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Staying low like a lion stalking its prey.
Like a thief in the night stealing your soul away.
Robbing you of a normal life.
Cutting into your life just like a knife.

You try to struggle and fight.
For even you know this act is not right.
But finally giving in is your ultimate act.
Knowing that they will be back is a fact.

Knowing it will not last just one more night.
Many nights of pain are in your sight.
Fearing all the disbelieving looks and shouts.
You must let your secret out.

Nobody believes what they hear.
This was your greatest fear.
They say you made this all up and it is fake.
They just ripped through your heart with a stake.

You have to find someone to believe in you.
In this world those are few.
Finally you find that special someone.
They let you talk until you are done.

They understand the pain you endured.
No false images they are sure.
They help you see that you were not the bad one.
Whether you were a daughter or a son.

Someone took your innocence away.
They were the ones that strayed.
Stepping over a line that should never have been crossed.
They made you feel hopeless and lost.

Keep working at being whole.
Regain your lost soul.
Embrace it with open arms.
Know that it means you no harm.


If we might have a second chance
To live the day's once more,
And rectify mistakes we've made
To even up the score.

If we might have a second chance
to use the knowledge gained,
Perhaps we might become at last
As fine as God ordained.

But though we can't retrace our steps,
However stands the score,
Tomorrow brings another chance
For us to try once more.

Poems...Page I
Poetry from the Heart
Poems from the Heart...Page II
Poetry from the Heart...Page III
Dedication Page
Friendship Poems...Page I
Love Poems... All the Emotions of Love.
Bipolar what it means and feels like to me.
Index/Guestbook Link