touch her somehow, but he was fairly sure she needed space right now.

“I know we’ve tried our best.” A quick smile curled from one side of her face. “Our very best, but it’s not likely I’m pregnant and I don’t think I could stand hoping I am, counting the days, taking the most accurate test for the earliest possible detection and having my heart crash to the floor every time.” She was watching his face as she spoke, not sure he understood.

“I’d rather just forget about time, assume I’m not and go about my business. If it looks like I really might be, then I’ll take the test to confirm.” Her eyes hadn’t blinked watching his.

“I don’t pretend to understand, but if that’s what you want.” He dared to extend his hand and brush her hair away from her face.

Scooting back down, Harm patted the bed by his side. “Come on, let’s try and get some sleep.”

Agilely, Mac slid down, turning her back to Harm so he could spoon around her.

“Night.” She whispered.

“Night.” He echoed into her hair.

Harm’s apartment
Next morning

Harm was startled to roll over and find an empty bed. A cold chill settled through him. This was their last morning. He would have to go without having Sarah MacKenzie in his arms for at least another month, unless she was already pregnant, then it might be even longer until she’d need him again.

Fighting the horrible sense of loss that was threatening to overtake him completely. Harm sat up and tried to shake his pain away. Relieved to hear the water running in the bathroom, he stood up and grabbed his robe.

“Morning beautiful.” He whispered into Mac’s ear, standing behind her, his arms enfolding her in a warm embrace.

Spitting out her toothpaste. “Morning.” She tried to smile back, looking at him through the mirror in front of her. “There’s coffee in the kitchen.” She mumbled before taking a sip of water to rinse her mouth.

Placing a quick kiss on the back of her neck. Harm stepped away. “Sounds great, thanks.”

Harm was pouring his coffee when Mac joined him in the kitchen.

“It felt strange not having you by my side when I woke up.” Harm admitted sheepishly.

“I, uh, I woke up early.” She reached around Harm to refill her coffee cup.

Harm was seriously toying with asking her to please stay, but her less than warm response gave him pause to reconsider.

Should she tell him how hard it was to drag herself out of bed, to not roll over and run her fingers over every strong muscle in his toned body laying so dangerously close to hers. She wanted so badly to stay, but she’d be back soon.

“You’d better get a move on it, it’s 0649. If you don’t hurry, I’m going to have to take Mattie to school.” Mac smiled playfully, hiding the ache inside.

Kissing the top of her head as he walked passed her. “On my way Colonel.” He spouted, not showing the slightest sign of how hard it was knowing this was his last morning with her, for now.

Benzingers Bar and Restaurant
1235 same day

Mac and Harriet sat at a quiet booth in the far corner of the restaurant. Papers where sprawled across the majority of the tabletop. Had any other military personnel been by, they would have assumed the two officers were diligently working through strategy for an important case.

Of course, to Harriet, this was a very important case. One that had been nine years in the making and she was going to ensure it came off without a hitch.

“Mac, if all you want for a reception is a large party, and you don’t want to do it at any of these places,” Harriet pointed to one of the many lists of restaurants and clubs, “then I suggest we do it at our house.”

“What?” Mac looked at her friend as though she’d sprouted another head.

“There are seventeen different choices on this list and you’ve knocked every single one off as being too elaborate, too formal, too pristine, too ostentatious. It looks to me like all you want is one big party and since there aren’t really that many guests, I don’t see any reason why we can’t have it catered at my house. We could even set most of it up in the back yard if you don’t mind springing for the cost of a tent.” Harriet’s one eyebrow shot up as the other crinkled down in thought.

“You know ma’am, now that I think about it, some of the most romantic weddings have had outdoor receptions under tents.” Harriet’s thoughtful frown instantly grew into a bright glow.

“Harriet,” Mac started, shaking her head. “That is the best idea you’ve had yet. I think a nice simple outdoor reception at your house is perfect.” Mac sat back delighted that Harriet had finally come up with an idea she was comfortable with. It would be a lot of work, but that’s what caterers were for.

“Excellent, now we just have to find the time to go pick out the invitations. We’ll have to choose from whichever ones are available on the shortest notice. Do you think the Commander wants to come also?”

“I’ll check, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t really care what the invitations look like.” Mac answered, not sure what Harm cared about, he seemed to run hot and cold. When they were together, she was so sure she meant more to him than just a friend, or a warm body. Then there were those few times he seemed so distant. What if that was how he really felt?

“Mac, Mac.” Harriet’s voice finally seeped through Mac’s crowded mind dragging her back to the here and now.

“Sorry, Harriet. My mind wandered.”

“It’s par for the course with a new bride.” Harriet laughed. “All I need from you and the Commander now is the guest list and we’ll be pretty much set.”

“My list will be pretty short, but I think Harm has a lot of buddies he’s kept in touch with from the academy as well as different carrier tours. I’ll make sure we have the list done before the invitations are ready.”

Harriet nodded enthusiastically. This wedding was finally going to happen!

Chapter 23

Over the next few days, Harriet helped Mac pick out a simple, yet elegant off the shoulder wedding gown, a simple and classic wedding invitation, a simple dark blue dress for the attendants since Mac didn’t want to mess with multiple colors, and of course a simple but impressive bouquet.

If Harriet heard Mac use the word simple one more time she was going to tattoo it across Mac’s head. Since Mac didn’t seem to have her heart set on any particular foods, Harriet offered to choose the menu selections on her own at a later time. She was eternally grateful when Mac readily agreed. Harriet was convinced if she had to sit through one more endeavor listening to Mac compare everything on a scale of ‘simple’, she would have screamed.

Mac had gone home Friday night to an empty apartment. She had thought about inviting Harm over but he seemed to be almost avoiding her that day. After several days of having her underfoot, Mac concluded he probably needed his space.

What she had no way of knowing was that Harm erroneously thought she was the one needing space and had to fight his own inner battles to stay away from her.

By Saturday afternoon he couldn’t stand it anymore and had to talk to her.

Stationary store
Saturday 1400

Mac was flipping through pages of another book of invitations when her cell phone rang.


“How’s everything going.” Harm slumped back in his chair.

“Fine, Harriet and I are picking out invitations.” She said, looking at what Harriet was pointing to.

“I guess you’re having fun.” Harm hoped that didn’t sound as whiney to her as it did to him.

“It’s okay.”

“You want to get together for dinner and show me what progress you’ve made?” Harm mentally crossed his fingers.

“Actually, I have to stop by Mattie’s to show her and Jen what we’ve done for the attendants. If you don’t mind being outnumbered by women, Harriet and I can bring the whole brood over to your place.” Mac mentally crossed her fingers. She missed him terribly.

“I think I can handle a little estrogen overload.” Harm was smiling from ear to ear.

“Watch it sailor.” Hours of tension from keeping up with Harriet had just rolled away after only a few short minutes on the phone. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” Waiting till he said goodbye, Mac hung up and returned her attention to Harriet.

Harm’s apartment

Harm stayed contentedly in the background cooking supper while his harem giggled, squealed, laughed and occasionally gagged. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of Kate Pike asking him if they’d given him a harem when they made him Commander. Shaking his head, he knew Kate was going to let him have it when she found out he and Mac were getting married. He hoped she’d be able to come, Meg too. He hadn’t thought about Meg in years. Last he heard she was stationed in pearl and dating a fighter pilot, the irony of which wasn’t lost on him. There were a lot of people he hoped would be able to make it.

“Hey sailor!” Several not too soft, female voices called out.

Harm had been so lost in his own memories he hadn’t noticed Mac calling him until Jen and Mattie chimed in.

“You rang.” Harm walked over to where they were all huddled on the floor.

“Yeah, we’re hungry.” Mattie spoke up.

“How much longer… sir?” Jen added.

“Didn’t anyone ever teach you guys patience is a virtue?” Harm turned to make his way back to the kitchen. “It’s just about ready, go ahead and sit at the table.” He pointed.

Everyone clamored excitedly at the table as they ate their dinner. Harm barely getting a word in edgewise.

“So sir, where are you and the Colonel going on your honeymoon?” Jen asked taking another breadstick.

“Honeymoon?” Harm looked as though she’d spoken in a foreign language.

“Yeah, Harm. You know that very beautiful and exotic place you spend a fortune to get to and then never leave the hotel room.” Mattie shook her head and reached for another breadstick as well.

Mac blushed four different shades of red, while Harriet and Jen tried to hide their laughter by quickly shoving more food in their mouths.

Rolling his eyes, “I know what a honeymoon is, thank you Miss Grace.”

“SO?” Mattie shrugged.

“We haven’t discussed it yet.” Harm responded, not looking anyone in the eye.

“That’s the best part of the whole getting married thing. How could you not have discussed it yet?” Mattie really wondered why old people bothered getting married.

Harriet choked on her breadstick, momentarily distracting everyone. Looking sheepishly at Harm, holding up her thumb and forefinger in a pinch formation, “she has a small point, sir.” Harriet mentioned.

“You’re not helping Harriet. Marriage is about much more than what goes on during the honeymoon and I think I’m voting for a change of subject.” His cheeks were starting to flush close to the pretty shade on Mac’s cheeks.

After dinner, one by one each of the ladies headed home. Mattie was the first to abandon ship. As much fun as she was having, she preferred people her own age. Jen followed soon after that, mostly under the pretext of having to do laundry, but Harm knew she kept a pretty close eye on Mattie for him. Harriet lingered a while longer straightening out a few details with Mac and trying to coax Harm into telling her his plans for a honeymoon.

As Harm closed the door behind Harriet, Mac began gathering up all the samples and lists that Harriet had been showing them and put them into a single bag.

“That wasn’t so bad now, was it?” She asked from the sofa.

“No, it was actually very amusing.” Harm noticed Mac was packing up to leave.

“Would you like another cup of tea?” He wanted to keep her there with him a little while longer.

“Yeah, that sounds nice.” She said, thankful to have a reason to stay.

“So, where would you like to go on a honeymoon?” Harm asked, filling the kettle with water.

“I guess I’ve never thought about it.” Mac moved over to one of the stools by the island.

“Does that mean I get to pick?” Harm smiled, a glint in his eyes.

Mac considered, for just a minute, telling him they didn’t have to go on a honeymoon. Recalling the last few days she’d shared with Harm, Mattie’s idea of never leaving the hotel room seemed extraordinarily appealing.

“Yeah, you get to pick.” Mac grinned, the same gleam in her eyes.

JAG Headquarters
About two weeks later

The next two weeks passed at the speed of light, and yet torturously slow, depending on the day and time. The work day was always filled with more to do and not enough time, it flew by along with any time they spent together. It was the time they spent apart, and the long nights that seemed to never end.

Mac knocked lightly on Harm’s door. “Got a minute sailor?”

“For you, always.” Harm pushed his chair away from the desk, smiling at her.

“Harriet tells me she heard from Keeter and Kate. They’re both coming. Kate will be here several days early. There’s some seminar or other that she’s going to use as an excuse to be here without requesting leave. At least, I think that’s what Harriet meant.” Mac said chuckling mildly at Harriet’s enthusiasm.

“I can’t remember when the last time was I saw Jack. God, could it be since you and he got back from the desert a thousand years ago?”

“Don’t ask me.” Mac responded. Her smile fading, “are we still on for dinner tonight?”

“As far as I know, did you need to do something else?” Harm didn’t like the sound of her voice.

“No, I could use the company of a handsome sailor, but I figured if you’re free, you’d do.” Mac could tell Harm recognized the catch in her voice, she tried to recover with humor. It was that time of the month and even though she’d refused to get her hopes up, she couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

“Just watch it or I’ll sick my fiancee on you, she’s a marine you know.” Harm wondered what was up. They teased like this often, but today he could tell she was using it to hide something.

Getting up from her chair, she broadened her smile. “Knock on my door when you’re ready to blow this joint.”

Harm watched her close the door. Glancing down at the calendar on his desk, he saw the little red mark he had placed on the date two days ago. An unexplainable heaviness crashed down on him as he recognized what was probably wrong with Mac. They’d expected this, but still, this was going to be hard, much harder than he’d anticipated.

Chapter 24

Mac’s apartment
Later that night

“Where did you learn to make chicken cutlets like that? And why have you been holding out on me all these years?” Harm joked, setting his fork down on the plate.

“We used to have an Italian neighbor when Dad was stationed at Pendleton. She was originally from New York and when she made sauce on Sunday afternoons, the whole state of California could smell it.” Mac closed her eyes for just a moment allowing the memory to take over.

“Anyhow, sometimes when things were impossible at home, I’d go over there and she’d teach me how to cook something new, distract me. She really was a great lady, I wonder what ever happened to them?” Mac paused, as if staring at Harm would give her the answer to her latest question.

“This still doesn’t tell me why you’ve been holding out on me.” Harm replied, pushing away from the table and carrying his dishes to the sink.

“I guess, I just shoved all her recipes away with most of my childhood memories.” Mac began loading the dishwasher. “For some reason, memories of her sauce came back to me when I was at the grocery store last weekend, so I decided to go ahead and see if I could still do it.” Slamming the door of the machine shut, Mac turned to Harm her hands on her hips. “I guess the marines came through again.” She smiled, rather proud of herself.

Stepping up to her, Harm gathered her in his arms. “You’ll have to teach me some more of those recipes.” He kissed her lightly on the head and stepped back again. Since those few days Mac spent at Harm’s, they had been continually affectionate but had refrained from anything physically intimate, or anything that might imply intimacy. Each one convinced they were giving the other needed space.

Harm poured himself a glass of juice and headed for the living room, Mac not far behind him. Settling down together on the sofa, the two were silent for a while, neither sure where to begin with what they wanted to say.

“How many responses have we had so far?” Harm started.

“I think Harriet said 75 attending. She’s such a good sport. With every yes that comes in, she bubbles over with excitement completely unconcerned about what it will do to her house.”

“Reminds me of the Spencer Tracy movie, Father of the Bride. They had to remove all the furniture from the house in order to be able to fit all the guests for the reception. If I remember correctly, he had to rent a moving van to drive around the neighborhood all day.” Harm smirked.

“I saw the version with Steve Martin, but I can’t remember if they had a problem with the furniture.”

“I preferred the original, we’ll have to rent it some day.” Harm suggested.

“That could be fun, maybe we’ll learn something helpful.” She commented, patting him softly on the leg.

“I heard from Ed again today. He said he and Ellen are coming to the wedding.” Harm mentioned, watching his fingers draw circles on Mac’s forearm.

“Is that all he said?” Mac asked.

“Things aren’t progressing as quickly as they would have liked. They’re going to take an extra 30 days before going public with the plan. He said if I need more time to make up my mind, I could take another 30 days. Then he suggested I go over to the Echo building and see how the renovations are coming.”

“What did you tell him?” Mac knew he was still tempted by the offer.

“I said I’d see if I had any time.”

“Want to go take a peek at lunch tomorrow?” Mac turned her hip to see his face better.

“Maybe. You want to come with me?” Harm sounded like a lost little boy.

“If you’d like. You’re thinking you want to do this don’t you?” Mac tried to keep her expression impartial.

Sighing, “I can’t seem to shake the feeling that this would be a good fit. Even when the admiral came up with a way for us to stay at JAG for now, my mind immediately thought, all we need is for Mrs. Sebring to hang on until this thing is underway.” He looked into Mac’s eyes hoping he’d find understanding.

“If it’s what you think you want to do, I’m with you 100 percent. If you’re sure.” Mac squeezed his hand.

“We’ll see.” His mind was still contemplating his options when he heard Mac’s voice.

“Sorry, what was that?” He asked.

“I said, I’ll pack us a lunch and we can eat at the park around the corner from the Echo Building.” Mac shook her head, she should know better than to talk to Harm when he was lost in thought.

Old Echo Oil Building
Falls Church Virginia
1245 next day

“Wow, I never noticed how beautiful this old building is. Look at all that brass.” Mac commented, pointing at the ornate trim around the elevators.

“This place was built back in the days when construction was more of an art. It definitely gives meaning to the idea of master craftsmen.” Despite the mess of dust, plastic, and construction materials they were weaving their way around, the beauty of the old building was still impressive.

Making their way up to the third floor, Harm and Mac stepped out of the elevators. The doors opened on to what was obviously going to be an expansive reception area. Stepping around the construction debris, they walked around looking at the different offices. According to Ed, Harm’s office would be in the far east corner.

Standing in the open archway of what was undoubtedly going to be a double doorway, Harm froze staring straight ahead.

“This office is bigger than the bullpen.” He said, his head slowly making a tour of the ceilings and walls.

“Look Harm, you can see ops from here.” Mac had moved over by the large windows and was pointing straight ahead.

“It is a nice view isn’t it. The park looks so big.” Harm’s eyes scanned the horizon.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Mac inched close enough to reach his hand.

“I think I’d feel lost in this place. Look at it, Mac. I’m not cut out for stadium seating. I’m a navy boy used to cramming into a rack that’s six inches too short for me.” Heaving a deep sigh. “I don’t know Mac.”

“If this weren’t going to be such a big office, what would you think?”

“I think this would be a great project to restore.” He was still staring out over the horizon.

“AND…” She coaxed.

“And, I think I’d feel right at home.” He turned his head to look her in the eye. “I think I’m going to accept, Mac. Especially before this place becomes a replica of Hearst’s castle.” Chuckling, he felt a huge weight lift from his shoulders. He was sure. This would be good for them, for his new family.

Reginald Stevens City Park

“What would possess any sane human being to name their child Reginald?” Mac pondered as she and Harm spread out the blanket she’d brought.

“Same generation who thought Harmon would make a good name.” He chuckled.

“Point taken.” Mac smirked, taking their lunch out of the cooler. “I arranged to have our schedules moved back a bit so we could take a little longer for lunch. We don’t need to be back for another 52 minutes.”

Laying down, Harm stared straight up at the rippling leaves swaying to the warm breeze. “I’ve been thinking.”

“Better not do too much of that, you may hurt yourself.” Mac handed him an egg salad sandwich with some chips, a pickle, and a broad smile. She loved it when he left himself wide open like that.

Sitting up again he accepted the dish. “Pickles, you thought of everything.” Pushing back to lean against the trunk of the tree, “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I’ve been thinking. It should be time for us to try again in about nine or ten days, right?” Harm hoped this would save her the trouble of finding a way to tell him.

“About.” She tried not to let her disappointment show.

“What do you say if we take a couple of days and head to the beach. With all the last minute things going on for the wedding, it would probably be good to get away from the stress and just try and relax.” Harm took a bite of his sandwich waiting for her to mull over what he’d just said.

“Besides, it would be nice to have a bedroom door.” He smiled, hoping she’d find the humor in what he’d said and was delighted when she chuckled back.

“Sounds like fun.” She nodded. If the only reason Harm had thought up this little getaway was to decrease her stress in order to increase their chances at conceiving, she wasn’t going to complain. As long as he wanted to be with her, she vowed to stop torturing herself over why.

Chapter 25

Reginald Stevens City Park
Falls Church Virginia
Same time

“I’ve been thinking about something else too.” Sitting across from each other, facing opposite directions, Harm scooted up until he was almost by her side.

“I know we decided it made more sense with Mattie and all for you to move into my place after the wedding, but when we talked about it originally we hadn’t set a date yet. It occurred to me, it’s silly to pay another months rent just for ten days, not to mention the added stress of moving everything out of your apartment just before the wedding. What do you say we get a jump on things and you move in with me now?” Harm pressed his lips in anticipation, his heart beating more quickly than it should.

Mac’s heart skipped several beats.

“Are you sure? ” Mac tried to keep her voice steady, and slow her racing heart.

“Am I sure? Of what, that it will save money, that it will be easier to move now than later, or that I’ve missed you so much the last couple of weeks I can’t stand waiting until July 10th to come home to you every night? Yeah, I think you could say I’m sure.” Harm cursed that they were both in uniform. Her lips had never been more inviting, her dark brown eyes were sucking him in with the force of a whirlpool, a force he didn’t want to fight.

“If you put it that way, how could I say no.” Wanting desperately to taste his pouty lips, Mac settled for discreetly placing her hand on his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “We’ve got 14 minutes to get back to work.” She smiled.

Reluctantly standing up, “We’d better clean all this up.” Harm reached out and grabbed hold of Mac’s hand almost jerking her close to him, so close she could feel his warm breath on her already flushed face.

“Let’s start packing you up tonight.” He suggested, in a voice so low Mac’s knees almost gave out from under her.

“Let’s.” Was all she could get her voice to respond.

Mac’s apartment
Same night 2015

“Which box did you want me to put in the car?” Harm asked looking at the three boxes piled next to the sofa.

“The one with the pictures.” Mac called from the bedroom.

“And that would be…..?” Harm looked up at the doorway to her room.

“The one that has pictures written on the box.” You could hear the ‘duh’ in her tone of voice.

Shifting the boxes around to see all four sides, “for future reference, it helps if the writing on the boxes isn’t facing the sofa or some other obstructive item.” Harm picked up the box. “Do you want to me to take anything else down this trip?” He called standing by the front door. He’d already taken down a load of clothing and a few other boxes.

“No, I’ll be done here in a minute. Go on ahead.”

For tonight, they had packed up some of Mac’s favorite or personal things. Harm insisted they mix some of his and Mac’s belongings to make the apartment more theirs and then put the remaining things in storage until they decided what to do with it all. Tonight they were just taking over a few things and then slowly over the rest of the week they would move things either to Harm’s or to storage. Finished with the boxes from the living room, Mac was collecting more clothing from her closet.

Just as Harm was closing the hatch on the back of the SUV Mac walked up behind him, her arms loaded with more clothes.

“I don’t understand how someone who wears a uniform to work every day of the week could have accumulated so many civies.” Harm marveled at the amount of clothing that Mac considered essential.

Emptying the contents of her arms into the back seat of the car, Mac turned to walk past Harm when his arm shot out in front of her blocking her path.

“Not without paying the toll.” He stated flatly.


“Yeah, toll.” Harm moved the extended arm to wrap his hand firmly around Mac’s waist and pulled her hard against his chest. “ Toll.” He repeated, his head ducking down, his lips drawn to hers. It had been weeks since he’d kissed her with so much emotion. He’d been keeping his distance, limiting his shows of affection to simple caresses, holding her hand, a kiss on the cheek, her forehead or a salutory peck on the lips.

The idea of knowing she would be at his side from now on, that he’d never again have to stand at his front door and fight the ache in his heart as she stepped into the elevator, was the straw that broke the emotional camel’s back. He had to release some of the longing he’d kept bottled up before it exploded uncontrollably or worse unwelcomed.

Slowly pulling back. Harm opened his eyes and fell into the dark brown eyes staring back at him.

“What do you say we lock up and head home?” He offered.

“Already done.” Mac replied, pulling away from his arms. “Let’s go.”

Harm’s apartment

Mac began hanging some of her clothing in the closet and filling up the drawers Harm had previously emptied for her while Harm tossed some of his least favorite knick knacks into a box making room for some of Mac’s personal affects.

In very short order they’d managed to easily meld the contents of the one box into the décor of Harm’s living room. Returning to the organizational efforts in the bedroom closet. “This should give you a little more space.” Harm said, tossing a few things onto the bed.

“No, I’ll figure something out. You’ve already given up enough of your closet space.” Mac protested.

“I haven’t worn some of this stuff in years, half of it doesn’t even fit anymore. It’s about time I cleaned it all out. We’ll put the stuff for storage in the pile over there and start a new pile for Goodwill.” Harm smiled at her, unable to resist leaning in for a small kiss.

To his surprise, Mac stretched her arms up immediately, pulling him in for a more earnest kiss. When her lips slid along his, her tongue begging for admission, he gladly obliged. His hands drifted south resting on her hips. Mac slowly played with each lip, teasing them with a gentle flick of her tongue, only to change course and delve past them to duel with his.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Harm remembered this wasn’t a good time, but Sarah tasted so good. He missed her soft touch, her fingers grazing delicately across his skin, the feel of her soft curves under his fingertips. If all they could indulge in tonight was an old fashioned make out session, then he was ready to indulge until the cocks crowed.

“Hey Harm, saw your ….oops.” Mattie stopped frozen in her tracks, hoping for just a second that maybe they hadn’t heard her, when she saw Harm and Mac quickly jump apart as though they’d been electrocuted.

“Sorry about that. I uh, didn’t know Mac was here.” Since Mac had returned to staying at her apartment, Mattie had gotten out of the habit of calling before coming over and was once again popping in and out at will.

“I just came over to say good night and see how your day went.” Mattie said unconsciously backing up towards the door.

“Glad you’re here, I have something I wanted to tell you anyway.” Harm stepped down into the living room.

“That’s okay, I can see you’re busy, I mean that this isn’t a good time, I mean,” sighing, “what did you want to tell me?” Her shoulders slumped in resignation. She’d botched it and knew she wasn’t going to get out of it gracefully.

“We’ve decided to start moving Mac in now.” He looked at Mac. “Instead of waiting for the wedding rush.” He added as an after thought.

“Great, I think that’s great.” Mattie repeated her head nodding nervously.

“Well, if you guys don’t mind, I think I’ll go tell Jen the good news.” Mattie made a dash for the door.

“Mattie wait up.” Harm walked over to her. “You don’t need to rush off.”

“I told you, I just stopped by to say goodnight. Really. See you tomorrow.” Turning to face Mac. “Glad you’re back, night.”

“Night Mattie.” Mac called, still standing by the closet in the bedroom.

“Night kiddo.” Harm kissed Mattie then closed the door behind her.

“We may need to do something about bedroom doors sooner than later.” Harm huffed, leaning against the door, an eyebrow raised in Mac’s direction.

Chapter 26

Seaside Home
South Hampton New York
Approximately one week later

“When you said spend a couple of days by the beach, this wasn’t what I had in mind.” Mac looked around the incredible house awe stricken.

“We could have brought everyone from ops along for this little trip and still have room to spare.” Mac gently swiped her hand across the fine french furniture in the massive entryway.

“Isn’t it sort of odd having period french furniture in a beach house.” Harm breathed into Mac’s neck, standing behind her, his one arm reaching around her to mirror her gesture across the tabletop.

“This is more than just a beach house. How did you find this place?” Mac asked, her eyes closed giving in to the rising sensations ignited by his soft words.

“It belongs to a friend of Frank’s. He bought it when South Hampton was the place to be, they don’t use it much anymore.” Harm barely kissed Mac on her neck and then backed off. Even though she moved in with him, they’d not been intimate for almost a month, and he didn’t want to pounce on her the moment they walked in the door.

“What do you say to a late swim in the ocean?” Harm took another step back trying to maintain control.

“What do you say to food first, water second?” Mac glared at him.

“Right. Feed hungry marine.” Harm laughed out loud. “There’s a great little restaurant back the way we came. Sits right along the water, best seafood in town.” Harm was practically drooling.

“Sounds like you’ve been here before?”

“When I was still at the Academy, some of the guys and I would come hang out for a few weeks during the summer. There’s no place like the beaches of South Hampton to meet beautiful, and friendly, girls.” Harm was worried for a moment there he might have revealed too much information.

“You and your gang of middies invaded this place and it survived?” Mac’s eyes were wide in surprise and laughter.

“Come on Mac, we weren’t animals, just horny.” ‘Oops.’ He hadn’t meant to say that either. He was instantly relieved when Mac broke out in a huge belly laugh.

“Well, at least you’re honest. Come on Casanova, let’s go find some food, maybe then we can work on your other ‘issues.’” She smiled saucily as she sauntered away. Knowing that for the next few days she had carte blanche to enjoy all of Harm gave her a boldness she normally oppressed. Deep down Mac still wasn’t convinced, despite all the obvious evidence otherwise, that Harm would really want her if it weren’t for the baby.

Harm’s testosterone levels were loving the idea of his marine on a mission. If only his heart weren’t aching at the idea that she needed a mission other than just wanting him.

Shores of South Hampton
2250 hours

“You were right. That was one of the best seafood dinners I’ve ever had.” Mac smiled, as the two walked from the house down to the shore holding hands.

They stood quietly watching the waves roll in occasionally sprinkling their feet. The sky was like black velvet, a few stars outshining the city lights. Harm stared out into the dark horizon, the ocean and sky meeting at some distant point, one large peaceful blanket surrounding their temporary world.

Mac shifted a moment from foot to foot. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” She said, watching Harm lost in his little sailor world.

Feeling her fidgeting, Harm turned his gaze to see what was wrong. “I’m sorry, you must be beat, we can go in.”

“No, how about we just sit?”

“Better yet, let’s go back to the house and we can sit on the lounge chairs by the pool. We can still see and hear the ocean but you’ll be more comfortable.

“You sure?”

Harm nodded his head as he led them the few yards back to the house. Taking a seat on one of the padded lounge chairs, Harm tugged at Mac’s arm until she fell in his lap. Leaning with her back against Harm, his arms tightly wrapped around her, Mac looked out at the vast ocean.

“This was a great idea.” Mac practically hummed.

“Glad you think so.” Ducking his head, he placed a small kiss on her neck.

Mac breathed in sharply at his unexpected gesture. Encouraged by her response, Harm continued nibbling on her neck, working his way down to her collarbone. Instinctively raising her chin allowing him better access, Mac let out a low gravely purr.

Before Harm knew it, Mac had twisted in his arms and was engaging in an oral exploration of her own. Her hands danced across his solid chest, the feel of his strong muscles under her sensitive fingers sending chills through her entire body. Her lips left a watery trail from his chin, down his neck, to his taut nipples making Harm’s blood boil.

Under the thin fabric of her shirt, Harm gently caressed the soft skin until he reached the familiar clasp, without hesitation, he undid it slipping off the unwanted garments. Dedicating singular attention to each breast, he carefully rolled each sensitive tip between his fingers, thrilling at the soft sounds of Mac’s pleasure with every flick.

Her already heightened desire was surging uncontrollably. Jolted by his every touch, her hands kneaded their way down his front, her fingers slipped daringly inside the edge of his pants.

Harm’s breath caught as her fingers barely grazed so close to the source of all his want. Delighted by her obvious affect on him, Mac wasted no time. Undoing the button on his slacks, she lowered the zipper with one hand. Gently cupping him in her other hand, she released the growing object of her attention.

A surge of wanton pleasure shot through her entire system at the sound of his voice echoing in her ear.

“Oh, God Mac. I, I….” The words trailed off as he pulled her tightly against him, his lips seeking out hers. Their tongues dueling in a feverish dance.

It wasn’t long before the cushion from the chair was thrown on the ground followed by two entangled bodies. Their clothes were strewn aside aimlessly. Desperately, their hands roamed and caressed, their lips kissed and suckled every sensitive spot they knew.

Under the warm summer night, they eagerly succumbed to the passions they’d too long suppressed. When Harm’s hand began playing with her curls, Mac almost came unglued, thanking God there were no neighbors within earshot of her very vocal response.

Harm slowly swirled his finger through her curls and around her bud, careful not to apply any direct pressure. He slid one finger partially inside while his thumb gently caressed her now throbbing clit.

Mac gasped for air when Harm fully slid a second finger inside her. God, that man’s fingers were gold. Still playing at the nape of his neck with one hand, she dropped her other hand tightly taking hold of him. Her hand slid up and down his shaft following the same rhythm as his fingers.

The fire raging within was consuming them both. Unable to hold back any longer, Harm moved his fingers and placed his tip at her entrance, lightly rubbing against her before sinking deep inside. She felt so warm, so tight, so good. God, how he loved this woman.

Mac’s legs instinctively wrapped around him, seeking to get even closer. He began moving with slow, steady strokes. She matched his rhythm, stroke for stroke. Soon the pace increased. Within moments she was coiling around him. Throwing her head back, she gasped out his name. That was all he could stand as he exploded within her. The two lovers were wrapped around each other, holding on tightly under the stars. Neither wanting to ever let go of the other.

With the waves of passion slowly waning, Harm and Mac found themselves taking a midnight swim, only to make love again. Before it would be time to return home in a few days, they would again and again surrender to their own desires under the rising, shining and setting sun, and again still on the privacy of their moonlit beach.

Harm’s apartment
July 9th
1800 hours

“Mac, this is silly.” Harm insisted carrying her things to the door.

“I’m telling you Harm, I tried to talk Harriet out of it and she insisted she would hog tie me if she has to but you are not seeing the bride on your wedding day.” Mac shrugged.

As had happened the month before, once Mac’s period of optimum fertility had passed, they ceased all intimate relations. Still, Harm hated the thought of sleeping alone. He missed Mac terribly when she was gone.

“All right. Do we have everything?” Harm asked impatiently.

“I think so.” Mac replied grabbing her handbag.

“Okay, I’ll drop you off, then I’m supposed to meet Jack and Sturgis at McMurphy’s. AND don’t worry – we won’t do anything worthy of brig time.” Harm chuckled at the memory of Mac’s face when she had to bail them out of jail the day of Bud’s wedding.

Roberts’ Home

“Please settle down, Mac. Everything is under control.” Harriet insisted as she helped Mac carry her things to the guestroom.

“It’s not like you’ve never done this before.” Chloe chimed in, unprepared for the death glares.

“What? It’s the truth.” Chloe insisted. Brother, if looks could kill.

“Really Mac, everything is fine. It’s going to be great fun, just about everyone who really mattered was able to make it, except for Gunny.” Harriet said, gently rubbing Mac’s arm as she might one of her sons when trying to calm them down.

“It’s a shame Gunny couldn’t make it. I still can’t believe you were able to catch up with him at all.” Mac said, gingerly hanging the gown on the back of the door.

“I hate thinking of all our men fighting in Iraq, but somehow, I feel safer knowing Gunny’s one of them.” Harriet shrugged her shoulders as she put Mac’s suitcase in the corner.

“Now, Bud is meeting the Commanders at McMurphy’s to make sure they don’t stay out too late. Commander Turner is sensible, but that Keeter has trouble written all over him.” Harriet sighed, blowing a piece of hair away from her eyes.

Harriet followed Mac through the house to the kitchen where she paused looking out the back window.

“Wow, I can’t believe you pulled this off.” Mac sighed. The sight before her was impressive. An enormous white tent filled almost every square foot of Harriet’s back yard. The side walls were tied back with large navy blue and gold ropes with huge tassels on the end. Inside, the white tables, with alternate navy blue and marine green (almost) skirts filled the front area. A large dance floor was off to one corner. Fresh flowers and candles were on every table as well as on tall perches at ever tieback. Capping off the romantic feel were a few strategically placed Fichus trees with tiny white lights.

Mac was amazed. Harriet had managed to track down so many of the friends they’d lost touch with. She’d even managed to talk Annie into attending with Josh, although that was going to be a surprise for Harm. On top of all this, if it wasn’t enough she was hosting a wedding for 96 guests in her backyard, Harriet arranged to get a group of the women together for a nice dinner last night. Mac barely knew Kate Pike, and had never met Meg, but she felt if they were once important to Harm, then it was high time she got to know them personally. She was actually delighted with Meg. She’d always heard nice things about her but Mac suspected if they’d been assigned to each other, they’d have made one hell of a team too, Cagney and Lacey eat your hearts out.

“Terri should be here any minute, Mac. She was so upset she couldn't make it last night. I'm glad it worked out so she could spend time with us tonight. Would you mind helping me carry some of this into the living room?” Harriet asked, bringing Mac back to the present.

“Harriet, if I haven’t said it enough, you’re terrific. Thank you.” Mac reached over and kissed Harriet on the cheek. Not only had Harriet managed to put together the perfect wedding, she’d done it while pregnant to boot.

“You’ve said it at least a thousand times, ma’am. My pleasure. Now let’s get this stuff in the living room, and the four of us can have a nice relaxed evening and then get you off to bed early.”

Harriet smiled. She didn’t think she’d had this much fun putting her own wedding together, actually, she was sure she didn’t have this much fun putting her own wedding together.

Chapter 27

McMurphy’s Tavern

“You guys are just too old for me.” Keeter spit, taking another sip of beer. “Didn’t anyone explain to you that this is your last night to raise hell and live?”

“I’ve already raised plenty of hell and ‘lived’, all I want to do tonight is spend some time with good friends.” Harm looked at Keeter pointedly.

“Besides, he doesn’t need a pissed off marine on his wedding day- or night.” Sturgis volunteered.

“The last thing the Commander needs is a repeat of what happened to me.” Bud’s face paled at the memory.

“But wasn’t it great to go out in a blaze of glory?” Keeter interjected, his clenched fist thrusting upward in a gesture of victory.

“NO.” Harm and Bud declared flatly. Bud still thanked his lucky stars that Harriet didn’t call off the wedding after hearing about the pregnant stripper.

Sturgis watched his friends, quietly amused. The only thing that separates the men from the boys is the price of their toys, he thought, and with the cost of tomcats now a days, Keeter and Harm had some pretty fancy toys.

“All I know man, is if I had a woman as smart and sexy as Mac in love with me, I would NOT have waited this long.” Sturgis took a sip of his beer.

“First off, I really wish you’d stop reminding everyone how sexy my soon to be wife is.” Harm raised an eyebrow at Sturgis.

“Hate to break the news to you buddy,” Keeter interrupted, “but no one needs to be reminded Mac is hot. No offense.” Keeter raised his hand in contrition while drinking with the other.

“And…” Having given Keeter an icy glare, Harm returned to Sturgis again. “That’s the second time you’ve said Mac was in love with me, why do you keep saying that?”

“She told me.” Sturgis said before he realized what he’d done.

“She told you she was in love with me, those exact words?” Harm was stunned to say the least.

“Well, I suppose since you two ARE getting married, I wouldn’t be breaking a confidence any more. Yeah, When I first worked with her a few years ago, I asked what was the tension between you two. I politely insinuated that you two had a bad history and she immediately cleared up that you’d never slept together.”

“Are you nuts?!” Keeter interrupted again. “Damn, I thought we taught you better than that. After the way she looked at you in Iran, when she wouldn’t give me the time of day, I thought for sure you’d be hotbunking once you got stateside.”

“Have another drink, Jack.” Harm handed him a beer. He wanted to hear what Sturgis had to say, not explain himself to Keeter.

“How does that tell you she’s in love with me?” Harm pointed out.

“If you two will let me finish." He shook his head at his academy cohorts. "That’s when I suggested maybe that was the problem and you should just sleep together and get it over with.”

“You actually said that to her?” Harm’s expression floundered somewhere between horror and amazement.

“Not in so many words, but yeah. She said it wouldn’t work and I asked why. She didn’t mean to say it, but it just slipped out.” Sturgis took another sip of beer.

“Say what?” Harm was getting very impatient, his own beer forgotten.

“She said, ‘because I’m in love with him’. Then she made me swear never to tell anyone or she’d kick my six.”

“She said those exact words, not she loved me but she was ‘in’ love with me?” Harm was torn between potential elation and wanting to kick himself for having been such an ass.

“Exact words.” Sturgis repeated, raising his glass to Harm.

Damn. Why didn’t Sturgis tell him this long ago. She ran to the Guadalcanal because it was the only way she knew to protect her heart. She had no idea he loved her too. Her way of dealing with it was to stay away, and he let her. If he’d said something instead of always playing the silent hero, maybe she wouldn’t have wound up in the arms of still another man.

Mentally shaking away the pangs of regret, Harm thought, if she was in love with him once, he could win her over again. It may take time, but at least now, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, she was his and there wouldn’t be the threat of someone else coming along and stealing her away.

Harm was suddenly struck with fear, or could they? No, Mac wouldn’t do that to their family, unless, they never had a child. No, Mac wouldn’t do that to him, this was for good, they had both agreed.

Convinced that another man wouldn’t be a threat to him, Harm’s determination to win back the love of his soon to be wife was stronger than ever.

Roberts Home
July 10th
2010 hours

The wedding went off without a hitch. Even though, they almost forgot the wedding dress hanging behind the bedroom door, at least they remembered it before they left the Roberts’ driveway.

Mac had looked beautiful. Admiral Chegwidden detoured from his travels to walk her down the aisle. It was the one thing that was planned for her wedding with Mic that she really didn’t want to change. If she couldn’t have her Uncle Matt, she wanted the only other man by her side who had ever been a father figure to her.

The church was filled with smiles and tears. Trish Burnett, had both, and hopefully stock in Kleenex. When the two walked out of the church arm in arm, Gunny could probably have heard the cheers in Iraq. They were a stunning couple.

The reception was no exception. All the guests were having a wonderful time, chatting, laughing and dancing. Harm and Mac had opened the dance floor first thing as Terri sang a marvelous jazz rendition of Billy Joel’s Just the Way You Are.

“I had no idea she could sing so well.” Harm said, marveling at the beautiful song.

“That’s right, you were on the Henry the time I had to reopen a murder case and she helped with the forensics. A bunch of us went to McMurphy’s on Karoeke night and were floored when she sang that song that Lianne Rhimes does.”

“I guess it just goes to show, you can always be surprised. Which by the way, thanks for getting Josh here.” Harm kissed his wife softly on the lips. He liked the thought of that, his wife. That was it, no backing out now.

“I had very little to do with that, it was all Harriet’s doing. This whole thing was all Harriet.” Mac said, lifting one arm from Harm’s shoulder to wave around the room.

“I’m sure if you had vetoed it, Harriet wouldn’t have pursued it. Thank you.” He kissed her again.

“He seems like a nice kid.” Mac commented. “Especially for 16, that can be such a tough age.”

“He hasn’t given up his dream of the Academy yet either, much to Annie’s dismay.” Harm snickered.

“Well, at least she can’t blame you for that anymore.” Mac smiled, patting him lightly on the shoulder.

The two continued dancing briefly before being dragged off to opposite corners to visit and thank some friend or other.

As with most weddings, the guests waited for the moment the bride and groom were as far away from each other as possible to start clanking their glasses with silverware demanding a visual display of their affection for each other, in other words, a toe tingling kiss. Harm and Mac did their best to entertain the requests of their guests without neglecting their duties as hosts. Mac wished more often than not that she’d chosen to wear track shoes.

Quietly, without much fanfare, Harm and Mac cut the first slice of cake, skipping the traditional feed the spouse tradition. Mac had adamantly refused to have anything to do with the much fussed about garter throwing, but she did however agree after much coercion to throw the bouquet.

By midnight, the party was still in full swing. The booze flowing freely, no one noticed when the bride and groom slipped away.

As with any good party, the closest of friends are always the last to leave. By two o’clock in the morning, the few remaining guests were scattered around the large tent in small clusters, pleasantly tipsy, polishing off the last few bottles of champagne.

“Did you ever think he would smarten up?” Bobbi Lathem asked, not to anyone in particular.

“The man may be a top notch pilot and lawyer but when it comes to women, he’s clueless.” Kate replied. “Well, let me rephrase that, maybe there is one thing he’s not clueless about.” She smiled impishly, her eyes twinkling with a knowing look.

“Tell me about it.” Bobbi chimed in, wistfully recollecting her one night with Harm.

“Wait a minute! Why am I the only one left out of this conversation?” Meg demanded, her hands on her hips.

“Don’t feel bad, I’m on the outside looking in too.” Terri said with chagrin, raising her glass to the other women. “To Harmon Rabb, long may he….fly.”

“Here, here.” The women all chorused before breaking into a loud round of laughter.

Chapter 28

Harm and Mac arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel shortly after 0048.

“Sturgis will be picking us up at 0600, he’ll take your dress, and my uniform to the apartment along with anything else we don’t need.” Harm said toeing off his shoes.

“0600! Harm, what were you thinking?” Mac yawned.

“It was the only flight that connects to where we need to be in time.” Harm shrugged apologetically.

“You still haven’t told me where we’re going.” Mac said rubbing the exhaustion out of her eyes.

“I wanted it to be a surprise. At least I told you to pack warm weather clothes. Did I mention bathing suits?” Harm began unbuttoning the jacket of his dress whites.

“Yeeess.” Mac yawned.

“I’m sorry we have to get up so early. I know we won’t be able to get much sleep, but you can sleep to your hearts content starting tomorrow.” Harm put his jacket on a hanger.

“I’m a marine Harm, I don’t need a lot of sleep.” Mac yawned again. “Would you mind unzipping me?” She turned her back to Harm.

“Sure, need anymore help?”

“No, I got it from here.” Mac responded walking into the bathroom.

The two practically fell into bed, each thinking the other was too tired for a proper wedding night. With a quick kiss good night, they were both soon sound asleep.

Ocean Star Cruise Liner
San Juan Puerto Rico
1400 hours

Following Harm into the cabin, Mac had to make a conscious effort to keep her mouth from falling open.

“This is incredible!” She turned to Harm with a big hug as soon as he’d closed the door. The room was spacious for a cruise liner with a large double bed, sofa and table and it’s own private balcony.

Turning back around, she immediately walked out onto the balcony. Harm came up to stand behind her gathering her in his arms. From where the ship was docked they had a breathtaking view of the ocean port of Old San Juan.

“Isn’t it beautiful? When the ship returns, we’ll be staying for a few more days in San Juan.” Harm informed her, his voice caressing her ear.

“This is perfect, Harm.” Mac sighed. She would happily spend the next seven days standing there wrapped in his arms.

“Would you like to go check out the rest of the ship, or would you prefer a quick nap?” Harm was still holding tightly onto her waist.

“It seems too beautiful to waist sleeping, can we stay here while the ship pulls out?” Mac’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“Whatever Mrs. Rabb wants.” Harm said, kissing the top of her shoulder.

Mrs. Rabb, WOW. She hadn’t really thought about that yet. Mrs. Rabb. The thought gave her goose bumps.

“Are you cold? We can go somewhere else to watch the shoreline where it’s not so windy.” Harm began gently rubbing her arms.

His concern for her only added to the wonder causing the goose bumps in the first place. Overwhelmed by everything, Mac had let her guard down. Her concerns for what would or wouldn’t be asking too much of Harm, fell by the wayside as she turned in his arms and reached up in search of a heartwarming kiss.

Harm immediately deepened the kiss, his tongue eagerly sliding across Mac’s soft lips, anxiously awaiting the sweet taste that was Sarah MacKenzie. When Mac wrapped her fingers around his neck, pulling him closer, her tongue accepting his invitation to dance, Harm’s heart swelled as excitement rushed through his body, setting every nerve ending on fire.

Every fiber of Mac’s body was hungry for Harmon Rabb. Her fingers slowly traced a path down the side of his neck to the first button of his shirt. She felt Harm’s short intake of breath at the feel of her fingers brushing against his chest as she undid the button.

Harm pulled his lips away, leaving a feather like trail of kisses down Mac’s neck, across her shoulder, his hands slowly sliding the straps from her sundress off her soft shoulders. Mac’s head tilted back at the surging sensations induced by his tender touch, her fingers momentarily frozen in place.

“We don’t want to give the well wishers in port a show.” Harm whispered, his breath tickling her ear, shooting bolts of electricity through her already sensation overloaded body. Scooping her up in his arms, Harm captured her lips in his once again, carrying her the few short steps to the bed.

Placing her down slowly, with the same care used for precious cargo, Harm continued sliding her dress down leaving kisses on every inch of newly exposed skin, thrilling at every intake of breath, every shudder of pleasure she expressed. He’d wanted this so badly. To show Mac how much he wanted and loved her as Sarah the woman, the marine, not just as an incubator for a Rabb heir.

Mac thrilled at his sensitive caress. Her fingers roamed freely, lingering between undoing a button and playfully teasing the now accessible flesh. His muscles, hard and strong, rippled at every swirl of her touch. The thought of how much Harm wanted her, now when it wasn’t time to try, fanned the flames burning inside her all the more furiously.

His every touch sent surges of pleasure to every nerve ending. Their mouths continued to tangle in a desperate duel. Their lips were soft and moist. Their tongues, firm and flexible explored the cavernous spaces in a fruitless attempt to appease the flaring desire.

As many times as he’d seen Mac laying naked beneath him, he would never cease to be awed at how beautiful she was. Struck with the sudden realization that she was now his wife, that she would always be his, that she would never belong to another man again, Harm was overwhelmed by a flood of emotion.

He began trailing wet, moist kisses all along her bare skin. His fingers traced outlines of her breasts before lightly squeezing them in his grasp. He didn’t want to ever stop kissing her. He wanted this woman here in his arms for the rest of his life. His mouth was swirling around her navel when he felt her fingers doodling slow circles across his shoulders. The delicate touch of her soft caress sent his blood pulsing more feverishly to his groin.

Nudging her knee slightly with his shoulder, Harm grazed her soft curls with his chin. His fingers gently separating her folds, her fingers pressed more strenuously into his flesh.

Mac’s hips raised off the bed when his tongue slid across her clit and licked along the edge of her entrance. Glancing up with his eyes he could see her large breasts heaving upward with every stroke of his tongue.

Denying his own need to bury himself deep inside her, he carefully swirled his tongue around her clit as he slid a finger inside her. Holding her steady with his free hand, Harm continued to slide his finger in and out as his tongue danced with her bud.

Mac couldn’t prevent the slow murmurs from escaping. With every flick of his tongue another gasp of pleasure echoed in the cabin. She could feel herself beginning to convulse with excitement when Harm sucked her clit fully into his mouth.

“Oh GOOODD.” Her hips bucked repeatedly as the waves of her orgasm washed over her. Delicately, harm brushed the sides of her hips until her body no longer shivered at his touch.

When her breathing had lowered to a less labored pace. He kissed her shoulder. Taking her hand in his, he kissed the back of her hand before kissing and suckling on each finger tip. Laying her hand gently down at her side, in one unseen movement his head was back by her hips and his tongue lapping steadily at her folds. He knew it was time when he felt her insides tighten around his tongue.

She gasped at the momentary loss of the feel of his soft moist tongue suckling at her once again pulsing clit when she felt his soft tip playing at her entrance and then all at once thrusting deep inside her. Her arms flew around him, pulling him closer, deeper. She could hardly breathe, gasping for air as the sensations of each thrust surged through every fiber of her being. Sliding in and out, the friction of their bodies was sending them over the edge. Screaming his name, her body was coiled around him as Harm stiffened in ecstasy, his body emptying inside her.

They stroked and caressed the surging passions over and over until they slept spent in each other’s arms. Wrapped together, a tangle of arms and legs, huddled under the glow of moonlight, they were awakened by the slowly increasing grumbles of Mac’s now empty stomach.

“That’s another reason I chose a cruise.” Harm smiled, pulling Mac close against his side. “Practically 24/7 buffet.”

The next few days, Harm and Mac behaved as true honeymooners. The days at sea were spent almost entirely in the cabin except for occasional escapes for more fuel to feed their continuous indoor activities. When in port they managed to drag themselves out of bed in time to spend at least a few hours scavenging around.

Mac especially enjoyed the white beaches of Barbados, and the shopping in Martinique. She and Harm would walk hand in hand through the small island towns and occasionally, even arm in arm, indulging in the freedom of being able to kiss in public at will, within respectable norms.

Every evening they had the honor of being seated at the Captain’s table. The Captain, being retired Navy, was honored to have THE Commander Harmon Rabb Jr. on his ship and virtually monopolized Harm’s conversation all through dinner. There was something about out racing a nuclear warhead that most people found difficult to forget. It wasn’t until the third night that Mac remembered to respond when someone would call her Mrs. Rabb.

By the time the ship docked in San Juan, everyone on board knew who Harm and Mac were. Despite the enormity of the massive cruise ship, word had traveled quickly. Some spotted them as the incredibly handsome and adorable honeymooners, others, because Harm was a real live Naval hero. Either way, they were delighted to have a few more days of sun in San Juan with some much needed anonymity.

Being a larger island, Harm and Mac spent less time in their rooms by day, and more time touring the old city and outskirts of the island. They also got less sleep at night, but neither one was complaining.

Mac had however, finally adapted to being called Mrs. Rabb without a second thought. The young cabana boys at the hotel, who acted as waiters and gofers for the beachside clientele, had learned early that Harm and Mac were good tippers, and eagerly learned to call them by name. Mac felt a swell of pride rise every time she heard the name, Mrs. Rabb. She had indeed felt like any normal bride, loved and treasured. It was more than she had hoped for. She didn’t feel like this was a mission of mercy on Harm’s part. She felt like Mrs. Rabb and loved every minute of it.

Harm had spent the last few days walking about town like a proud peacock, his beautiful wife on his arm. The best gift anyone could have given him was the broad smile that seemed permanently beaming from Mac’s face. If she felt obliged, somehow duty bound by friendship, to accept his proposal, she didn’t show it now. She looked truly happy. He reveled in the love they were sharing, though neither of them had actually said I love you, Harm was certain that day would come sooner than later. He just prayed everything would stay the same when they returned to the pressures of life in DC.

Chapter 29

JAG Headquarters
Two months later
Harm’s office

Mac stood waiting in Harm’s doorway while he finished on the phone. Things had gone well for the couple. They’d managed to somehow mix Mac’s traditional taste in furnishings with Harm’s more modern taste to come up with an attractive new eclectic décor. The venetian wall that had separated the bedroom was replaced with a row of bookshelves facing the kitchen for all of Mac’s library. On the bedroom side, they’d placed one of Mac’s dressers. Her decorative screen was strategically placed behind the dresser to hide the back of the bookshelves. An armoire to give Mac some more closet space was purchased and placed beside the dresser.

Although they hadn’t resolved the issue of a bedroom door, Mattie had once again reverted to her habit of calling before popping in making privacy less of an issue, for now.

Much to their relief, the closeness they’d developed on their honeymoon had remained basically intact upon their return. The absurd idea that intimacy was reserved solely for the purpose of procreating had fallen by the wayside in Puerto Rico and stayed there. Although the reality of work and daily responsibilities precluded indulging in more playful activities as often as they had in the Caribbean, the two managed to find time for fun as often as possible.

There was another advantage of being together, not getting pregnant seemed easier to handle. Mac had missed two more cycles and was beginning to see her possibilities for motherhood fading fast. Occasionally, this brought out the worst in her marine disposition. Parallels could easily be drawn at certain times of the month between Mac and a bear awoken too early from hibernation. The only thing keeping her from losing it all together was the constant support she was getting from Harm.

“Yeah, right, no problem. I’ll stop by at lunchtime. Thanks, Ed.”

“Anything wrong?” Mac asked, still standing in the doorway.

“No,” Harm waved at the chair. “It seems they’ve gotten over the first hurdle and will be ready to announce the plan publicly.” Harm straightened a few papers setting them in a pile to his left.

“When’s that going to be?”

“They’re setting up the press releases for 30 days from now.” Harm reached under another pile and pulled out a plain file folder.

“So this is it?” Mac’s eyebrows rose asking the unspoken question ‘are you sure?’

“Looks that way. You know who I’ve been thinking about all day?” He paused for a breath. “Corporal Wexel. Remember him?”

Mac shook her head no.

“He commandeered a tank when he thought his drug using wife was going to get custody of their baby.”

“Now, I remember. You stood in front of a moving tank to stop him.” Mac wished he hadn’t reminded her of that.

“It occurred to me, if there’d been a firm like what we’re setting up for him to turn to in the first place, he probably would never have gotten so desperate. I’m sure there are more Corporal Wexels out there that I’d like to help before the situation becomes explosive.” His eyes widened momentarily in a gesture that answered, ‘yeah, I’m sure.’

“I’ve got to run over to the site. It seems there’s a major debate over the new plans and what I told the foreman to expect. I need to be there before the engineers leave.” Harm added hurriedly.

Harm had called Ed the day he and Mac had gone to see the offices for the first time. He informed Ed he’d take the job on one condition. Ed was so eager to have Harm on board, he probably would have agreed to giving him the moon. He was relieved to discover all Harm wanted were some design changes to the office structure and final approval of all architectural and decorative plans.

Harm had already calculated, by adding one wall, and moving another non load bearing wall, he could stay in the corner office allowing him to view his wife’s work place. The remaining space intended for his office would become a conference room. In turn, this would leave the space originally intended for a conference room free to expand the law library.

In the end everyone was happy with the final plans. Harm had made it a habit to stop by the site at least once a day to ensure progress was coming along according to his specifications. Much to their chagrin, the construction crews learned the hard way to make sure it’s done right the first time or they’ll have to do it over. A time or two, Harm had stopped by after work, found something wasn’t done to his standards, and the crew would come in the next morning to find studs knocked out. They only needed him to remove the wiring once before they learned their lesson permanently. When the foreman noticed the new plans required shifting certain walls somewhere other than where the Commander had told him, he wasn’t about to lift a finger until the Commander signed off on the changes.

Looking at the folder in his hand, “I’ll give this to the admiral today.” Harm stood to leave, taking a deep steady breath.

Short while later
Mac’s office

“Colonel MacKenzie.” Jen’s cheerful voice flowed through the intercom.


“The admiral would like to see you in her office.”

“On my way.” Mac was already up and out of her seat.

Harm was closing the door to the admiral’s office just as Mac walked up to Jen’s desk.

“How’d it go?” she whispered.

“As well as could be expected. I suspect it’s safe to say I’m not going to win any popularity contests around here.” Harm sprouted a low watt smile to ease his wife’s concerned expression. He felt bad about leaving JAG again, but he was sure, this time it was for the best.

Inside the admiral’s office, Mac stood at attention.

“You wanted to see me ma’am?”

“Yes, Colonel.” She didn’t offer Mac a seat.

“You’re husband, my chief of staff, has just given me his request for terminal leave.” The admiral didn’t look very happy. “Apparently our little arrangement hasn’t been satisfactory.”

“No, ma’am. That is, it has been satisfactory but due to it’s temporary nature, we, the Commander and I, felt it best if one of us took the best opportunity that presented itself for one of us to transfer. This is an excellent opportunity for the Commander.” She stood rigid in front of her CO.

“Yes, that’s what he explained.” It was obvious she had hoped to keep her two lead attorney’s longer than only the few months since she took over command.

“Seeing as how I am in need of a new chief of staff, I’m offering you the opportunity to resume the position.” She was staring intently at Mac.

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you ma’am. I would be honored to return to my previous duties.” Mac allowed a small smile to curl the edge of her lips.

“Very well, the Commander will turn his responsibilities over to you in 30 days when his leave begins. Dismissed.” Without waiting for a reply, the admiral resumed perusing the paperwork on her desk. ‘At least he’d given her time to find a suitable replacement,’ she sighed inwardly.

Closing the door to the admiral’s office, Mac stood for a moment and took a deep breath. It looked like they were both going to emerge from this new phase unscathed.

“Everything alright, ma’am?” Jennifer broached carefully.

“Yes, Jen. For once, I think it is.” Mac strode away quickly. Things really were going unusually well for Sarah Mackenzie. She just hoped there wasn’t another shoe waiting to fall somewhere.

Chapter 30

Harm and Mac’s apartment
Three weeks later

“There’s going to be a ribbon cutting ceremony on the 21st.” Harm said wiping the counter top one last time.

“Mm.” Mac uttered from the desk.

Mac had been pretty quiet through most of dinner. Much of what she said was limited to two syllable responses often filtered by grunts. Harm had gotten pretty good at keeping track of Mac’s time of the month and was pretty sure by the current cold front the time had come with no good news.

“I’d like you to be there with me. Do you think you can arrange with the admiral for the afternoon off?” He knew he probably should wait until a better time, but he also knew the sooner she spoke with the admiral, the more likely she was to get the time off. Ed was pushing hard for Mac to be there, good for public relations. Harm just wanted Mac there because he did.

“What do you need me there for?” Mac snapped.

Well, at least he’d gotten a complete sentence out of her.

“You’re my wife, Mac. What is so odd about wanting to share a big day in my life with you?” Harm realized the minute the words came out they were the wrong ones.

“Why would you want to share ANY day in your life with me?!” Mac screeched from across the room.

Harm’s eyes flew wide, he knew she was testy, but he wasn’t expecting this.

“Come on, Mac. You don’t mean that.” Uh oh. That didn’t come out right either. Damn! For a good lawyer he was suffering from foot in mouth disease tonight.

“Don’t tell me what I mean! You should never have married me! This isn’t going to work. I’M NO GOOD FOR YOU!” Mac jumped up with such force the chair fell back behind her. Storming into the bedroom she yearned for a door to slam. Damn! She couldn’t even hide in the privacy of the bathroom. Why couldn’t they live in a normal house!

Hurriedly, Harm followed her up the steps. “Mac…”

Before he could say another word, Mac was pulling a small bag out of the closet.

“MAC! Don’t. PLEASE!” Harm was panicked. My God what had happened? Lurching forward he grabbed Mac, his hands firmly stilling her arms, stopping her from putting anything into the suitcase.

“Talk to me, Damn it!” Harm hollered.

“WHY! It won’t change anything. I should never have agreed to this! I don’t know what I was thinking. I should never have… have done this to you!” Mac struggled to pull away. She had to be strong, she had to do this for him.

“Done what? Mac the last few months have been the best months of my life. You walk out that door now and you might as well put a gun to my head and shoot me because my life won’t be worth crap without you!” Harm was getting desperate.

“STOP IT! Stop lying! You don’t need me. I’m no good for you. This will never work!” Mac was frantic trying to get away from his tight grip. A single tear slowly began to drip down her cheek.

“Damn it, Mac, it IS working. It’s perfect. Have I done something so awful? Tell me, I’ll change, I’ll stop. I promise, just… don’t run!” Harm was not letting go of her. He had to keep a tight grip, even if it hurt.

“Don’t you see, it’s not you, it’s ME! I can’t do it! No matter how hard we try, I’ll never be able to give you want you want most, what you deserve.” Mac had eased her efforts to escape, she was tiring, her emotions too much for her.

“All I want is you, Mac.” Harm lowered his voice. He had to make her believe him.

“NO! You were meant to be a Dad, a real Dad, with children that look like you, that think like you. I can’t do that for you. I TRIED! She screamed, holding back more tears.

“Don’t you get it? I Love YOU, with or without a baby. It’s always been you. I wouldn’t have made the deal in the first place if it wasn’t always you.” Harm searched her eyes for some recognition of what he was saying.

“If all I needed was an attractive friend, I could have called Meg or Kate, hell I would have just married Rene when I had the chance - It’s always been you.” Harm’s voice was low and desperate.

Mac closed her eyes. She couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted all this to be true, she loved him so much. It never occurred to her she could love him anymore but the last few months had filled her heart with so much love for Harmon Rabb that she needed him as much, if not more, than the air she breathed.

“Sarah, please believe me. I love you more than life itself. Please.” The fight in her finally gone, Harm gathered her closely into his arms. “ I love you Sarah MacKenzie, with all my heart.” He whispered into her ear, his hand slowly stroking the back of her head. He didn’t dare kiss her, not now. He had to convince her first.

Emotionally drained, in the midst of a PMS tizzy, Mac pulled back just far enough to look into Harm’s eyes.

“Say that again.” She said softly.

“I love you Sarah, I’ve always been in love with you.” He waited, praying she believed him.

A thread of sanity snapped in Mac’s mind. Suddenly every misunderstanding and stupid decision ever made over the last eight years was flashing clearly in her mind like a terrible old movie.

Harm’s heart dropped out of his throat when he saw the light of recognition go off in her eyes.

“I love you Mac.” He repeated for good measure.

“I love you Harmon Rabb, I always have.” Slowly, she pulled him in for the most loving, honest kiss they’d ever shared.

Echo Oil Building
Harm’s new office
One week before ribbon ceremony

“Excuse me.” A voice traveled from Harm’s doorway.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we’re not open for business yet.” The ribbon cutting was only the beginning, just a photo op to go with the press release. It wasn’t until the official announcement that they would begin interviewing and hiring the support staff and complete the final phases of decorating.

“I know but I don’t know where else to go.” The man replied, his voice cracking, his struggle to maintain composure obvious.

“Okay, sit down and tell me what’s wrong. Maybe, I can suggest someone to help you in the meantime.” Harm gestured to the chair across the room.

Pulling the chair closer to the desk, Mr. Reidy began his story.

“Two days ago Kathy, the woman everyone thought was my wife, passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack. She was only 45.” The man took a deep breath, his emotions obviously hanging by a thread.

“Kathy was married to a doctor. They had a story book romance, young nurse falls in love with nice doctor. Only the reality of life wasn’t so nice. While he became a hot shot cardiologist, she stayed home having babies. She loved the kids and the role of the doting housewife. The only problem is her husband loved the role of the handsome doctor chasing after the pretty young nurses. To make a long story short, after years of weight gain, emotional abuse and even some physical abuse, Kathy dumped her philandering husband.” Again, the man had to pause to maintain his composure.

“We met almost two years later. It was magical.” The man smiled. “She was the nicest, happiest, most caring person I’d ever met. That moron’s loss was my gain. Six months later we moved in together. Tom was 6 and Patty was almost 3. Because of alimony and the house and other financial and emotional issues, we agreed we didn’t need a piece of paper. We’ve raised those kids together for the last ten years. They’re good kids too. Never gave us any trouble, no drugs, or any of the other problems some of the parents run into.” He paused again. Harm poured him a glass of water and waited for him to continue.

“At our age you just don’t think you need a will.”

Harm forced himself not to wince. Why do so many people make the same mistake?

“She didn’t even have anything written down naming me guardian if anything happened to her. Yesterday her ex shows up on the doorstep. The house is in Kathy’s name, she got it in the divorce settlement. The kids and him don’t get along. He doesn’t even see them once a year, and most of the time the kids can’t even remember what this new wife’s name is. He’s an arrogant, self centered, ass.” He paused again rubbing his hand across his face.

“Anyhow this character tells me that he guesses it’s his turn to start raising the kids. He’s so clueless, he hasn’t even noticed they’re already raised! Tom told him to his face there was no way he was going and Patty ran out of the room crying that she wouldn’t live with that man either. Most of her life, I’m the only man she’s ever called Dad.”

“What do they call their biological father?” Harm asked, choosing his words carefully.

“Mostly – him. Since they only talk on the phone once a year and hardly ever see each other in person, it’s never much of an issue. If they have to refer to him by name, they call him John.”

“Let me see if I can pick the story up from here. The house will belong to the kids as next of kin but in the meantime a guardian needs to be appointed and John has decided that should be him and he’s asked you to leave.” Harm concluded.

“Pretty much. Can you help?” The pain in the man’s eyes almost broke Harm’s heart.

“Do you know who John’s lawyer is?”

“Yes.’ He handed Harm a business card.

“I think this will be pretty easy to deal with, if what you say is true and John has had little contact with the kids through the years, I suspect his lawyer and I can come to some agreeable terms.” Harm took the man’s phone number and some other personal information before letting him leave.

Sitting back in his chair, he thought about Mattie and what if her father had abandoned her at three and not returned till now, how would he feel. He was definitely going to see to it that this family stayed together.

Continue to Parts 31-40

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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