Life in Mandela's South Africa

Glossary of South African Terms


Afrikaner Term formerly referring to a white Afrikaans-speaking South African; now refers to South Africans of any colour who speak Afrikaans and who wish to be called that -- some coloured South Africans refer to themselves as brown Afrikaners. Hard-core right-wingers who don't like this idea have taken to referring to themselves as boere.

An alternative (and probably correct) interpretation is that Afrikaners refer to those Afrikaans-speaking people who remained behind in the Cape Colony when their brethren trekked into the hinterland in order to escape 19th century British rule, and who may thus be said to be more liberal than boere. In this sense, some right - winger talk of two Afrikaans - speaking white South African nations, one liberal and the other conservative.

Amakwerekwere Derogatory (xenophobic) term used by black South Africans to describe foreigners, in particular other Africans, whom they perceive as taking their jobs and causing crime.

Apartheid South Africa's claim to fame.


Biltong Chewy snack made from dried animal flesh. Considered a delicacy by South Africans and revolting by everybody else. See further South Africa Menus & Recipes from Africa (but don't take this advice too literally -- not everyone lives in the 19th century!)and also How to Make South African Biltong .

Boerewors Chunky sausage.

Braai South African term for "barbeque".


Coloured In the US, a "colored" person is a person with any black blood. In South Africa, a "coloured" person is a political group comprising those of mixed race, descendants of the original South Africans (who weren't Negroid -- Mandela is a settler as much as I am) and people who have no African blood but are descended form Malaysian slaves.

Cricket Field game previously the preserve of English-speaking whites. South Africa has the most consistent one-day cricket side in the world today and, although not the world champions, have beaten the world champions repeatedly.


Dorp South African town. Also dorpie, which is a smaller South African town.


Egoli Alternative name for Johannesburg meaning "place of gold". Also a popular soap opera.


Fanagalo Hybrid language used on South African mines.


Gogga Local name for a bug. Also a cricketer with an unusual bowling action.


Hoezitmybra Roughly translated, means Hello my brother, how are you?

Howzit my China For years most South Africans had been under the impression that "China" was a uniquely South African term. The Mail & Guardian (22/01/99) informs us, however, that the origin of the term is to be found in the early 19th century Cockney (London) rhyming slang "China plate" for "mate".


Intelligentsia Those who have emigrated.


Johannesburg The economic hub of South Africa. A vibrant place where you can find anything you desire. Gangs of Nigerians have taken over the city centre, forcing hotels to close and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange to move to the relatively tranquil northern suburbs. If the NYSE announced that it was moving out of Wall Street because of crime and grime, would the US President take notice? Ours certainly didn't.


Kief Excellent; good (said in relation to an experience).

Koeksuster Syrupy confection.


Lekker Nice; enjoyable. Also the Afrikaans term for candy.

Lobola Bride-price paid by family of suitor.


Mandela Nobel laureate president of South Africa. Enjoys meeting collecting doctorates, meeting pop stars, playing with his grandchildren and occasionally being president.

Muti Traditional African medicine. Comprises anything from roots and herbs to human parts. Muti killings are a leading cause of death in South Africa See further AFRICAN CULTURE .


Necklace Gruesome execution method whereby a tyre is placed around the neck of the victim, filled with petrol and set alight. Referred to favourably by Winnie Mandela during the height of the struggle.

Noose An instrument whose use is sorely missed by 70 % of all South Africans.


Orania Apartheid lives! Small community living the apartheid dream. Visit them here.


Pretoria Capital city of South Africa where the streets are paved with gold and everybody has one of those magical cards which give you money from a hole in the wall.

Previously disadvantaged Any person who suffered 340 years of racial oppression. May demonstrate previous-ness by driving a luxury German sedan.


Quagga Extinct zebra-like animal.


Robot A South African traffic light.

Rooi Gevaar ("Red Peril") Supposed threat posed by Communists.

Rugby Field game formerly the preserve of Afrikaans-speaking whites. South Africa are the world champions -- small miracles still happen!


Soccer Field game formerly the preserve of black South Africans. Characterised by corruption and incompetence, much like the rest of South Africa.

Struggle The struggle against apartheid. Sounds very laudable, but participation in same has become a requisite for emplyment in the state sector (i.e., an Old Boys Network has been established).

Swart Gevaar ("Black Peril") The old National Party used to threat posed by blacks and Communists (Rooi Gevaar -- "Red Peril") to whites as an election platform.


Taxi Ubiquitous South African mode of transportation. Responsible for thousands of deaths a year due to overloading, reckless driving and "taxi wars" over routes.

Toyi-Toyi Dance employed as a means of protest by black South Africans. Involves hopping a few times one foot before switching feet and hopping on the other.

Transformation Replacing employed whites with unemployed blacks as an alternative to actual job creation.

Tsotsi Bad person. A bad person with a political agenda is a com-tsotsi (comrade-tsotsi).


Unlicensed Firearms, driving, smoking ... You only need a license if you have time to spare to get one -- if you're a Deputy Speaker and very busy, the traffic authorities will send you a license in the post. No test required!


Volkstaat White homeland. Don't hold your breath ...


Winnie Mother of the Nation implicated in the disappearances of several young men, including teenage activist Stompie Sepei. Good friends with Louis Farrakhan.

Wit Gevaar ("White Peril") Ironically perhaps, the ANC and the other liberation movements are using the threat posed by whites as an election platform. See swart gevaar.


X-attitude I'm not sure what it really means either.


Yellow What white South Africans become when you say "racist".


Zebra The stripes are separate, but equal.

Zuma Former Minister of Health (Nazi). Good at wasting taxpayers money, driving away investors and destroying any semblance of a democratic culture. Not good at being a Minister of Health -- South Africa has one the world's highest rates of HIV infection. Now employed as Foreign Minister - an important position in important countries but nobody gives a damn what we do anyway, so at least she can't do too much damage in her new career. We hope.



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