Greetings, Sarah here. It has been a long lamented fact the Remus is unable to throw parchment away. He has every receipt for every purchase he has ever made since he was old enough to get pocket money. I finally convinced him (okay threatened him with dismemberment until he gave in) to clean out his desk and his attic (yes folks, I'm reeling from the shock too). Although it wasn't a total success (he insists upon keeping his size 2, roller skates with no wheels, and more holes than leather) together we made a huge dent in his enormous collection of junk. While sifting through some bits of parchment I came across some of the old pamphlets and booklets Remus' parents were given when he was bitten by the werewolf. I've also added to the mixture some of the posters that I've collected in my travels with regards to werewolves. So here they are, enjoy.

Official Ministry Document "The Laws Governing Werewolves"

Official Ministry Document "The Werewolf Registration Form"

The people at Llewellyn's Garden provided a lot of support for my parents and me when I was first bitten. The group (unfortunately) has since dissolved but I dug this "introductory pamphlet" out of my attic and thought it might be interesting.
Llewellyn's Garden Introductory Pamphlet"

Alert Poster regarding a Werewolf

Alert Poster put out by the Ministry on how to differentiate between a werewolf and a true wolf

Alert Poster put out by the Ministry citing "Important Safety Tips for Living Near a Werewolf"

Alert Poster put out by the Ministry regarding charms to protect onesself from a werewolf

My favourite Ministry Alert: "How to Kill a Werewolf"

A penpal of mine from America sent me this. "Demora" is an advice columnist for the Salem Magical Times.
A letter sent to an American advice columnist


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