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The first picture of Vegas
Vegas and Cabu
Vegas and Cabu standing

A shelter in MT was asked to find a home for the Vegas and Cabu and they added them to their web site. They called him a Dalmatian x. 

We asked for new pictures, yes Vegas was a Lemon Dalmatian this was the start of this website.

It took several months but that forever home was found for Vegas a place where he would have been happy a wonderful family and be on the range he loved. They were willing to drive hundreds of miles to get him.

When the shelter called the owner He was  missing as he was to had been with the owner till a home was found we will never know just what happened. One story the owner told was her boys took Vegas and Cabu to another shelter, now she will give no information at all.

In our hast overlooked the fact that Cabu needed a home while not a Dalmatian Cabu should have posted with Vegas. If in the future you see something that may seem strange on a Dalmatian Rescue site remember "Cabu" we will. Vegas & Cabu are Missing & Presumed Dead" 

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This page last updated September 22, 2004      
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