The Frontier:
Population: (100,000). Every Race
Government: Anarchy
Major Cities: Wilderglen, Gem Towns, Port Radiance, Baulder Bridge
The Frontier is a large stretch of land that travels from the mountains known as the Shieldwall toward the southern coast of the Shatteres Sea. As of Anem 1445 Epoch of Discovery, the frontier is now being colonized, and taken back from various warlin bands, and other creatures.
The first successful merchant town was Wilderglen and the Glitter towns. As of now there are more than ten settlements and more are springing up every year.
The frontier is a vibrant land, which consists of goblins, and twisted version of minuians known as red caps. These Tooks are called Reppers and are befouled creatures left over from the Phoenix wars. They are cunning and vicious, being able to fight a dwarf to a stand still.
Beside those groups that live in the Frontier, there are the Vashue Plainsmen. To the settlements they are barbarians, and mostly nomads that prey on merchant caravans.

The Vashue: are tribes of plainsmen grouped into one great nation. They are the oldest known humans to travel about the Frontier plains. They are a very secluded group of tribes, wary of outsiders and interruptions on their society.
The Vashue are close nit group, each individual offering him into the group unity. The Vashue are natural leaders as well as excellent hunters.
They hate those who desecrate and would despoil the land, and often will come into conflict with warlins, and various humanoids and brigand bands.
They will stay away from human settlements only trading for food and service. Beside that they roam and live free off the land.
The coming of men and dwarves to the Frontier opened the door for mercenary bands and hired swords. They will work, for anything, from scouting out new lands to protecting caravans. These folk see it as a way to make a name for them and add some coin to their wallet.
The Frontier Narasidien elves are of the elven clans that headed west from Floral'lanthus. The Narasidien elves reside around the borderlines of the Shield Wall Mountains, and have been there since the journey west, over five centuries ago.
Even though they are fairly new to the region they have lived in the forest known as the Fallows for many years.
Upon the encroachment of man they have become more reclusive using the shelter of the forest to mask their presence. The Settlers claim the forest is bewitched by gray phantoms, but it seems that the phantoms are elves just protective of their homeland.
The Frontier Dimmarandien Elves are a community of elves that reside upon the mountains and have carved a considerable kingdom from themselves. Like most Elves the Dimmarandien are reclusive race that tends to dwell amongst themselves and high above in the mountains to forge great and powerful spell.
Like humans the Dimmarandien (Dusk Elves )thought of colonizing the Frontier.
This proved to be a mistake, for bloodshed reigned upon the Grey folk. The lands they sought where hotly contested for by the humans, and this brought about the plains war that lasted two years, during the Epoch of iron, Anem 1011. In the end the elves where forced to retreat to their mountain homes and never to forget the past wrongs thought done to them.

Dwarves about the Frontier are few and in between with a few dwarves residing on the plains. Near the Shieldwall mountains though a small contingent of dwarves have come to seek out a missing dwarven hold, known only to their ancestors of the clan of the Shield Beards.
The current clan of Shield Beards has set up camp in the Settlement of Wilderglen. Here their clan number almost five hundred strong, and are part of the current militia under service of the town.
The Shield beards have numerous shops in town and have several winter holds in the mountains were they seek out precious ores and Mythril.
Wilderglen Council: the council of Wilderglen is the prototype of many other Settlements.
Merchants and various storeowners that dwell within the glen, govern it. The council sits five members in all.
A man known as Prospero holds first council position and is a well known caravan merchant, who deals in rare items such as dwarven fire wine, and Sempress crystal wine.
Various other merchants except for the fifth take the other spots. The last spot is governed by a mysterious figure known as the Stiletto.




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