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Sophie and her new little brother.

Above Sophie inspecting a hole she made


Breaux at 10 wk old

We would like to thank the Truett family and the Montgomery Humane Society for Sophie's & Breaux's pictures

   More pictures of Sophie and Breaux "press"

Sophie's a Lemon Dalmatians story- I was a Owner turn in and the reason my old family gave was that I was destructive; digging I was left at the Montgomery Humane Society. I now have a new home with a wonderful family in Birmingham, AL.

Breaux's story -  "Breaux" of course short for brother came when someone asked if mom and dad  would be interested in rescuing a young Dalmatian puppy.

Well, as you can imagine they just could not say no so off  to meet the rescue person half way this past weekend in Perry GA at a dog show. Six hours later they had a 10 week old, 21 pound, b & w bouncing baby boy! 

Sophie's mom mentioned and dad thought, what are these dog people going to say about our ole Sophie. Much to their surprise Dalmatian breeders came from all over the place to see the "Lemon Dalmatian". It was a welcome relief to have such a nice welcome.

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This page last updated September 22, 2004  
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