Life in South Africa

White doctors purged from Eastern Province rugby

The Eastern Province Herald (19/01/99) reports that white doctors and physiotherapists were removed from their posts in Eastern Province (EP) rugby to make room for blacks and coloureds.

Why am I not surprised ?!?

The report goes on to say that the doctors and physios were notified by fax that their services were not required, and that they were not even told who had made the decision. No discussion, no apology, no nothing. You're white and you're in the way so just leave (the interpretation is my own).

One of the doctors is quoted as saying that they had tried for two seasons to get black and coloured doctors interested in joining the medical committee, but they just weren't interested -- those who said they were often didn't arrive at games.

According to EP rugby executive committee member Philip Joseph, the services of the axed members would continue to be required, but on a "standby basis". (Translation: You do all the work and I'll take all the credit, he he!)

What I've said about racism in other posts applies equally here -- it's all the same bullshit. Transformation has become a national disease. Everything has to be given the once-over to see that the numbers are just right. Pain, suffering, humiliation. All because of your skin colour. And all this in a non-racial democracy!!!

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