Being in love is when you take away all the feelings, all the passion, the romance and you find out you still care for a person.

Never say goodbye when you still feel you want to try - never give up when you still feel you a shred of love - never say you don't love that person anymore when you can't let go.

It takes a minute to meet someone, an hour to get to know them, a day to fall in love, and a lifetime to cherish them.

There are moments in life when you really miss someone that you want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for always.

I don't think you realize how much I love you. I didn't either, until you were gone.

If two past lovers remain friends, they are either still in love, or will be again.

I understand you've moved on, trust me, this I know. So, when you see me, just turn your head and look past my heart and my feelings, because they're not going to turn from you anytime soon.

Saying good-bye is easy, it�s knowing what we have to leave behind that�s tough.

With each passing day, you move on...and your heart goes with you.

When I saw you, I liked you. When I liked you, I kissed you. When I kissed you, I loved you. When I loved you, you left me.

You never get over somebody you truly love.

Who better to share your dreams with other than the person I dream about?

I love you because I can't remember what life was like before I loved you.

If you have one true love in life, what do you do if your one true love doesn't love you back?

Don't offer me the sun, moon, or stars. Just promise to lay beneath them with me.

I thank God for the broken road that led me straight to you.

No greater love had come to me until I asked God to bless me with you.
Lovers don�t finally meet somewhere - They�re in each other all along!
The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you.

Poetry from the Heart
Poems from the Heart...Page II
Poetry from the Heart...Page III
Dedication Page
Friendship Poems...Page I
Love Poems... All the Emotions of Love.
Words from a new person yet unknown
Artwork that I have done.
Various love quotes.
My dreams of Marriage.
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