Last updated Aug. 14, 2003

News for 2003

Oct. 20, 2002

New logo: The judges' votes were cast, the ballots were tallied -- and-we had a tie! J.B. Griffin's "Friends Meeting" and Chris Bingham's "Circle of Dogs" took first place in our logo contest. So it was decided to have the two contestants put their heads together and combine their ideas into a single, final logo. Pictured here is the results of the brainstorm session. It incorporates the cluster of dogs, with a notable addition a couple of smaller dogs to represent the little pals who use the park. Chris added a tennis ball ring around the dogs to acknowledge a favorite pastime at the park-ball chasing. Both contestants were honored with the judges' choices and eager to collaborate on a final design. In second place was Lynne Craig's entry of a dog catching a Frisbee against the mountain backdrop. In third place -- again a tie -- was Shirlee Hitchcock's drawing titled "Join Us" and Kevin Paynther's "Owen," a drawing of his own dog. The winning logo will now be adopted to our promotional items. Many thanks once again to all who entered the contest.

Sept. 4, 2002

Tree project: Like the rest of Southern California, the Dog Park is losing its nine remaining eucalyptus trees to an insect known as the lerp. In the past several years at least three of the trees have toppled; the rest are already infested to the point that if you look at the lower leaves, you can see how they're being eaten away. Rather than wait until the trees or gone, the association is looking into planting several varieties of new trees this winter and spring under the Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine's tree dedication program. The association's Board of Directors decided this summer to dedicate the new trees to the city's police dogs. The Long Beach K-9 Officers Assn. has warmly received our offer and will decide which of its dogs it would like to honor.

Aug. 13, 2002

Pet Fair: Our second annual summer blow-out attracted hundreds of dog lovers and raised more than $3,500 for park improvements and assistance to local animal welfare organizations. Guests bid on items and bought tickets for prize baskets. The offerings included dinners at local restaurants, green fees at Little Rec golf course, canine products -- and a color TV. The Fire Department's barbecue grill kept the burgers and hot dogs coming too. The dog walk brought in $1,500; the silent auctions, $425; tickets for drawings, $1,500 and food sales an additional $500. Expenses were a little more than $425.

July 27, 2002

Election: Two new association members have joined the Board of Directors. Richard Ulibarri, left, of Compton and Nancy Sheriff of Seal Beach were elected this spring. The other two seats up for election were won by incumbents Fred Nicas, treasurer, of Long Beach and Carolyn Reed, also of Long Beach.

Chosen as officers for the 2002-03 fiscal year are:

  • President: Jim Knutson
  • Vice president: Buzz Minnich
  • Secretary: Jim Walters (interim)
  • Treasurer: Fred Nicas

June 30, 2002

Baby shower: Early morning parkgoers -- and we mean very early here, folks -- threw what we believe to be the Dog Park's first baby shower. Friends of Joy Maxwell, seated, planned the gathering one day in early June at the small enclosed area on the west end of the park. Maxwell said she knew about the shower, complete with balloons and streamers, beforehand but "it was a surprise that it was such a wonderful party!" The baby, who will be named Andrew, will be Maxwell's first. "I'm very thankful for these friends, " Maxwell said. "I've had loads of support to offer dog walks while i get acquainted with my baby."

April 16, 2002

Illumination: Lights have now been installed on the tall poles at the north side of the park to improve safety and make cleanup easier. The association also paid for a new stretch of fence on the west end of the park and a section near the front gates.The temporary fence down the middle of the park, erected so city workers could work behind it to install the lights without closing the Dog Park, will be removed at a later date. Instead of having workers take the time to tear it down and then truck it to a storage facility, the city will leave it up until it is needed at another construction project -- saves half the time!

April 6, 2002

Author! Author!: Scott Ringwelski, left, captivated visitors with a reading and book-signing benefit at the park. Scott and his dog, Colonel Taz, has thousands of fans all over the world via the Internet who have enjoyed reading about this snow dog's antics in and around Long Beach. Scott cobbled together 78 of those short stories into "Dogged ... and Determined," a recently published compendium of dog rescue and relationships. One quarter -- or about $100 -- of the day's proceeds was donated to the association.

March 20, 2002

Puppy love: Bob Powelson ("Sparky") and Debbie Williamson ("Stanley" and "Rosie"), both of Long Beach, who were married at the Dog Park in August, 2001, are featured in the magazine article "Is Your Dog 'Date Bait'?" An online copy of the article can be found at the Web site of VetCentric, a comprehensive veterinary pharmacy, which is licensed nationwide. We have photos of the wedding day here at our Website.

Feb. 12, 2002

Park rules: The City Council unanimously approved the proposed changes in the City Code that pertain to the Dog Park at the council's meeting. No one from the public spoke out for or against the proposal. The measure will come up two more times before the council sends the resolution to Mayor Beverly O'Neill for her signature. The plan was drawn up by the Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine and the City Attorney's Office after several public meetings for suggestions and comment. Check back with our home page to find out when the council schedules the next reading of the resolution.

Feb. 9, 2002

Ice Dogs: The Dog Park packed 'em in for a Saturday night hockey match at the Long Beach Arena. The hot dogs, beer and the action on the ice had our contingent of 60 souls in a good mood in their arena seats, despite the fact that the Long Beach Ice Dogs lost to the Fresno Falcons, 1-0. This fund-raiser netted the association about $300 for park improvements.

News for 2001

Board --- Calendar --- Committees --- Directions --- Links --- Membership
News --- Our Best Friends --- Projects --- Rules --- Secretary's report --- Treasurer's report

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