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Why Should Your Son Join Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity?


High Academic Expectations

     As we all know college is just here to have fun, right! Well we do like to have our share of fun, but for Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity we believe in high academic excellence. Every semester our chapter holds our academic GPA above the all campus average. Also, we have had the highest GPA 4 semesters running (two of which were over 3.0). To be an active member of our Fraternity our men must obtain a GPA of 2.5, bare minimum and no exceptions. One of the goals of our Fraternity is to build better, stronger, wiser men for our future. This is why we believe in the Balanced Man ideal. As in ancient Greece, it is also our belief that the human form operates at its highest potential when we practice in Sound Mind and Sound Body, which can only be obtained through diligent study and rigorous physical training.


     Sigma Phi Epsilon at Morehead State University is always actively involved in our University's Intramural system. Intramurals keep individuals active and competitively challenged to act as relief from the stresses of academic endeavors and also great opportunities to meet and greet with others while gaining physical fitness through athletic participation. 

     Intramurals includes such sports as basketball, softball, ping-pong, 9-ball tournament, turkey shoot, swimming, tennis, volleyball, badminton, and the list goes on and on. It provides a competitive nature and athletic structure that your son is probably used to by participating in high-school athletics and extra-curricular activities. 


     Sigma Phi Epsilon is actively involved in many community service activities. It is our duty as citizens to aid those in need and Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity believes this aspect of being a good citizen and neighbor. Currently we are involved with our area school system in a project known as Cat In The Hat Reading Days. It is based on one of our most famous Sig Ep alumni, Dr. Seuss. In this community service project it is our pleasure to visit area grade schools and read our favorite children's books and stories to our communities growing minds, which include Dr. Seuss books. Also, we collect donations for the school libraries to buy further reading material for tomorrows community leaders. 

University Networking

     As with all University based social and student organizations, your son's involvement with Sigma Phi Epsilon will create for him a helpful networking system within the university itself. He will meet and greet with individuals who are rank high in the university structure (Dean of Students, President, Professors, etc.), which is a healthy benefit. By creating a networking structure a young man can use it to his advantage for his career, studies, work, community service, recognition, etc. Also, participation in Sigma Phi Epsilon will help your son build invaluable skills for his future. Such skills include: communication skills, team building skills, interaction skills, leadership skills, and the list goes on and on. If you want your son to gain the most from his college experience, then Sigma Phi Epsilon can help. 

Balanced Man Scholarship Information

Where Do Our Dues Go?

Contact Information

Sigma Phi Epsilon, KY Zeta Morehead State University
150 University Blvd., UPO 1901
Morehead, KY 40351

Call Us At: (606) 784-3212

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KY Zeta Established 04/25/1970 Morehead State University

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