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Cheerio, is a uniquely spotted lemon Dalmatian who lives in San Jose, California. He has a wonderful family who loves him dearly. He sometimes likes to visit the neighbors by going over his fenced in run. He is now back home and grounded with a top added to his run. 

Lemon spotted Dalmatians like Cheerio may be more common than you may think. The geneticists have no explanation other than the fact that Dalmatians may have a gene called "chinchilla" that gives various shades to the lemon - the same one that makes golden retrievers and yellow Labradors various shades of gold or yellow. Some people would consider him as a lemon with extras!

Cheerio would like to thank the  Dalmatian Rescue of California's Central Coast It was only through their education of the SCVHS staff about different colored Dalmatian's that they knew right away it was Cheerio when they found him

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This page last updated September 22, 2004    
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