Fall/Spring Recruitment Report

     Fall 2002 was a successful semester of recruitment. Rush events such as football at Laughlin Lawn and 3 on 3 basketball at the house were held. The chapter had a total of 14 Sigmas initiated into the chapter from the Fall Semester of 2002. The names of these individuals are as follows: Alan Ricchio, Levi Castle, Morgan Battrell, Joe Bowling, Ben Davis, Brandon Montgomery, Thomas Pickerell, Sky Ishmael, Matt Williams, Ryan O'Neal, Eric Shepard, Alvin Fletcher, Ryan Howell, and Jason Marion.

     The Sigma Coordinator was Richard Puckett, with help from Eric Hall, Brett Redwine, Bernal Atkins, and Trent Harris. The rollouts that were used were Mystery, String, Bottle, Unity, and Brick.

     The Spring Semester has begun with two new Sigmas already, Jarod Neal and RJ Connor. After a slow start at the Spring dorm rush and IFC booth setup at the women's basketball game, six bids have been given out. Mocktails at the house continues to be one of our most successful rush event and most of our new members signed as a result of meeting the ladies of various sororities that were kind enough to be apart of this event.

Homecoming 2002

     Homecoming 2002 was a good time experienced by all this past semester. Saturday night a live band was hired out and despite the rain everyone enjoyed the night. Sig Ep was also the most represented fraternity on Homecoming Court. Josh Gruenke, Gerome Stephens, Brian Davis, and Morgan Battrell represented SigEp this year. Jamie Blair and Lawrence Banks were crowned Homecoming Queen and King this past year.

Sigma Class and Chapter Community Service Projects

     The Sigma Class Community Service Project took place on November 8-9, 2002. The sigmas worked the Rowan County Middle School Speech Team's Speech-A-Thon. This event raised money to pay fees for the students and coaches. The Sigmas worked 6 hour shifts for a total of 24 hours. 

     The parents were very impressed with the Sigmas and the level of maturity and professionalism that they reflected. Sheila Arnett was impressed with Ricchio and Davis when she asked them not to leave for a smoke break. They both said "ok" and went back in to participate with the kids. She later stated that, "I was only joking with them, and they could have left if they had wanted to. I appreciate their level of professionalism and respece."

     Another community service project that the chapter has been involved with this past semester includes the Adopt-A-Highway program. The chapter has a two mile stretch of road at the beginning of the Fleming/Rowan County line on Route 32. The chapter cleaned this stretch of road and KY Zeta made it possible for a family in need to have Thanksgiving by sponsoring a turkey and a basket filled with canned goods during the Thanksgiving season. One brother responded to the need by providing $100 worth of food to the cause. Also, for Christmas Sig Ep sponsored a child by buying him a present to open on Christmas Day through a local charity. Also, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., several brothers helped the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority by working at the recycling center. Sig Ep showed the largest attendance at the event, realizing the importance of community involvement.

     Community Service planned for this Spring '03 semester include a Dr. Seuss Day at the local elementary schools. Brothers will be reading to the children. Also, working at the DOVES center, a place for battered women to receive help, and cleaning our stretch of highway again in the near future.

New Officers for 2002-2003 Term

     President--Bernal Atkins
     VP of Programming--Billy Brand
     VP of Development--Brian Davis
     VP of Finance--Brandon Montgomery
     VP of Recruitment--Brandon Green
     VP of Communication--Morgan Battrell
     VP of Risk Management--Jason Marion
     Chaplain--James Rhodes
     Secretary--Brian Reynolds

KY ZETA is Online Now!!

     To help improve communications within the chapter and with our Alumni, KY Zeta has made a Yahoo Group. The group is designed with a message board, e-mail list, to upload files or download, and an online calendar. Members and Alumni alike can each check the site to see the activities occurring in the chapter.

     If you would like to be added to the group, go to the web site http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sigepkyzeta/ and click join. An e-mail will be sent to you asking for information, to make sure only brothers have access to the group. If you have any questions please e-mail Morgan Battrell at [email protected].

Contact Information

Sigma Phi Epsilon, KY Zeta Morehead State University
150 University Blvd., UPO 1901
Morehead, KY 40351

House Phone#--(606) 784-3212

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KY Zeta Established 04/25/1970 Morehead State University

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