The Proprietor

Name: Dann
Race: Morian
Age: 46
Birthplace: Moritu IV, Gamma quadrant

Father: Hut
Mother: Nop
Siblings: None
Spouse: Hetit, age 44, deceased.
Children: Jok, male, age 9, deceased; Kin, female, age 4, deceased.

Personality: Dann is a friendly person and outgoing. He believes that feeling good is merely an extension of looking good.

Description: Dann is a Morian, a gamma quadrant race that is characterised by a pure black bony carapace for a body. Shaped vaguely like a Terran dinosaur with obvious insectoid characteristics, Dann presents a visage that comes almost directly from children's nightmares. Yet something about him belayed that, and he projected an aura of gentility and kindness instead.

Dann's entire body was a glossy black, covered in a durable bone carapace. His head is long, and tubular, with no perceptible nostrils or ears. His mouth is filled with long thin teeth set in a narrow and long jaw. He has no tongue, but instead, he has a long probiscus used for drinking and sucking fluids from his meals. He has bi-focal vision, but his black eyes are nearly indistinguishable from the rest of his skull. His head is set atop a small neck that disappeared into high, bony plates on his back.

Each arm has three joints, an elbow, and wrist, and a third above the elbow. Dann usually keeps his arms folded up, but when extened, they give him a reach of almost two meters. His shoulders are set in the midriff, much lower than humaniods, and only a few handsbreadths above his hips. Each hand has two fingers and a thumb, each ending in a long talon.

Dann's torso is solid, and enclosed in a strong bony exo-skeleton. On his back are several bony plates from which two thin pairs of transparent wings emerge. The wings were fairly weak, and are only useful for short distance gliding (wings signify a male, females' back have many small birthing pods instead. These pods look like big see-through blisters, and the female's young is gestated within these translucent bubbles until they break free and are born). Beneath the wings, a pair of green stripes run along his back.

His hips are inverted, birdlike, and his knees bend opposite to those of humanoids. Each foot has three toes forward and one back. All of them end in sharp short claws.

Dann's tail is nearly two and a half meters long, segmented with multiple vertabrae, and ending in a 50 cm bone spike. It is flexible enough to reach all around his body.

On the whole, Dann's body is not only protected by the strong bone carapace that enclosed his flesh, but is also supported by an internal skeletal structure.

His muscles were made of fine and densely packed fibres, giving his thin arms and legs great strength.

Dann is distinguished by two thin green stripes along his back. One of the unusual characteristics of the Morians is the ability to photochange, to turn different colors to blend into the background. This is not a fully-concious action and happens by itself, so Dann wears a cloak to help him remain noticable. Dann himself prefers to a dark black velvet cloak with a deep cowl. As the natural language of the Morians is a chittering, Dann has an electronic device on the cloak that translates his speech into a form reconizable by the universal translater. As a male, he has a pair of thin wings on his back, but he rarely has opportinties to fly and is not very good at it.

History: When the worm hole was discovered and trade opened up between the Alpha and Gamma quadrants, Dann migrated his family to the 'new worlds'. He spent the first several years wandering around, exploring. When the Dominion took control of the Cardassion Union, Dann moved to one of their stations to open a health spa. Fortuantely, the Cardassians were a vain race and his shop flourished. When Apachok Nor was captured by the Alpha quadrant alliance, he chose to remain, as influx of the new races would certainly 'spice things up'. Dann owns a frieghter called the Gleaming Sunshine which he keeps docked at the station.

NOTE: Morian culture has a radically different relationship structure than most humaniod species. Polygamy is an accepted and common way of life. When two best freinds refuse to let a love interest come between them, they may opt to both marry him/her. When two men marry the same woman, the men are known as brother-husbands. When two women marry the same man, they are sister-wives. Sister-wives are more common, though, because the male Morian is a more jealous persona and will rarely share a woman with even a near-brother. Best friends are known as near-brothers and -sisters. Birth siblings are known first-brothers and -sisters. Children are known as first-sons and -daughters, grandchildren are second-sons and -daughters, great grandchildren are third-sons and -daughters etc. Conversly, parents, grand parents, and great grandparents are first-, second-, and third-mothers and -fathers. Morians do not have a long lifespan, but they do have an incredibly fast gestation and maturation rate. They reach sexual maturity within two or three years of their birth, and each female can birth a litter (between 2 and ten offspring) twice a year.

The Services

Dann's spa offers all esthetic grooming services to most of the humaniod races of the Alpha quadrant. These include hairstyling, body-piercing, body art, manicures, peticures, artificial tanning, skin treatment, plastic surgery, cosmetics, hair removal/addition, and dietary programs. Of the plastic surgery capablities, Dann's staff is skilled, but they would not be able to transform a ferengi into a nausicaan.

Of the goods for sale, many are health related, such as herbal traditional medicine, and natural extracts to assist in most body functions, from skin pigmentation to aphrodisiacs. There are also many 'do-it-yourself' products to allow people to do several of the functions that Dann's offers at home.

The spa has several levels. It can be accessed from either of the promenades two levels. The first and second levels of the spa are level with the promenade, and the third is beneath. The three levels of the spa are connected by a single turbolift and several stairwells. On the first level is the hair salon and body imaging center. Here, hair grooming, and body art and peircing are performed. The manual and pedial grooming is also performed here. The second level contains the shop proper, where the goods offered for sale are displayed. The third level is where the surgery and tanning are performed. This area has the more complex equipment and is set up to handle the more complex services requested.

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