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my 24 hours



9:30 -10:30 am     Breakfast (fuck it bunch!) at starbucks. Order one tall cappuccino, a tuna sandwhichand a pasta. Smoke a pack of Mild 7. converse a friend abt how fun lat nyts party at Twilo was. Check text msg- unread since last nyt due to xtreme sabogness. Call up a friend.
10:30 - 12 noon


    Window shop thru Rockwell or g4. Look haughty and rich. Raid Italian designers botiques, sift the shelves and arrogantly ask the saleslady for yur particular size. Look impatiently. If saleslady takes too long heave an irritated sigh. Then try out d clothes . if saleslady yells: Sir kamusta po? Yell back? AhhmMmm still trying eem awt!! Then walk out the fitting area. Dump clothes in clerks arms and snort DOESN’T fit meh!

Along the way walk over to Rustan’s head st8 for the perfumery and try out all d scents displayed in the shell.
12 noon     Have lunch with a friend in affordable but hoity toity restaurant. Talk abt last nyts really fun partEh!! Laugh a lot. Drink 2 beers, walk back to the mall.
2:00 - 3:00 pm     Have another coffee at Starbucks. This time order a goddam mocha frap. Take a table, smoke, and look cool. Ring up a friend to meet you up. Tell him/her frap’s on you. Bring up the same subject of the last night’s parteh. Begin to make plans for tonight.
3:00 - 5:00 pm     Watch a movie. Preferably something with pretencion to intellectuality or has been favorably reviewed on the time.
5:00 - 6:00 pm     Go back to starbuck’s but preferably another where people end their sentence with Pare and use expensive cellphones. call up a friend ask of there’s any rave event you guys could attend 2nyt. Order another frap. Run to mercury drug for a valium if your’e already experiencing heartburn. Whahah
6:00 - 7:00 pm     Look for black thingies u will wear for tonyts rave. Make sure u pick the one with the biggest brand tag. Call another friends through cell wyl shopping. meet for dinner and party afterwards.
7:00 - 9:00 pm     Make sure u eat alot. converse topics shud include last nyt's partEh and post dinner mochaccino with lots of whipped cream.
9:00 - 10:00 pm     Transfer to nearby bar chek for the volume ppl the more party ppl the better. double chek if any bar has ongoing event. make sure u take the window seat so ppl will see u. wave if u see an acquaintance.
10:00 - 12:00 mn     Midnyt BAr hOp. the rule of thumb shud be- one beer, one bar, then move on. avoid places with cover charges. but go ahead anyway if the joint is too cool to passby. Call up friends ask `em wer they are.. Make sure other ppl in the bar hear u.. Look for a friend hu has weed.
12:00 mn - 6:00 am     Pucha wat r `U w8ting for partEEEEEEEh till we drop from hell!! Dance off yer ass... around 2:30 Pop another pill or make it a combo! Drink gallons of water.
6:00 - 6:30 am     Once consciouness is back. Look for a chill awt place!! then Go Home and sleep!!

Try to get a real life for chrissakes!


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