For My Grandma


One day the sun decided not to shine.
The clouds went from white to black.
The birds stopped singing;
The crickets stopped chirping.
What happened that day to make the earth stand still?

No more loving arms to hold me when I cried.
A kiss was no longer there to make it all better.
The insightful words were no longer there when I needed direction.
Coming home from school the loving smile was gone.
What happened that day to take this all away?

The person I had come to know as my second Mother had disappeared.
My best friend was no longer there.
Without this person I had no one to count on.
No person was there to share my hopes and dreams.
What happened that day to make this to person go away?

She decided her body had been through enough.
She left to go to a better place then you or I know.
To be with others is where she felt she needed to be.
Her work was now done.
That's what happened the day my Grandmother passed away.

Piece of Heaven

I'll never forget the day I felt what love really was.
A love to this day I feel very much.

She reminds me of a beautiful white dove, that will always be by my side.
We had so much fun together although we were so many years apart.

That didn't matter though because she was always there.

I cared about her dearly and I loved her so much.
She meant the world to me.

We had a bond that I've never shared with anyone.
If it was a boring day, she made it fun.

If it was a cloudy day, she would be my sunshine.
She meant so much to me.

My Grandma was the most loving person you could ever know
I wish you all could have met her.

Maybe if when you go to heaven
You can say hi and tell her that you've heard of her.

Tell her that I love her and will be coming home
I know she will make you smile and be happy.

Because to know her, is to know a piece of heaven.

Kitten Angels

Little things they would do
Their precious faces
The innocent look in their eyes
They had a place they could call home.

One was white and gray
One was a tiger
One was white
Together they were ours.

They cuddled and then scampered away
They would eat and then fall fast asleep
They would look at you and leap in your lap
They would welcome you home.

One day a decision had to be made
Some say I am wrong in what I believe
To see their pain or take it away
A decision had to be made.

The day was a painful one
Full of sadness
Full of tears
The day they went to sleep.

Time for them to become kitten angels
If I was wrong then please forgive me
Time to be free to roam
Not in a kennel but up in heaven.

Crystal may you enjoy the space you now have
Charlie may you give others the caring looks you gave me
Monty may you enjoy the freedom to run and play
Many things were taken away your final days.

If you hate me for what I did
If you resent me for what I did
Please know I did it out of love
Love I had for you.

I still miss them
I still love them
They are not forgotten
But are free to roam.

Time for you to become kitten angels
Time for you to run
I hope to meet again someday
So be waiting for me at the Pearly Gates when I go home too.

Dedicated to Krystal, Charlie and Monty

I love you and miss you.


Laid to Rest on 11-09-2002

Sadly missed by Robin, Sandi, and Lauri

Oh how you brought joy into my life
There was something about you that touched my heart
I have never been able to define it
Even though many times I've tried

Was there something in your eyes?
The way you looked up at me so sweetly
Maybe it was your look of innocence
Could that be it; your eyes?

Was it the easy going nature of you?
You never really seemed to care about anything
The way you would just stroll about with such ease
Could that be it; the nature of you?

Little by little bit you started going away from me
Your weight would drop ever so slightly
One day you were just a shell of what you used to be
You were ready to go

You gave the right sign Punkin
She knew it was your time and so did you
I know that you are playing and having fun
You knew your time on earth was done

Please stay by us Punkin
I know that you are still here
I know you hold no grudge
This I know to be true because I seen in your eyes that you wanted to go

Rest peacefully Punkin until we meet again
We will have our nightly lovin' again
We will all have a party when we arrive
You will have us back and to us we will have our Punkin' Spice back

Poetry from the Heart
Poems from the Heart...Page II
Poetry from the Heart...Page III
Friendship Poems...Page I
Love Poems... All the Emotions of Love.
Love Poems... PG. 2
Words from a new person yet unknown
Artwork that I have done.
Various love quotes.
My dreams of Marriage.
Index Page/Guestbook Link
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