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Describe yourself in 3 words Smart-Charming-Evil   not that smart!
How do you see yourself
10 years from now?
Rich and famous (married?!)
Wut do people don't
know about you?
That im the best friend u can ever have or your wost enemy!! Bwhahaha Uh..shit..even though Im introvert-ish...Im unpredictable
Do you believe in God? Yeshh!!
Wild Guy or Laid-back Dude? In between!! Heheheeh
If yer gona have an orgy,
people be?
    Keanu, badoo and Francis Q. Whahhaha
Chill awt or partE “E”?     PartEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Lurves     Havin fun of course!!! getting drunk on Vodka & partEing hard.
Msg to all u foo'z




    -what do i put for a msg
i juz wanna say i love yaz =) and i love all mah fam

coa without them all ...life will be meaning less without "sheys"
laki na ulo nyan ehehehe
and its Cool to get wasted!! 4 letters (C u t E) ako` heheh
never under-estimate my memory at times my world is spinning. im only drunk, not amnesia-struck (well, maybe a little :P)
bitter-sweet love to m0foz who will remain unnamed for now, warm love to friendz, brotherly love for family, some other sort undefinable love for others, passionate love for one
Long life "deep breath" .... tangina PART'e'
Irks     Cockroach, i hate `em.. scawed of em! winning hoes!! grrrr i hate `em fag like rainbow colors!! Shitloads of HM eh em a bummer!! no need for that and HANGovers.

End Hunger and Poverty


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